12-30-2004, 12:24 AM
I don't think this would happen, but does anyone think that it'd be cool if they remade ff7 and had a playlist of music and you could chose if you wanted ff7 music or the playlist of music

Lunatic HighVII
12-30-2004, 03:21 AM
Do you mean, download your own songs, and put them on the game? If so, that's a neat idea, because you could choose your own music to match the story, but I like the music. So, I wouldn't change it, because I can always listen to my CDs, or something. Neat idea, though, I've never thought of this. ;)

12-30-2004, 04:02 PM
Do you mean, download your own songs, and put them on the game? If so, that's a neat idea, because you could choose your own music to match the story, but I like the music. So, I wouldn't change it, because I can always listen to my CDs, or something. Neat idea, though, I've never thought of this. ;)

That'd be cool. I'd put Metallica on the Sephiroth fight, because it would sound like me kicking his butt.

12-30-2004, 06:35 PM
lol... i think that if they did remake the game, they should make it harder... like... have sephiroth be as hard as ozma in ff9... b/c he is kinda easy.... but the whole music thing... i liked the music from ff 7 .... the matallica sugestion would be kinda kool tho.. lol.

12-30-2004, 07:06 PM
yah if they remade it sephy and sum other people would need to be more difficult
and as for the music idea i think that would be cool......but u guys would need to put on something more metal than metallica.....toss on some Six Feet Under or bodom....or filth Maybe even norther during that fight
sumthing that sounds "epic"

01-01-2005, 04:10 PM
There *is* a way of hacking the game to play your own mp3s...only that it is extremely troublesome. Another thing is I'm 700miles from my machine, on holiday until January 21, therefore I cannot copy and paste the instructions.

01-01-2005, 04:16 PM
It would be interesting to say the least, but as I like the FF7 music, I probably wouldn't change it

01-02-2005, 06:37 PM
Yeah it would be cool if they did that with earlier FF games. There was a Chrono Trigger Music ROM which had the playlist and worked as a player which was awesome.

01-09-2005, 12:08 AM
i think the music is fine, i know they already have an orchestra cd.........its the actual music from the game, but done by an orchesrta. it sounds so different

01-09-2005, 12:16 AM
I don't think this would happen, but does anyone think that it'd be cool if they remade ff7 and had a playlist of music and you could chose if you wanted ff7 music or the playlist of music

Not really. I think the FF7 music was just fine. And anyway, I'd love it if they remade it for the PS2, but about the playlist...... It would probably be s**t music.

01-09-2005, 12:17 AM
why would it soudn bad?

01-09-2005, 12:38 AM
Think about it. FF7 was released in what, 1997? We're in 2005 now. Compare what music we had in 1997 to what we have now. I think that if we added music that we had NOW, it just wouldn't be FF7!

01-09-2005, 12:39 AM
yea, i gess so...

01-09-2005, 12:50 AM
it would be neat but it would kill the mood for certain parts i personaly think they shoudl remake 7-9 for ps2 with better graphics but with the same music and nothing new added to them.

01-10-2005, 01:05 AM
the music doesn't sound bad, it actually sounds like real instruments. i think the music sounds the same in ffvii and in ffx