12-28-2004, 11:02 PM
OK, on the build up of Shenmue online, I thought I would post a thread about Shenmueto hopefully find peoples opinions on the game.
IMO, it is a fantastically underrated game, I have played Shenmue 1 for the Dreamcast, and Shenmue 2 for the Xbox.
The level of interaction is fantastic, particularly on Shenmue 2, you can walk in almost any building, intreact with every person at least once, you can shop for normal, everyday goods, and while this happens, seasons pass, weather changes, and time goes by... I remember on Shenmue, going into the town, and a pub opening at about 8:00 and playing snooker with a man for money!
I thouroughly enjpyed both games, and while the controls were a bit difficult to get used to, you get there in the end, and the graphics are absolutely fantastic...
Phew! Well, I will stop there, but there is lots more I could talk about.

So, my ultimate question(s) are,

1) What are your opinions on either/both games?


2) What are your thoughts on Shenmue online?

01-02-2005, 12:59 PM
these are probably both in my top 10 games ever. shenmue 1 being in my top 3 at least. the story and writing is great and most of the charcters were really interesting(not really Rio, mostly Ren and Nozomi). The music and graphics were great and some of the artistic design in shenmue 2 is the best i've ever seen.
i don't know to much about shenmue online, and am not really too hyped about it. if it comes out on PS2 or PC i'll buy it cos' its shenmue but other than that i have no idea what its like.

01-02-2005, 01:37 PM
Well, It looks great, I am looking for good linkages - but my computer is being really slow.

Katamari Damacy
01-02-2005, 01:59 PM
Shenmue 1 and 2 are the best games ever. They are the definition of underrated, which is a shame. I have them both for Dreamcast, Shenmue 2 cost me $60 bucks, money well spent in my opinion.

01-02-2005, 02:30 PM
Found a Hyperlink (http://pc.ign.com/objects/695/695840.html)

I suggest browsing through the topics, paticularly the preview and the shots - the graphics look fantastic - yet again.

EDIT: Also, on the message boards on the website, they are saying things about Shenmue 3, but I am not sure whether they are reffering to onlinew, I will go see.

01-07-2005, 09:10 AM
I liked both of the games, I have the original versions of both(Japanese)...

Darth Revan
01-12-2005, 05:43 PM
I've got both Shenmue games for the Dreamcast, and both of them I hold in high regard. There was something so... 'real' about them, that I enjoyed. Being able to play old games like Space Harrier and such, as mini games, brought out the old nostalgic gamer in me. I think it was Yu Suzuki who made this masterpiece and that's exactly what it is : A masterpiece.

I saw a TV program called Icons once on Tech TV (A pay TV channel) which was dedicated to Yu Suzuki, and it blew my mind as to what a artistical genius he is. I feel indebted to him, for bringing out such a masterful game as Shenmue and it's worthwhile sequel, Shenmue II.

In regards to a online Shenmue... I shudder in fear and loathing at that respect, for I loathe and despise online games. But... that's just my opinon.

01-12-2005, 06:21 PM
Well, I sincerely doubt it will meet the standards of the predecessors, but I am definately going to give it a try.

01-12-2005, 07:31 PM
Well shenmue 1 wasnt really that interactive..lol fraid thats the only one ive played. I always wanted to play shenmue 2 (its just sooo hard to find though) but still the 1st ones quite a good game with excellent graphics/sound and plus its story is just as good. Oh and as for shenmue online..who knows it might actually turn out good but it probably wont , it cant possibly meet the standards of its predecessors.

01-12-2005, 08:35 PM
You'll find Shenmue 2 on eBay, and they sell it for the Dreamcast at my local Gamestation, that is if you were REALLY bothered about it though.

01-12-2005, 08:42 PM
Ive got Shenmue 2 on Xbox and its great. Its very realistic and the fighting system is ace =)
I heard there are meant to be 11 installments, is that true?

01-12-2005, 09:15 PM
I heard there are meant to be 11 installments, is that true?

the story is in chapters.16 i think. shenmue 1 covers chapter one and shenmue 2 covers two through four.
i don't know if they'll finish the story though. i guess they are doing shenmue-online to raise revenue so they can get the whole thing done-they'll probably keep a similar game engine to save costs which is fine by me since shenmue is at the level where better graphics and sound would be a waste of time+money.

01-13-2005, 07:28 PM
Well, this is the trailer for Shenmue Online. Obviously, it takes while to load.download similarly, so only try it if you are really bothered about it.

Low Res or High Res, its your choice (http://media.pc.gamespy.com/media/695/695840/vids_1.html?fromint=1)

Blaze of Evidence
07-23-2008, 06:31 AM
The series always interested me.... It's one of the reasons I brought a Dreamcast. I hope one day Yu Suzuki and SEGA will finish the series

07-23-2008, 08:02 AM
way to revive a 3 yr old topic.
but i concurr, shenmue is awesome.
its THE reason to own a dreamcast.
i went mad when the rumors of shenmue 3 turned up to be fake.
however, at one point, it was gonna be a reality, but it was turned into another game, called YAKUZA, exclusive to ps2.