12-28-2004, 02:08 PM
Hi, defeated geosa... (oh well fishy monster) went into temple but only got four lights lit up. I am missing the bottom left and right ones. I think they might be yellow and red, but not sure. Can anyone tell me which temples I need to visit rather than having to revisit all of them!

Huge thanks in advance!

Terra Fire
12-28-2004, 02:23 PM
Tell us what temples you've done and then someone may be able to help you :)

12-28-2004, 02:50 PM
I've been to all the temples, its just that I must not have found destruction spheres in all of them, and they are not in your equip list to check. So All I know is there are six spaces, four are filled and two are missing but not which two.

I've started back in reverse order and am heading of to Zanarkand first, so somebody stop me please if you know better!!

Many thanks

01-05-2005, 02:50 AM
You have to back to the zanarkand temple after fighting yunalesca.
this is from Karpah's guide on FFX this should help alot though
Top-left: Besaid
Centre-left: Macalania
Bottom-left: Zanarkand
Top-right: Bevelle
Centre-right: Djose
Bottom-right: Kilika

have fun finding em all if u need the guide's link here it is