Going Underground
12-28-2004, 06:47 AM
What is with squares recent "lets beat our most popular games into the fucking ground for the sake of some extra profit" attitude? They killed the wonderful story of FFX with a terrible sequel, and are now piling spin off after spin off on top of my precious FFVII. No wonder Uemetsa and others are leaving, its a fucking travisty. Granted, all these games are well made with decent production values; but it feels like these games are now being made with squares financial gain in mind, instead of heart and passion like they used to be. At least FFXII is still going to be artwork.

Of course I will still buy all of those games and movies, since I am a consumer whore.

Oh yes, discuss.

12-28-2004, 07:18 AM
Do you want to know what i'm doing at this very moment? do you?
well i'm playing final fantasy x2 and I' m enjoying myself in the desert while I dig. I don't know if you know where I am. by the way, I'd like to say that I passed this game 3 times and I still play. So I would not say it's crap. square enix didn't do that sequel just to make easy money. no . It's so well made. the only thing that I hate on that game is the mini games. ha and also the fact that we can control just womens but that problem is fast forgoten because of the jobs system. so please don't insult square enix by saying that a game is crap. ok ok I can understand that you don't love it but don't say to the ones who never played it that is shit, cauz they would pass aside such a fabulous game,,,,....
that'S the gist of it

12-28-2004, 09:17 AM
I can't help but laugh at people who think that their favorite games were made out of love or something, not out of a company's desire to make money.

12-28-2004, 10:22 AM
I can't help but laugh at people who think that their favorite games were made out of love or something, not out of a company's desire to make money.

Not all companies make it purely for greed.

Blizzard, for example, seems to have put quite a love into World of Warcraft, and quite a few of their employees play it for fun. ;)

However, Squeenix is not one of those companies. :-(

GU hit the nail on the head, and there's not anymore I could add. ;/

12-28-2004, 10:47 AM
Perhaps some of the individuals involved in a game's production actually care about it, but the company's concern is the money it will make. Companies like Blizzard and Valve, who keep pouring time and money into their work to ensure perfection, are the rare exceptions that prove the rule.

On the other hand, you can easily tell that Squaresoft/Square-Enix care more for their profits, as shown by their rush to release FFVII (despite the game being flawed and incomplete), the myriad recent spinoffs, and their rapid expansion into any available medium to further publicize the Final Fantasy name. Going Underground is trying to hold them to a standard they've never upheld and I can't help but find that funny.

12-28-2004, 12:20 PM
Going Underground is trying to hold them to a standard they've never upheld and I can't help but find that funny.

I dunno.

FFI probably had a lot of heart and soul poured into it, 'cause, you know, this was their last chance or they'd be bankrupt.

and I can't imagine that VI didn't have a large amount of love in it. :/

but, yeah, VII onward definitley don't.

XI shows it best.

if they cared they'd have been doing stuff about gil sellers, instead of not doing anything 'cause banning one customer will ruin their profit margin or something. ;(

12-28-2004, 12:45 PM
if they cared they'd have been doing stuff about gil sellers, instead of not doing anything 'cause banning one customer will ruin their profit margin or something. ;(

every major mmorpg out there has currency/account/item sales. it just comes with the territory.

games being rushed to be released frequently has to do with deadlines, not some sort of arbitrary decision. square needs money to run, their employees won't work for free. FFXI (and future mmorpgs) should actually play a significant role in lessening the finacial strain though.

fans had been asking for Final Fantasy sequels for years. FF7 was probably the most requested. they're giving fans what they asked for.

just because they don't happen to be releasing things you personally want doesn't automatically mean they've "sold out."

as far as blizzard putting "more effort" into things... well, with WoW, they really, really needed to. blizzard ran at a loss multiple years (running those servers costs money, and they don't have subscriptions). they absolutely needed an mmorpg that wouldn't be overshadowed. if they didn't deliver a great mmorpg (relative to the other mmorpgs on the market), I'd expect either huge cuts (ie servers shut down) or the company to just go belly-up or be bought out within a few years.

12-28-2004, 01:30 PM
games being rushed to be released frequently has to do with deadlines, not some sort of arbitrary decision.

My point was that a company that truly cared about the product they're putting out would take the time (even if it meant pushing back a deadline) to make sure it was the best it could be. Blizzard is a good example. Look at how long they pushed back Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2.

fans had been asking for Final Fantasy sequels for years. FF7 was probably the most requested. they're giving fans what they asked for.

And that's all well and good, but don't you think they've gone overboard on it? They're saturating every possible market. I mean, was there really a demand for a cell phone game about the Turks? No, of course not. Sure, people will buy it, but was there really any point to it other than to boost Square's sales in another market?

12-28-2004, 01:42 PM
haha i'm gonna refrain from commenting in a bitchy thread.

oh shit too late...

yeah i agree square's lost their touch since Tobal No 1

what ya gonna do?

Darth Revan
12-28-2004, 07:17 PM
Square lost their touch when they gave Hironobu Sakaguchi the sack after the failure of Final Fantasy : The Spirits Within. He had admitted, that he had a story, an idea if you will, that he wanted to tell. He wanted to tell a story about the meaning of life and death, an idea which he had since the death of his mother in a car accident.

The last FF project he worked on was FFX, in a very minor role. From FF1-5 he was the producer and director of the games. From 6 and onwards, he was given a minor role to fulfill. Thing is, he still had some directive control over his games, henceforth after his dismissal, Square decided to do all these prequels/sequels/spin offs, which Sakaguchi had refused to do.

In his mind, all of the FF games were complete when they were released. Each successive game was an epic, not a saga like Legend of Zelda, Y's or Breath of Fire, they had new characters and new worlds to explore.

But I've gotten off topic. To me, Square has lost some sight of their original goal, and have focused more on capital gain, which I can understand as that is the purpose of any business. But still... I can't help but feel that Square is, for lack of a better term, 'pimping' out their legacy.

Going Underground
12-28-2004, 08:27 PM
Xiahou: You illustrated my point perfectly, thanks.

Prak: Any number of dedicated artisans have had to ship a game earlier than they would like to because of a deadline, take Halo for example; they had to be done by launch even though they needed more time, its not their or their companies fault, its just that the game would likely have dwindled from the spotlight and not have been a hit unless they released it when people wanted it. There is a fine line between being dedicated to the fans and being dedicated to the wallet, which square had been dancing for years but never actually crossed until all this sequel shit started.

Sarah: It has nothing to do with what I personally wanted, or what anyone else personally wanted, its been written down as fact that square is producing these sequels based of sales of the previous titles and which properties would make them the most cash. Did you know they are making FFX-3 just because X-2 sold well? Yeah, square definately isnt in it for the greed, no sir. Square has gone from perhaps the greatest RPG developers of all time, to another mindless corporation along the lines of EA.

12-29-2004, 04:14 AM
they aren't making X-3. don't know where the hell you got that one from. ;-)

Prak: my point was that because they don't have a steady stream of income (which they now have, thanks to mmorpg subscriptions), occassionally they WILL need to meet a release date. if they don't get the game out, they don't get money. if they don't get money they can't continue to pay their employees.

XII is easily going to be more lucrative than any cell phone title that's ever been released. they haven't exactly rushed to put that out- if they were "only it in for money" wouldn't they rush that, not things like Before Crisis?

honestly, things like Before Crisis remind me of an author writing short stories in an existing world. it's near-impossible to make decent money from short stories, novels are where the money are. they go back to the same world because they enjoy expanding on it, and enjoy giving the fans another peak into it.

it's all about perspective. if you want to ensure that you'll hate the games before you have a chance to play them, you're more than welcome to. but keep in mind that you certainly don't have to.

Going Underground
12-29-2004, 06:48 AM
Its was announced on "the big" game sites a short time after the release of X-2.

12-29-2004, 08:08 AM
XII is easily going to be more lucrative than any cell phone title that's ever been released. they haven't exactly rushed to put that out- if they were "only it in for money" wouldn't they rush that, not things like Before Crisis?


it's all about perspective. if you want to ensure that you'll hate the games before you have a chance to play them, you're more than welcome to. but keep in mind that you certainly don't have to.

I agree, well said Sarah! Same thing goes for Advent Children. They could release it tomorrow, lacking quality, and still make a whole lot of money just because of the name. But they haven't, which shows how dedicated Square is to the quality of the games it makes

When I first heard of X-2, I thought it was completely unneccesary. Then I played it..four times. The way I see it, we shouldn't say anything is "too much" or automatically classify something as a good for nothing money magnet. I trust Square. So instead of tossing Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus out the window because they seem like recycled garbage, i'm excited about their arrival.

And if Uemetsa really didn't approve of the work Square was doing, why is he still going to do the music for the games? I think he just wanted his own production company.

But, I could be wrong.

12-29-2004, 09:38 AM
I agree, well said Sarah! Same thing goes for Advent Children. They could release it tomorrow, lacking quality, and still make a whole lot of money just because of the name. But they haven't, which shows how dedicated Square is to the quality of the games it makes

actually, if they released it tomorrow, it be so piss-poor that they'd get horrendous reveiws, thus decreasing sales, and pretty ruin their reputation. well, it'd probably take two or three bombs like that to ruin them, but it'd do a large amount of damage.

When I first heard of X-2, I thought it was completely unneccesary. Then I played it..four times. The way I see it, we shouldn't say anything is "too much" or automatically classify something as a good for nothing money magnet. I trust Square. So instead of tossing Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus out the window because they seem like recycled garbage, i'm excited about their arrival.

And if Uemetsa really didn't approve of the work Square was doing, why is he still going to do the music for the games? I think he just wanted his own production company.

But, I could be wrong.

Well, I'm not excited about AC or DoC because the VII world was weak.

and, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Uematsu didn't do much work if any at all on the last few games?
and I believe he wanted to pursue his own thing, and instead of working just for square being able to make music for any company.
or something like that.

12-29-2004, 11:31 AM
Its was announced on "the big" game sites a short time after the release of X-2.

a rumor was reported. nothing else. no sort of remotely official statement on X-3 ever appeared.

12-29-2004, 03:51 PM
actually, if they released it tomorrow, it be so piss-poor that they'd get horrendous reveiws, thus decreasing sales, and pretty ruin their reputation. well, it'd probably take two or three bombs like that to ruin them, but it'd do a large amount of damage.

True. But remember, the company that made DMC made that complete peice of crap DMC 2 and still people are drooling over DMC 3 even months before it releases. Many people are quick to forgive, especially if a new product seems promising.

Well, I'm not excited about AC or DoC because the VII world was weak.

I have to agree somewhat. It was a little bit weak, but Vincent was one of the more interesting charecters. and the action for AC looks pretty awesome, so I refuse to complain.

and, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Uematsu didn't do much work if any at all on the last few games?
and I believe he wanted to pursue his own thing, and instead of working just for square being able to make music for any company.
or something like that.

Well, he did the music for FFX, some for FFXI and the main theme for FFXII...can't wait to hear it :)

The Ricky
12-29-2004, 05:56 PM
Yeah, square definately isnt in it for the greed, no sir. Square has gone from perhaps the greatest RPG developers of all time, to another mindless corporation along the lines of EA.

LMAO!!!!! No shit Sherlock. That's what business' do, MAKE MONEY!!! Of coarse they put heart in the product, you know why, TO MAKE MONEY!!!

Hell, did you know that Square was gonna make a sequal to FF6 about 10 years ago. To say thank you to the fans by making the game about Shadow. They've made a lot of things people want, they do like the consumers. But it's ultimatly a business trick TO MAKE MONEY!!!

Welcome to the world of business.

Neo Xzhan
12-30-2004, 02:26 AM
I can't help but laugh at people who think that their favorite games were made out of love or something, not out of a company's desire to make money.

Baldurs Gate <3

Seriously your precious FFVII? You obviously haven't played alot of RPGs then. Any I think that Square deffenatly is turning FFVII into a cash cow seeing that it is (however doesn't deserve it) the most popular FF out of the series (FFX would get my vote though). This is actually a loss for quality, none of the the games or AC will be anywhere as good as FFVII itself (again, not that FFVII was all that great).

I thought The Spirits Within was awesome, call me crazy or whatever but I could really apreciate the movie. I love the old SNES Square games a whole lot more then their latest games to date. Only because the concepts, stories and everything that went with it were worked out so much better.

I'm not saying Square sucks, they're average now in my eyes. Which is sad because they were one of the best.

The Ricky
01-01-2005, 12:46 AM
I'm not saying Square sucks, they're average now in my eyes. Which is sad because they were one of the best.

I'll tell you why they're average. They put so much hype on an FF game, it comes out, and you go through the game wondering when will this get hard. I beat FFX without using much brain power.

FFX-2 was a disappointment, because they tried mixing genres into an RPG. And it just didn't work. AND IT WAS CHARLIE'S ANGELS WITH SWORDS FOR GOD'S SAKE.

01-02-2005, 05:47 PM
Actually I think Advent CHildren will be very good not just some cheesy ripoff. And although Final Fantasy X-2 wasn't super good, it was actually not too bad. It was certainly better than Final Fantasy 8 and 10 (I didn't like ten's ending sorry Oh look ima dream crap)

01-02-2005, 05:53 PM
Blake Shotgun <3