10-06-2015, 09:57 PM
As you probably know, a leak occurred pretty recently from the Black Ops 3 beta, where people were able to extract sound files used in multiplayer for the beta. I was able to download a folder containing every sound effect and audio file included, found here: TheBizarchivist Sound Collection (

I decided to take most of the tracks that had an important part to the beta, and actually included musical motifs that we may be seeing in the final game release. Of course, there are tracks missing, and nothing on this list is from the campaign, but I think this encapsulates a BOIII soundtrack promo pretty well. I made a custom listing of tracks, including what is believed to be the final multiplayer menu and zombies menu themes.

Here is the link, enjoy:
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Demo Soundtrack (!ZtdV2KwY!oG7XxzputtlovpBjOffPakeM29CFrPcv3vkAM2g1LsA)

(Cover Art is in the folder, .zip, mp3, no password)


1. Multiplayer Menu Theme
2. Prematch
3. Map Loading 01
4. Map Loading 02
5. General Spawn
6. Action
7. Countdown
8. Suspense
9. Endmatch
10. General Win
11. General Draw
12. General Loss
13. Underscore 01
14. Underscore 02
15. Underscore 03
16. Underscore 04
17. I Live
18. Zombies Menu Theme
19. The Giant Loading Screen
20. The Giant Round Start
21. Shadows of Evil Round Start 01
22. Shadows of Evil Round Start 02
23. Shadows of Evil Round Start 03
24. Shadows of Evil Trailer
25. Shadows of Evil Trailer (Instrumental)

10-06-2015, 11:42 PM
People seem to like using the term "leak" regarding this. It was more of a case of "A public preview build which the previous game's community tools were made compatible with (Due to being on the same game engine if my not-very-educated guess is correct)". There was no staff letting the cats out of their bags or people breaching Treyarch's servers & security (At least I certainly hope not!).

I'm surprised the content I provided actually contained more than just Multiplayer music. My extractions did reveal what I can assume was the entire base game's audio data & folders (Enough to slap a "SPOILER" on), but most of it was duds obviously to reduce the Beta build to the necessary content & size (And even then, the "CLASSIFIED" Specialist didn't stay classified for long, for clever folks found more than just the character's entire available dialogue files in the Beta files, although much of what I've seen has been taken down).

Oh, and it appears to be official that Jack Wall will be returning as music composer ( for this game, so it might be worth updating your music files with that info as I will be (As I'm somewhat sure "Treyarch Sound" will be the credited name for the Zombies soundtrack). There's even a preview track for anyone familiar with SoundCloud ripping:

So thanks for showing me music I didn't find!

10-07-2015, 12:01 AM
Sorry if I worded it pretty weirdly, but the zombies music wasn't actually from the rip that you provided. That was more the leak-side of things. There was a leak ( earlier on (in August) that released those zombies tracks, and I got them before they got taken down.

I also found some other cool tracks in your rip that were the different spawn and faction themes, but there was no indicator as to what faction each one was from, so I will save that for a later date.

Thanks for commenting, hope you enjoy the little promo album!

10-07-2015, 12:32 AM
The zombies music wasn't actually from the rip that you provided. That was more the leak-side of things. There was a leak ( earlier on (in August) that released those zombies tracks, and I got them before they got taken down.

Oh! Well I'll take back what I said & be thankful I don't have to go digging back into those files again.

Thanks for the little pre-occupier until the official releases.

10-20-2015, 04:39 AM

10-22-2015, 08:49 AM
Awesome!! thanks

A Fire Will Rise
10-22-2015, 05:33 PM
music is by jack wall, incase noone knew

10-28-2015, 08:03 PM
As soon as the official soundtrack is released Nov. 6, I will be sharing that too! (so make sure to check back here)

10-28-2015, 09:02 PM

Is this working for anyone?

10-28-2015, 09:12 PM
No it's no longer a page. I saw it the second it went up on Charlie Intel, but for some reason overnight amazon took the page down. It's possible they are updating info including the tracklisting.

10-28-2015, 09:55 PM
As soon as the official soundtrack is released Nov. 6, I will be sharing that too! (so make sure to check back here)

Then help yourself to the launch-build music files when I get 'em too, because I'm eager to get my hands on those & the rest of the audio data I can grab as soon as Black Ops II/III Studio ( is updated/verifies support to do so (And based on the timing surrounding the Beta, it may be a short wait).

10-31-2015, 05:10 AM

11-08-2015, 05:54 AM
Here is the full official soundtrack!

Thread 196418

11-09-2015, 02:07 AM
Thanks for this.