Demon Dante
12-27-2004, 11:21 PM
Ok im haveing trouple decideing what weapon to pick from in kingdom hearts the first one, so i was woundering your guys opinion on it thanks.

12-30-2004, 06:26 PM
I thought the best combination was to pick the power of the shield and give up the power the mage.

12-30-2004, 08:34 PM
Ultima Weapon is the best for Sora, with Oblivion being second until you can synthesize Ultima...

and for everyone else, it doesn't matter.

also, I would recommend giving up the power of the shield, picking sword. You don't need any defense if you can kill things faster, plus you can easily get a Cure Arts item from white mushrooms (if you know what to do, that is) which will make your Curaga heal you for full. ability wise, all the things you pick at the start will get you the same abilities eventually, so there's no real difference there.
however, Guard (a crucial ability to fight bosses such as the Ice Titan) is not gained until level 36 with Sword, so, going Staff instead is also viable to get guard earlier.