12-27-2004, 06:30 PM
I just want your opinion about the final fantasy game that you think is the worst. If you like all them, so just tell me wich one you loved the less.

for me it's final fantasy 4.
because the graphics weren't good as final fantasy 3 and it had been released before. and the story wasn't as interesting as other ff.

Darth Revan
12-27-2004, 07:40 PM
Worst FF game eh? Well, that's a hard choice really. It's either FF Mystic Quest, or FF X or FF X-2. Oh what the hell, ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!

I HATE voice acting in games, the graphics of X and X-2 were overrated and looked as if someone created them while they had blinders on! No world maps in them either annoyed me, as in no world map to explore at your free will (Like in earlier FF's!).

FF X-2... I can not understand why, a sequel to this game was made. I mean, what made this game stand out from the rest as one deserving a sequel, which was basically all fan service anyhow?

And Mystic Quest... The less said of that the better.

Anywayz, there are my votes for the worst, and if I get flamed for it, who cares. I'm just offering my own opinion.

12-27-2004, 10:34 PM
i love all the games but the one i love the least is most likly FF X-2, X was awsome porb the best but no point to make a sequal

The Sage
12-27-2004, 11:52 PM
I can't stand FFVII. IT'S CRAP!! and so many people suck it's dick ffs it's only cos everyone else says it's good!

FFX-2 is pretty bad too. The story is kind of crap if it were an entirly new FF game and not a sequal then it would have worked.

12-28-2004, 01:24 AM
well i don't think final fantasy X and X-2 were crap. but it's your opinion. I won't stop loving them just because you say it sucks. and I cannot stand a game without voice acting. and ffx was 2nd favourite. my first is ff9.

12-28-2004, 03:16 AM


also, 3 has never had a non-japanese release... and it had worse graphics than 4.. o.O

12-28-2004, 03:50 AM
you know, I have the both games so I must know what I'm talking about.. final fantasy 4 was boring. and it wasn't as good as ff3.

12-28-2004, 05:53 AM
I think 8 is the worst -_-

12-28-2004, 05:55 AM
Well I've not played all the final fantasy games, the NES games, X2, and most of the game boy games (if you really want to call them FF).

Anyway FFX is the only FF I've played and not liked. I did finish the game, it just took me about a year to do. I kept hoping the game would get better, that it would open up more once the airship became available, sadly it didn't. Aside from Wakka all of the main characters were very annoying, with too many awkward pauses in the voiced scenes. The graphics really were the only good thing about this game, but at the same time I feel they were a handicap, oooh look at the purty lights and stuff. Just seems like too much effort went into the graphics and not enough into the rest of the game. Lastly you know there is something wrong when blitzball is the most enjoyable aspect of this game.

Because of everything said above I've never played X2 and don't plan on ever playing it, so either FFX or FFX2 is what I consider to be the worst FF game.

12-28-2004, 05:56 AM
final fantasy X took me like 2 monthes ^-^

12-28-2004, 06:20 AM
well, we're all different! SO I respect your choice.

12-28-2004, 06:32 AM
I can't stand FFVII. IT'S CRAP!! and so many people suck it's dick ffs it's only cos everyone else says it's good!

FFX-2 is pretty bad too. The story is kind of crap if it were an entirly new FF game and not a sequal then it would have worked.

you should repent to god man people who like the game dont suck its dick u fucking moron u are such an asshole for saying that......people who like the game dont like it cause veryone else says its good we like the game cause its a fucking amazing game you stupid piece of dogshit
everyone has tehre own preferences u mororn god damn how can u be so narrow minded god damn it

and as for that vote on teh worse game thing i think there all fucking amazingly cool and good but my least liked is FF X-2

12-28-2004, 06:39 AM
you know, I have the both games so I must know what I'm talking about.. final fantasy 4 was boring. and it wasn't as good as ff3.

Does your final fantasy 3 look like this?

because that's really Final Fantasy VI.

If your final fantasy 3 game looks like this:

then I'll believe you.

but no way does the actual Final Fantasy III's graphics look better than IV's. ;/

12-28-2004, 07:06 AM
well it'S quite mixed up. I don't know if my game is 6 or 3 because have 2 versions of that game on my computer and one says ffx3 and the other says ff6. I mean it's written at the begining of the game. But I think that I have the final fantasy 6 because (I realise) it would surprise me that a nes game would have better graphics than a snes game...... well I apologise for what I said b4. ( i said that final fantasy 3 was better than final fantasy 4 ) so you're right. yes but I'd like to ask squanix why did they named their final fantasys all the same. I mean
-final fantasy
-final fantasy2 NES
-final fantasy3

-Final fantasy2 (when it's supposed to be 4)
-Final Fantasy5 SNES
-Final fantasy3 (when it's supposed to be 6)

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????
I'm all mixed up. I should've made a thread about it.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

12-28-2004, 07:11 AM
The reason the numbers are all screwed up is because there were some that they did and didn't release in the United States initially. Like Final Fantasy V I think was one --- never a U.S. release until Anthology. Hence numbers got skipped and changed.

Edit: Never mind. I see you started the other thread...

12-28-2004, 07:23 AM
what do you mean by " I see you started the other thread" ?
do we have a quota? we cannot start more than 2 thread?
Thank you for answering me though.

12-28-2004, 07:25 AM
No, I just mean that I saw the topic you had started talking about different versions, so I assumed your question had already been answered.

12-28-2004, 07:30 AM
ha ok thanks
and I have a question for you;
do you work for that site?
And I makes severals times I see you'Re there so I wonder if there'S another agent??

12-28-2004, 07:36 AM
ha ok thanks
and I have a question for you;
do you work for that site?
Sorry, but I'm not really sure what you mean by "that site." I'm afraid that's rather like asking me if I know about "that insurance" --- if you get my joke. However, if you mean here at the forums, yeah, I'm a moderator here.

And I makes severals times I see you'Re there so I wonder if there'S another agent??
Not really sure what you mean. The whole "Agent" thing doesn't really mean anything anyway. This is a just a screenname I use on pretty much every forum I visit. And the "42" is the only part I consider actually important. The Agent00 is just to tie it all together to make it sound cool.

But if you have any further questions about that, feel free to send me a PM, rather than responding here.

12-28-2004, 08:02 AM
well I'll respond here since i don't know what is a PM.
I knew you were a moderator but I wondered if you were paid for doing this. And i asked if there' were another moderator.

you, agent!
you did say wich final fantasy deceved you the most.
so tell it!

12-28-2004, 09:34 AM
you should repent to god man people who like the game dont suck its dick u fucking moron u are such an asshole for saying that......people who like the game dont like it cause veryone else says its good we like the game cause its a fucking amazing game you stupid piece of dogshit
everyone has tehre own preferences u mororn god damn how can u be so narrow minded god damn it

It's brainless shit like that rant that gives FFVII fans a bad name (which you fully deserve, by the way). Perhaps you didn't notice the threads where we had debated about the quality of that game and made quite a case for it being the very definition of mediocrity. Incidentally, FFVII is my pick for the worst FF.

12-28-2004, 10:19 AM
well I'll respond here since i don't know what is a PM.
I knew you were a moderator but I wondered if you were paid for doing this. And i asked if there' were another moderator.

you, agent!
you did say wich final fantasy deceved you the most.
so tell it!

Please stop having off topic conversations in threads. :(

to send a pm to agent, clcik on his name, and then click on "send a private message"

and to answer your question, yes, I'm one of the moderators of the General Final Fantasy forum.

12-28-2004, 05:11 PM
It's okay, Blake Shotgun. I already sent the message.

Oh, and my mind's still undecided as to the topic, hence no response. Hmm... okay, maybe Final Fantasy II only because I could never really get going with it.

12-28-2004, 06:27 PM
7 owns- the graphics arent the best (but the cgs actually arent that bad) but the storyline is amazing along with the gameplay. Also using materia seems easier than any grid or junction (or w.e the one in 8 is called) for magic. I liked 4 only because of cecil (heh he looked awesome- at least the pics of him that werent like 16bit) Anywayz id say the worst is 8. It seemed a lil boring to me- everything was peppy in seven and for sum reason it just kinda slowed down in 8. The caraceters seem almost laid back- a lil odd. Now I didn't criticize anyone for liking 8 or 4 or not liking 7 so I dont expect to be called a shitface.

12-28-2004, 08:24 PM
I've changed my mind since I joined these forums when I loved FF7, in fact I've gotten sick of it! I sold my copy of it a couple weeks ago and man did that feel good...the story is too simple, the materia system isn't all that great and the only good thing about it really was the music, I loved the music, but that's about it...So FF7 is my vote...Edit: (This doesn't mean I won't help people if they are stuck on this game or need advice about something in it.)

12-28-2004, 09:28 PM
Also using materia seems easier than any grid or junction (or w.e the one in 8 is called) for magic.

See, that's my problem.

Materia makes all your characters exactly the same, or at least possible to be so, and makes things kinda lame when all your characters can do all the most powerful moves. ;/

12-28-2004, 10:10 PM
I like every FF game I've played so far. But I have to say X-2.

12-29-2004, 12:49 AM
FF I and two are retarted. I bought them for GBA and they are GAY. I can't figure out what the HELL to do. Can SOMEONE Help me with them?

12-29-2004, 03:45 AM
What? they're retarted? it's not much complicated to figure out what to do.

12-29-2004, 09:31 AM
FF I and two are retarted. I bought them for GBA and they are GAY.

I'm fairly certain they are not attracted to other games of the same gender.

If you had chosen less offensive means to express your dislike of FFI/II, then perhaps I'd work with you to figure out what you don't get.

12-29-2004, 03:48 PM
FF I and two are retarted. I bought them for GBA and they are GAY. I can't figure out what the HELL to do. Can SOMEONE Help me with them?
If you think the first two FFs are retarded, then you obviously are retarded yourself, they are so simple!

12-29-2004, 04:10 PM
My least favorite Final Fantasy is probably IV or III. I played VII and VIII before I played them and the lack of graphic detail was just too much to bare. The storylines were pretty good, though.

12-30-2004, 08:00 AM
I see that no one here said final fantasy 9 as his or her worst final fantasy. :) It's my favourite

12-30-2004, 07:52 PM
My least favorite ff is probably the first one cuz i cudnt get very into it since the charactors didnt have conversations with eachother so i didnt feel like i got to know them.

12-30-2004, 08:17 PM
yes, A final fantasy must have a story or dialogs cauz it'S not a final fantasy.

12-30-2004, 08:20 PM
yes, A final fantasy must have a story or dialogs cauz it'S not a final fantasy.


Have you played FFI, the one the poster above you was mentioning, and that's what brought this up?

Because.. you can't say the first game in the series is "not" in the series. o.O

12-31-2004, 06:15 AM
out of the FF games ive played the worst was 8

12-31-2004, 07:41 AM
I meant that it was but I think that what makes that a ff is a good one is the story and the dialogs.
And i said that a final fantasy game would not be a final fantasy game if it hasn't a story and dialogs..... u understand Black Shotgun?

01-03-2005, 04:27 AM
Final Fantasy I doesn't have much dialog man, yet it's still one of the best ones...

Aerith Gainsborough
01-03-2005, 09:56 PM
Ok, first of all, I haven't played FF 1-3. But I played all the others though.

My worst FF game is FF-IV, because it was very slow and the story wasn't that great in my opinion. :(

01-04-2005, 05:35 PM
The worst has to be 8, I found that one so dissapointing, in fact I have tried to play it right through twice and failed due to boredom...

I never expected much of 1-6, but after playing tham i think they are great games, simple yes but good none the less...

01-04-2005, 05:53 PM
obvioly 9 is the worst poor story line poor sidequest and even worse charachters anybody agree?

01-05-2005, 08:08 AM
obvioly 9 is the worst poor story line poor sidequest and even worse charachters anybody agree?
it is not obvious, people here like FFIX, it had a great story and had cool characters too, the sidquests were pretty good too...

01-05-2005, 10:08 AM
ive actually played them all other than 11 because its online so i hate it and its houyld die but really its just impossible to choose ven the original ff123 theres somethign about them thta just makes them good no matter what.

01-06-2005, 11:15 PM
ive actually played them all other than 11 because its online so i hate it and its houyld die but really its just impossible to choose ven the original ff123 theres somethign about them thta just makes them good no matter what.
You hate FFXI just because it's online? Wow....You've never even played it! Give it a chance...

01-07-2005, 02:20 AM
obvioly 9 is the worst poor story line poor sidequest and even worse charachters anybody agree?


IX is one of the best

01-07-2005, 02:28 AM

IX is one of the best
That's what I said, I don't think s/he believes me...

01-07-2005, 02:33 AM
FF5 FFX and FFX-2 all suck! FF5 whad really boring characters and FFX was all around lame i hate Titus,cry baby,wussy,pathetic all come to mind and FFx-2 i dont even have to say any thing..........

FF9 i didnt like the "oh ill fill in little bubbles to get demon eater even since you never fight any demons" all the abilities are worthless in that game !

01-07-2005, 03:00 AM
FF5 FFX and FFX-2 all suck! FF5 whad really boring characters and FFX was all around lame i hate Titus,cry baby,wussy,pathetic all come to mind and FFx-2 i dont even have to say any thing..........

FF9 i didnt like the "oh ill fill in little bubbles to get demon eater even since you never fight any demons" all the abilities are worthless in that game !
FF5 probably whooped your ass, and FFX wasn't that bad, if all the abilities in FFIX are so useless, then how did you beat Necron?? Or any of the other bosses who threw status ailments at you like crazy?? Let me guess, your favorite was FFVII...ugh...

01-07-2005, 05:22 PM
Chorns, stop having a go at people just because their opinions don't seem to be of approval to you.
I'm glad to see people disliking FF7. It is my greatest game, but I don't care what others think. I would like to see an explanation of why they hate the game though. :)
My worst, I am very surprised no one has mentioned this, is FFCC.
You want simplicity, sodding rubbish gameplay, crap storyline- play this. After a while, it gets very VERY repetitive. The urge to replay it will never come around again.

EDIT: No need to get arsey as well. Don't like opinions, don't bitch about them.
Oh, all that coming from an inferior n00b... O:]

01-07-2005, 10:32 PM
FF7 Kicked ass!!! it had a great storyline and characters that we all came to know and love that actually have a personality and emotions and for those of u that say the materia system makes all the characters alike well then ull have to say that too about tens sphere grid cuz u can swap all the characters and make tidus be a weak pussy and have all yunas techs and make yuna a power house with all tidus's techs or make them exactly alike just yuna uses a staff and can summon and tidus uses a sword. I personally think ther all good but the only one that ever pissed me off and made me hate it for a week was ten cuz it had no leveling up and the way to get the ultimate weps is too hard.

01-07-2005, 10:49 PM
FF5 and FF9 are the worst based one FF% has no good characters and FF( has a crappy plot!

i mean FF5 not FF%

01-07-2005, 11:58 PM
How does FFIX have a crappy plot? How are the characters in FFV boring? At least explain yourself...

01-09-2005, 09:26 PM
I loved ffX. It had a beautiful ending. I was so excited when they said they were making a sequel. And then i played it. And it was horible. The storyline sucked and they changed everyone's personalities till they were all stupid and immature-ish. And "non-linear" is not as good as it sounds. In fact it is difficult and irritating and i have not finished the game and prabably never will.

Oh and FFXI is bad too cause it was online and they should have called it something different if they wanted to make an online game.

01-09-2005, 10:37 PM
Oh and FFXI is bad too cause it was online and they should have called it something different if they wanted to make an online game.


Why is a game automatically bad if it's online?
Why should they call it something else?

01-09-2005, 10:53 PM

Why is a game automatically bad if it's online?
Why should they call it something else?
that's exactly what I asked someone else who said they didn't like FFXI cause it was online, they still haven't answered...

01-10-2005, 03:15 PM
Because online games and console games are like two different categories. I don't mean to offend anyone who likes online games, but i am not fond of them...
Don't get mad or anything if absolutely love online games, after all, this thread is all about opinions.

01-11-2005, 02:21 AM
Because online games and console games are like two different categories.

Oh, right, I forgot that you can play FFXI on your PS2.

01-11-2005, 04:20 AM
I have already played from IV to IX and the worst for me is the VIII...

Reasons: The graphics are great, allright (better than FFVII's) but I dont like the characters and for me the storyline is no good at all...

ps: the FFs I most liked is FFVII and VI.

thats all.


01-11-2005, 05:12 AM
I have already played from IV to IX and the worst for me is the VIII...

Reasons: The graphics are great, allright (better than FFVII's) but I dont like the characters and for me the storyline is no good at all...

ps: the FFs I most liked is FFVII and VI.

thats all.

Why don't you like the storyline? I thought it was pretty good.

01-11-2005, 05:42 AM
Why don't you like the storyline? I thought it was pretty good.
I don't think it's good if compared with the serie's anterior games. FF7's storyline is a lot more complex, and also are the characters (look at Sephroth).I think FF8 has good features like the card sistem and those combos but the characters aren't far as good as Celes, Kefka, Cloud or Sephroth. This, and plus the storyline couldnt make me interested about "what will happen next" and about keep playing, although I did.

PS: Sorry for my english.

01-11-2005, 11:14 AM
I agree with nevermind...

The story held no interest for me, and the plot twist was possibly the most pathetic one ever (oh look we all came from the same nursery thing and Eda was our matron :rolleyes: )
I couldn't generate any feelings at all for the characters, unlike all the other FF's I've played....

01-11-2005, 10:59 PM
I found 8 and 10-2 really disapionting.
8 was just to boring and dull i found, i've said it all in other posts. As for FF10-2 the game was waaaaaay to easy and all girlified. I dont like Yuna. :-(

01-13-2005, 09:16 AM
Probably ff 8 like most people said its plot twists were pathetic , as was its story. I didnt feel anything for the characters either.

Crimson X
01-13-2005, 01:34 PM

01-13-2005, 06:59 PM
>.> I wish some people would stop slamming other for their opinion is a little bit rude. >.>

Have I mentioned yet that FFCC is my worst? Closely followed by FF8. FF8 had a dire love story, boring characters, and a craptastic draw system.

I ain't explaining myself too much caus I do not feel the need too. :P

Siren's Song
01-13-2005, 09:29 PM
love VIII and X...probably cause they're the first ones in the series i played... HATE, LOATHE and DETEST IX and not exactly keen on X-2, cause it's a let-down after X, and i can't stand the dressphere system!

01-14-2005, 01:28 AM
>.> I wish some people would stop slamming other for their opinion is a little bit rude. >.>

I see it more as asking people for explanation so that this thread isn't just a spam of:
"IX yeah it sucks"
etc. etc.

No opinion is worth having if you can't back it up with even just a little bit of explanation, imo.

Probably ff 8 like most people said its plot twists were pathetic , as was its story. I didnt feel anything for the characters either.

Hey, sounds exactly like VII.

01-14-2005, 02:35 AM
I really didn't like FFCC it was very boring and I didn't see the point of it.

01-14-2005, 02:36 AM
I have played 1-9, exluding 3jp and havent beat 8, im in the middle of playing it right now, i have found 8 rather slow and boring so far, but i have to say my least favorite was definately IV, i had to make myself beat that game, it got on my nerves, and when i finally finished it(last week) i was soooo happy just to have it done with. I actually really liked 5, the whole job system i loved, 1 i liked because of its "first rpg" style, and 2 wasnt as bad as people claim it is.
I really liked IX, the game had a beauty about it, the plot was good, it returned to the old style medieval era. I definately loved VII, it was the first final fantasy i beat, and i still have to say, the music, settings, plot, cant get any better, it was the first one to break out of the old style castles and thieves(ff6 had a little tech in it), and brought something totally new.

EDIT* what about tactics, i havent beat that game but i think its great.

01-14-2005, 07:12 PM
I don't think it's good if compared with the serie's anterior games. FF7's storyline is a lot more complex, and also are the characters (look at Sephroth).I think FF8 has good features like the card sistem and those combos but the characters aren't far as good as Celes, Kefka, Cloud or Sephroth. This, and plus the storyline couldnt make me interested about "what will happen next" and about keep playing, although I did.

PS: Sorry for my english.
FFVII's storyline is one of the simplest! I don't think your head is on straight...

01-19-2005, 12:34 PM
Honnestly I think all the storys are simple, Intesting yes, but simple.

01-20-2005, 01:01 AM
I think all of them are fine.....but sometimes they do get on my nerves.....

Black Waltz
01-20-2005, 01:29 AM
first off i hated 7, it just got old to fast, but FF9 was prolly the best, why? well if u had playd ne of the others like one for instance FF1 maybe u would have got how in dept the story line really was, but if u didnt then ur probally completely clueless, also 9 threw in alot of things from the other games also. I didnt really get into FF2 much either after i found out u could beat urself up to lvl just made lvling up to easy.

01-20-2005, 01:34 AM
ff5 worst

01-22-2005, 10:16 PM
Mystic Quest sucked.

Dragon Slaya
01-22-2005, 10:33 PM
FFVIII Is lame.

01-22-2005, 10:40 PM
dose it have to be a game? cuz my vote goest to that fianl fantacy spirits within movie.. that blew bigtime...

if it has to be a game.. i'd say 2.. i borrowd a copy of origins.. and well 2 sucked

01-23-2005, 12:24 AM
I thought the spirits within sucked too.

01-23-2005, 01:20 AM
Spirits within was a good movie its just that it had the final fantasy name on it that everyone labeled it a bad movie

and i think mystic quest was the worst final fantasy

01-23-2005, 06:47 PM
I think 8 is the worst -_-

I agree with ya there. I mean from going from Final Fantasy 7 to that, cmon now. I think they tried to make it too reall. I didn't like how when you were walking around how your party members went trailed behind you instead of going into to like so many of the other Final Fantasy games.

01-24-2005, 05:33 AM
I'll say it again, VII was the worst imo.

01-27-2005, 10:53 PM

01-27-2005, 11:17 PM
Of all of them that I've played, FFX-II was the worst. I haven't played FFIII yet just because it's hard to get and I don't want to play it on a crappily translated emulator. I'd say the second-worst was FFX, but that might be because I simply couldn't stand: A. Tidus. B. The sphere grid. My favorite is FFVII, although it isn't the best. Actually, I think the best was FFI because it was the only really challenging one.

01-28-2005, 12:24 AM
the worst has to be VII, its funny all the FFVIII fans say VII is the worst and all the VII fans say VIII is the worst >.<

01-28-2005, 02:23 PM
I didn't particularly like FF:CC. It was the first dungeon crawling final fantasy and became very repetitive after two or so years (in-game years).
Also I think that FF7 is an enjoyable game, yet am put off by it due to its horrendous hype and overrated quality.

01-28-2005, 05:03 PM
I personally liked all the final fantasies except FFXI. It is so boring, annoying, and it was a crappy idea to make a Final Fantasy that was a MMORPG.

01-31-2005, 06:31 AM
i say mystic quest suxs

Faye Kipling
01-31-2005, 07:15 PM
I thought FFX-2 was appalling. It was a laugh, the way they turned it into Tomb Raider mk II.

One Fantasy
01-31-2005, 07:24 PM
Though I haven't played it, XI seems the most unappealing. Of the ones I have played, I think VIII was the worst, although it gives me more characters to manipulate in my stories!