12-27-2004, 08:46 AM
I would like that square enix remakes de super nintendo ff games. I mean just keep the story line an the characters look. I'd like them to do the remake on ps2 or maybe ps3. It would be very interesting cauz the ff's stories were so good but the graphics were....super nintendo graphics! I don't know if you agree with me. Many many final fantasy fans love this saga just because of the psx ones. I mean ff7 ff8 ff9 ff10.... so what I think is that it would be a very good project for square enix to do. such beautiful games are unknown just because they're old and it's not very interesting by today to play an old nintendo game. And I'd like to add that my favorite ff game is final fantasy 3 and I would love it if I could play it on my ps2 with cinematics and everythings that goes with.. don't you think that would be a good idea?

12-27-2004, 09:18 AM
uh, they've already been rereleased.

FF Anthologies
FF Chronocles
FF Origins

and new graphics?
no thanks.

the old graphics are so much better looking than the PSX and later ones.

12-27-2004, 06:18 PM
I don't mean rerelase. I Mean a remake. the game would not be the same. the only thing that would remain would be the story, hte characters and the places. but they would put it in 3D and it would look like as the rescent ff. like ff10 or ffx2 or even ffxii.

12-27-2004, 06:28 PM
I don't mean rerelase. I Mean a remake. the game would not be the same. the only thing that would remain would be the story, hte characters and the places. but they would put it in 3D and it would look like as the rescent ff. like ff10 or ffx2 or even ffxii.
it won't be the's like saying Lassie isn't fun anymore, so let's get a new and improved dog!!!

12-27-2004, 06:37 PM
yes and that'S what I think is fun. that it won't be like playing this old final fantasy. no, it'll be like playing a common brand new game that just has the same strory as one before. it would also be fun to hear voices, see conematic, travel on the map in 3d, and that we could play it on playstation 2 or maybe ps3.


Darth Revan
12-27-2004, 07:36 PM
*shakes head in digust*

Remakes of classics? OH HELL NO!! Look, to coin a quote : If it aint broken, why fix it?

Just because the graphics aren't as good as FFX or so (Personally, I hated FFX's graphics, and I think the thread in which I posted my disgust and hatred for FFX may still be here somewhere.), who cares? They were released on the Super Nintendo System (or Super Famicon, same thing.), and even today, I find myself playing and enjoying them on the SNES, more than even the PSX rereleases.

Personally, I hate voice acting in games, and that was one of the reasons I hate and loathe FFX, X-2. I just pray to every single deity in the Norse, Egyptian and Greek pantheons, my hazy memory can recall, that Square does NOT remake FFIV-VI with new graphics and voice acting.

As I've always said, graphics do NOT make a game. They just make it look nice. Personally, I prefer FFIV-VI as they are, because I grew up playing them, and as I said before, still enjoy playing them.

12-27-2004, 08:31 PM
such beautiful games are unknown just because they're old and it's not very interesting by today to play an old nintendo game. And I'd like to add that my favorite ff game is final fantasy 3 and I would love it if I could play it on my ps2 with cinematics and everythings that goes with.. don't you think that would be a good idea?

hate to prove you wrong here but the older games are still known and making a comeback on their own. i don't own above a SNES (game systems only) and (my opinion) they're more interesting and challenging. if they've already made or are considering remaking the SNES games then it should be done on the PC and not on a PS2 or PS3.

12-27-2004, 08:41 PM
it won't be the's like saying Lassie isn't fun anymore, so let's get a new and improved dog!!!

hahaha chorns that made me laugh soo hard

12-28-2004, 01:39 AM
well think what you want but me, final fantasy x is my favourite. And I think that the criteria for a game to be fun (for me ) Is that it has to have A VERY good story and It had to have good graphics. And XIAHOU DUN,may I ask you a question? How come you hated the ffx's graphics and that you loved snes'graphics more while final fantasy X has A thousan times better graphics? nonsense! but I'd like to say that I love the old snes final fantasy and that the graphics don't do that a game is fun. But what I meant is that for today, (TODAY) a snes graphic game.....ho whatever......

I don't know if you notice but I said the word "graphic" 5 times......

12-28-2004, 03:27 AM
The old graphics just look... more appealing.

I don't like to see computerized fake-looking people...

thus, I like the homely, classic look of the old games a lot better than the newer ones.

12-28-2004, 04:55 AM
wHat'S the problem with you guys???? everyones here seem to hate every new final fantasy!! Do you have some problems with technologie? you know, final fantasy x and x2 were the best GAME ever released on a playstation2. And I know what I'm talking about. I own about a hundred of ps2 games and no one is as good as them!!!!! wake up!

Darth Revan
12-28-2004, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by only_my_opinion

wHat'S the problem with you guys???? everyones here seem to hate every new final fantasy!! Do you have some problems with technologie? you know, final fantasy x and x2 were the best GAME ever released on a playstation2. And I know what I'm talking about. I own about a hundred of ps2 games and no one is as good as them!!!!! wake up!

If you think FFX and X-2 are the best, that's your own choice, who am I to say otherwise. It's a free world... supposedly.

Yes, I have both of them, but I just don't like them. Yes, I've finished the both of them, but... they just don't appeal to me. That's my own choice. As I said, I prefer the original graphics to the later day graphics, because of nostalgic reasons. Also, think about it, there are things you can do with pixel graphics which can not be done adequately with 3D. For those reason and some others I won't go into detail about, I prefer FFIV-VI the way they are on the SNES. If you don't like that, well, sorry. To coin a phrase... thats 'only my opinion'.

12-28-2004, 05:47 AM
ok I respec that xiahou dun. but a new question: If square enix would do remakes of these games, would you buy it?

Darth Revan
12-28-2004, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by only_my_opinion

ok I respec that xiahou dun. but a new question: If square enix would do remakes of these games, would you buy it?

To be honest, I'm not really sure, as I still haven't gone out and bought Dawn of Souls yet (Main reason being I don't have a GBA, but that's beside the point.). As I've said, I prefer the old style, and tolerate the sharper graphics of the FF Anthologies (In the PAL territories, IV and V. VI had a stand alone release.), I'm still unsure. My hatred for voice acting in games not withstanding... My only response to your question is : I do not know.

12-28-2004, 08:36 PM
I gotta agree with Xiahou Dun here, I much rather like the older games than the newer games, maybe it's just nostalgia but there's something about them that I like better...I have all of the old FFs(meaning I through VI) and I like them better than the newer ones, with an exception for "The Zodiac Brave Story".

12-28-2004, 09:40 PM
wHat'S the problem with you guys???? everyones here seem to hate every new final fantasy!! Do you have some problems with technologie? you know, final fantasy x and x2 were the best GAME ever released on a playstation2. And I know what I'm talking about. I own about a hundred of ps2 games and no one is as good as them!!!!! wake up!

nothing is the matter with me. i just think that the older games are more challenging which makes them more enjoyable. i don't have any problems with technology but i prefer the old games. gotta remember that not everyone has a PS2. i sure don't have one. i've found that when i play the new games they're not as challenging (took me 2 hrs to get one game to work on my atari) and i can figure out stuff really fast. not changing my mind here that the new games are apparently better than the old ones.

12-28-2004, 10:50 PM
The original versions are better, period.

Lunatic HighVII
12-28-2004, 11:36 PM
No, I think better graphics would change the games too much. To people who love the games, and play them over and over, it wouldn't be the same game anymore. It wouldn't be a classic anymore. There's nothing wrong with better graphics, I am just saying, I don't think final fantasy should be any more realistic looking. The graphics are fine, and the games should stay the way they are. It shows the improvement of technolgy, anyway. ;)