12-27-2004, 05:14 AM
So earlier tonight I was driving in the car with my sister, and we were listening to the radio because she usually has it on in her car. I'm usually pretty indifferent to the music in the radio, but there was this one song that came on that both of us started laughing at as soon as one chord was played. From the first breath the guy took, it sounded like he was trying as hard as he possibly could to make his voice drip with emotion. Kind of like how the Nickelback guy does it. Man, I hate Nickelback. But that's not the point.

The point is that we were so entertained by this drippy emoish song with incredibly shallow lyrics that we actually listened to the whole thing in morbid fascination. Then the song finished and the DJ said: "That was Papa Roach with [Insert name of song here, I can't remember now.]" We both switched quite promptly from laughter to violent screaming.

I still have very strong memories of listening to Papa Roach on the radio back in the late 90s. I'm assuming everybody remembers that "Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort" song. As overplayed as it was, I really liked it at the time (I'm not fond of that sort of music anymore, but I still maintain that Papa Roach was a hell of a lot better than the other bands of the sort like Limp Bizkit). I simply cannot believe what they have descended to.

Maybe the band just decided they wanted to go in a new direction with their music. But I have a really hard time believing that that new direction would just happen to be a sound that is just beginning to hit the height of its trendiness, that dozens of other bands have cropped up on the radio doing in exactly the same way in the past year. Especially when they are Papa Roach, the super tough numetal band with the creepy cockroaches on the front of their album. I mean, I know their lyrics were always really angsty and emotional and all that, but the feel of the music was completely different.

People get on the cases of pop stars like Hillary Duff and Ashlee Simpson. But I don't think what they do is really all that bad. They may not really be talented musicians, but they don't pretend to be. They are what they are: Singers who are there to look pretty and sing other people's songs decently. They are much better than bands that get to a certain level of popularity based on a musical style that they loved and made their own, and then jump ship as soon as it isn't popular anymore, leaving their existing fan base in the dust. I'm not saying you can't evolve or even overhaul your musical style for artistic reasons. I'm just saying that isn't what happened here, and it's not what happens a lot of the time, and that's pretty fucking sad.

Optical Blueberries
12-27-2004, 05:23 AM
People get on the cases of pop stars like Hillary Duff and Ashlee Simpson. But I don't think what they do is really all that bad. They may not really be talented musicians, but they don't pretend to be. They are what they are: Singers who are there to look pretty and sing other people's songs horribly.Fixed.

And yeah, Papa Roach sucks. Glad you got the memo.

12-27-2004, 05:34 AM
lol yeah cause if optical blueberries doesnt like it its carp

Optical Blueberries
12-27-2004, 06:03 AM
lol yeah cause if optical blueberries doesnt like it its carp
Nah. It's just that they really are terrible. Ever hear them sing live? Besides, I do look crap bands/singers. Bleh.

12-27-2004, 06:09 AM
so like, who cares papa roach suck moose cock

12-27-2004, 07:38 AM
agreed. Seriously this happens tons with alot of "mainstreamish" acts. Like those good Charlett guys. I mean they totally tried to pull a Thursday with the random poetry break after being known as like a pop group. There just trying to keep up with "the times" so to speak.

12-27-2004, 08:13 AM
Was it on their second album that they started doing the poetry thing? Or do they have a third now? All I know is that when they first got their break, they came out of my city, and I remember hearing them on the local radio station ALL THE TIME saying stuff like, "You know, we just like to play music, we don't really care how people define it, we just do our thing and if they like it that's great." And, "When all our friends were starting bands, they were saying stuff like, 'We're gonna be a punk band' and 'we're gonna be a hardcore band' and all that, and we just didn't wanna do that. We just make music.'"

Then their second album came out and all of a sudden they were all dressing completely differently and making themselves out as PUNK ROCKERS! I never really liked their music very much, but I liked the guys based on what I heard them saying on the radio, so I was hugely disappointed. =\

The Ricky
12-27-2004, 10:11 AM
I think this calls for Emo Extermination Part II. I'll just have to come up with some lyrics.

12-27-2004, 11:37 AM
I know, when Good Charalotte came out, then seemed more preepy, then all of a sudden there out there saying there a punk and all that shit, and yes alot of people don't beleive that one bit. I swear I still get pissed when their fans say their "pop punk", which I think is a formal way of saying your a poser.

and I'll try to find the name of that Papa Roach song, I heard it on the radio too and it made me cringe listning to it.

12-27-2004, 01:24 PM
Trendhopping and emo makes baby Jesus cry, which is especially bad near Christmas time. And they aren't emo tears, they are GENUINE tears of DISAPPOINTMENT.

But now I wanna hear this song so I can laugh.

12-27-2004, 07:15 PM
GC-biggest bunch of faggots that will conform with whatever MTV tells them to....ever

12-27-2004, 09:53 PM
I don't think Papa Roach is so bad :(

12-28-2004, 06:12 AM
They were pretty damn okay back in the day. These fuckers are just faggot dumbheads.

FAO: Lord Abortion.

Nothing would ever call for "Emo Extermination Part 2." Sorry.

12-28-2004, 03:17 PM
I know I liked a couple of their newer songs, I wish I knew which ones you were talking about.

Getting Away with Murder isn't horrible but isn't that great either.

Not Listening (which was on the trailer for Resident Evil: Apocalypse) is pretty good though I think.

The Ricky
12-28-2004, 11:46 PM
FAO: Lord Abortion.

Nothing would ever call for "Emo Extermination Part 2." Sorry.

Yeah, "Emo Extermination" was pretty bad. But it amused me. hehehehehe

12-29-2004, 06:45 AM
Well just for the record. I wasn't saying that P roach or GC were crap or anything, ya know to each his own. Personally I think D boy is a hell of a drummer and also I favor Coby's vocal style. I can't really find anything good to say about GC but that dosn't mean I'm saying anything bad about them all the same.

Now as far as the emo fad I think abounch of bands are starting to do it just because its in right now. Personally my favorite band is The Used and even though they were always slightly emo it used to be passed off as being melodic. I mean I think everyone right now is trying to point the emo finger. Like if The Cure just came out right now people would try to call them emo. Its just critics being critics. Its never musicians that make up these cute little names like emo, metel-core, screamo, nu-metal etc etc...

12-29-2004, 08:24 AM
Well just for the record. I wasn't saying that P roach or GC were crap or anything, ya know to each his own. Personally I think D boy is a hell of a drummer and also I favor Coby's vocal style. I can't really find anything good to say about GC but that dosn't mean I'm saying anything bad about them all the same.

Now as far as the emo fad I think abounch of bands are starting to do it just because its in right now. Personally my favorite band is The Used and even though they were always slightly emo it used to be passed off as being melodic. I mean I think everyone right now is trying to point the emo finger. Like if The Cure just came out right now people would try to call them emo. Its just critics being critics. Its never musicians that make up these cute little names like emo, metel-core, screamo, nu-metal etc etc...

its ok to say GC sucks. its ok to point out the obvious, no one will be mad at u

12-29-2004, 09:00 AM
yeah lol!


good 1

12-29-2004, 11:55 AM
Man, these guys are getting away with murder.

12-29-2004, 08:39 PM
I think i heard the song you're talking about TK.

Goes something like "I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. I TEAR MY HEART OPEN JUST TO FEEL"

or some shit. was really stupid emo.

12-29-2004, 08:59 PM
Yes, that's exactly the one. Hilarious.

12-29-2004, 10:30 PM
Yeah that one is horrible... their other new ones aren't so bad though.

12-30-2004, 03:13 PM
I really loathed Papa Roach back in the day, because every single person I knew kept saying to me "Mandi, have you heard of Papa Roach? I think you would really like them".

I tried to think of a semi-eloquent way to phrase this, but the words aren't coming. So meh. Suffice to say, I agree with you. Pop artists like the ones you mentioned don't bother me at all. I don't want to listen to their songs, but it's pretty easy not to.

I hate hate hate it when something manufactured to the point of silliness is marketed as "real" music though.

This is probably going to sound dumb, but I feel like it gets in the way of kids discovering a lot of awesome music. Or something.

Maybe I shouldn't try to post this early in the morning.

12-30-2004, 07:15 PM
Nope, I know exactly what you mean and totally agree.

12-30-2004, 09:16 PM
I really loathed Papa Roach back in the day, because every single person I knew kept saying to me "Mandi, have you heard of Papa Roach? I think you would really like them".

I tried to think of a semi-eloquent way to phrase this, but the words aren't coming. So meh. Suffice to say, I agree with you. Pop artists like the ones you mentioned don't bother me at all. I don't want to listen to their songs, but it's pretty easy not to.

I hate hate hate it when something manufactured to the point of silliness is marketed as "real" music though.

This is probably going to sound dumb, but I feel like it gets in the way of kids discovering a lot of awesome music. Or something.

Maybe I shouldn't try to post this early in the morning.

yea, its hard to discover some TALENTED artists and some decent music when absolutly shitty manufactured fake shit is shoved down your throat by every main stream music market

01-22-2005, 05:11 AM
like omg! people like, hold your razors for just a sec and stop cutting! papa roach is so emo gross! who do they think they are?!

you brainwashed mother fukkers. you suck, ya fukkin' cookie cutter emo kids!! papa roach isn't following a fukking trend, i didn't know if you knew this you dumb fukks, but papa roach has changed their style before.. not to fit in, because they wanted to try something new. they've been working on this new album (getting away with murder) for quite some time now. i don't think they went into the future to check for the new "trend" and then went back to apply it to the album. i don't know if any of you bitches has taken the time to listen to the album, but Scars is probably the only one that seems to "drip with emotion" as one of you sorry losers said. All the songs are in your face and powerful.. they don't all talk about sadness and shitt like that. which surprised me that you didn't like it, cause i know that's what's so in for you hXc emo kids!
anyway, yeah someone said Dboy was a good drummer. damn fukking right he is!!!! at least somebody knows their shitt. tobin and jerry the guitarists, are freaking awesome.. they've been playing the same way they always have, and given it their best. and damn straight, coby is one hell of a vocalist biatches!!!!! he has worked soo hard on his vocals and even his amazing weight loss. he lost 30 pounds and quit drinking. now you little shiteaters, dont tell me he's trying to be straight edge. his wife had another baby and he's trying to clean up his act. he has a happier and healthier life now, so sorry if he's not RAP-METAL anymore. he's not as angry as he was when his life was harder.. thus leading to more solid rock music, instead of those slick angry rhymes he had back in the day. so, interperet as you wish, even though you're very very wrong you douchebags!!! papa roach, in no way tries to be something fake, produced, or manufactured to become a trend in the mainstream or whatever. you little fukkers piss me the fukk off, so what if papa roach is "mainstream". does that mean it's bad!? oh wait, of course it is! i remember the emo rule now... if it's not underground, then it sucks!!

do they not associate with you? sorry if they have more energy, maybe cause they haven't been cutting their wrists and crying in a corner like some people. aaanyway, Getting Away with Murder has been classified as a ROCK album, not an emo album. even the critics call it rock, thank you very much. and someone said they werent good in concert, are you that fukkin stupid!?!! THEY ARE A LIVE BAND. that is their specialty, to perform for a crowd and blast their fukking energy into the fans. they are one of the BEST live bands ever, it's a proven fact! and you know what? they're going to Korea to perform for the troops and they're helping big time with the tsunami relief fund.. OMG they're such sellouts!!!

GOD you emo geeks piss me off!! it's like you guys refuse to break the emo rule and do something that.. oh my God!!... a lot of other people do!! *GASP* you don't have to hate something because all the other nerds hate it too. ok, well i said what i needed to say! now, you can all get back to dying your hair black and picking up those razors! so, thanks for your time kiddies, and you can suck my fukkin asss!! :)

01-22-2005, 05:20 AM
I think i heard the song you're talking about TK.

Goes something like "I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. I TEAR MY HEART OPEN JUST TO FEEL"

or some shit. was really stupid emo.

Haha, i heard that on the radio today. Just that main part. I lol'd and turned it off.

As far as the main topic, I've only heard the Cut My Life Into Pieces song, so I can't really judge.

01-22-2005, 05:48 AM
like omg! people like, hold your razors for just a sec and stop cutting! papa roach is so emo gross! who do they think they are?!

you brainwashed mother fukkers. you suck, ya fukkin' cookie cutter emo kids!! papa roach isn't following a fukking trend, i didn't know if you knew this you dumb fukks, but papa roach has changed their style before.. not to fit in, because they wanted to try something new. they've been working on this new album (getting away with murder) for quite some time now. i don't think they went into the future to check for the new "trend" and then went back to apply it to the album. i don't know if any of you bitches has taken the time to listen to the album, but Scars is probably the only one that seems to "drip with emotion" as one of you sorry losers said. All the songs are in your face and powerful.. they don't all talk about sadness and shitt like that. which surprised me that you didn't like it, cause i know that's what's so in for you hXc emo kids!
anyway, yeah someone said Dboy was a good drummer. damn fukking right he is!!!! at least somebody knows their shitt. tobin and jerry the guitarists, are freaking awesome.. they've been playing the same way they always have, and given it their best. and damn straight, coby is one hell of a vocalist biatches!!!!! he has worked soo hard on his vocals and even his amazing weight loss. he lost 30 pounds and quit drinking. now you little shiteaters, dont tell me he's trying to be straight edge. his wife had another baby and he's trying to clean up his act. he has a happier and healthier life now, so sorry if he's not RAP-METAL anymore. he's not as angry as he was when his life was harder.. thus leading to more solid rock music, instead of those slick angry rhymes he had back in the day. so, interperet as you wish, even though you're very very wrong you douchebags!!! papa roach, in no way tries to be something fake, produced, or manufactured to become a trend in the mainstream or whatever. you little fukkers piss me the fukk off, so what if papa roach is "mainstream". does that mean it's bad!? oh wait, of course it is! i remember the emo rule now... if it's not underground, then it sucks!!

do they not associate with you? sorry if they have more energy, maybe cause they haven't been cutting their wrists and crying in a corner like some people. aaanyway, Getting Away with Murder has been classified as a ROCK album, not an emo album. even the critics call it rock, thank you very much. and someone said they werent good in concert, are you that fukkin stupid!?!! THEY ARE A LIVE BAND. that is their specialty, to perform for a crowd and blast their fukking energy into the fans. they are one of the BEST live bands ever, it's a proven fact! and you know what? they're going to Korea to perform for the troops and they're helping big time with the tsunami relief fund.. OMG they're such sellouts!!!

GOD you emo geeks piss me off!! it's like you guys refuse to break the emo rule and do something that.. oh my God!!... a lot of other people do!! *GASP* you don't have to hate something because all the other nerds hate it too. ok, well i said what i needed to say! now, you can all get back to dying your hair black and picking up those razors! so, thanks for your time kiddies, and you can suck my fukkin asss!! :)

Iheardthesongontheradiorecentlymanwhatajokewhathap penedtotheoldpaparoach theyarecrapnowstupidemosong.

I guess this is one of the benefits of a high google rank?

iconoclastic pastry
01-22-2005, 06:43 AM
I fail to see how those lyrics are any lamer than the "Cut my life..." ones. =/

[insert obligatory sarcastic remark at all those who don't like said bands]

[[the above remark is to be directed at everyone but TK, because his taste in music is without flaws, and his opinion is of infinite value]]

01-22-2005, 07:00 AM
definitely, kubirio!
why would anyone want to relate to people in a way that will help them?! he sang about his hardships to help other people get over theirs and realize they're not alone... haha, yeah what an idiot.

grn apple tree
01-22-2005, 07:04 AM
That's just sad. Just sad.

01-22-2005, 07:15 AM
if it weren't for my horse!!

oh shoot crystal_sword, dont kill yourself just yet!!
check out my avatar!

grn apple tree
01-22-2005, 07:16 AM
if it weren't for my horse!!

oh shoot crystal_sword, dont kill yourself just yet!!
check out my avatar!
Heh I'm not an emo kid... I think... Hmmm

01-22-2005, 07:18 AM
hm.. no need to think about it. you are

grn apple tree
01-22-2005, 07:21 AM
hm.. no need to think about it. you are
What? I'm not an emo. Nothing near it. If I am an emo I'll be shocked as hell.

01-22-2005, 07:25 AM
well then you're just one of the geeks

01-22-2005, 07:28 AM
don't shit up threads. both of you.

01-22-2005, 07:32 AM
i just wanna be heard! loud and clear are my words!

01-22-2005, 07:51 AM
like omg! people like, hold your razors for just a sec and stop cutting! papa roach is so emo gross! who do they think they are?!

you brainwashed mother fukkers. you suck, ya fukkin' cookie cutter emo kids!! papa roach isn't following a fukking trend, i didn't know if you knew this you dumb fukks, but papa roach has changed their style before.. not to fit in, because they wanted to try something new. they've been working on this new album (getting away with murder) for quite some time now. i don't think they went into the future to check for the new "trend" and then went back to apply it to the album. i don't know if any of you bitches has taken the time to listen to the album, but Scars is probably the only one that seems to "drip with emotion" as one of you sorry losers said. All the songs are in your face and powerful.. they don't all talk about sadness and shitt like that. which surprised me that you didn't like it, cause i know that's what's so in for you hXc emo kids!
anyway, yeah someone said Dboy was a good drummer. damn fukking right he is!!!! at least somebody knows their shitt. tobin and jerry the guitarists, are freaking awesome.. they've been playing the same way they always have, and given it their best. and damn straight, coby is one hell of a vocalist biatches!!!!! he has worked soo hard on his vocals and even his amazing weight loss. he lost 30 pounds and quit drinking. now you little shiteaters, dont tell me he's trying to be straight edge. his wife had another baby and he's trying to clean up his act. he has a happier and healthier life now, so sorry if he's not RAP-METAL anymore. he's not as angry as he was when his life was harder.. thus leading to more solid rock music, instead of those slick angry rhymes he had back in the day. so, interperet as you wish, even though you're very very wrong you douchebags!!! papa roach, in no way tries to be something fake, produced, or manufactured to become a trend in the mainstream or whatever. you little fukkers piss me the fukk off, so what if papa roach is "mainstream". does that mean it's bad!? oh wait, of course it is! i remember the emo rule now... if it's not underground, then it sucks!!

do they not associate with you? sorry if they have more energy, maybe cause they haven't been cutting their wrists and crying in a corner like some people. aaanyway, Getting Away with Murder has been classified as a ROCK album, not an emo album. even the critics call it rock, thank you very much. and someone said they werent good in concert, are you that fukkin stupid!?!! THEY ARE A LIVE BAND. that is their specialty, to perform for a crowd and blast their fukking energy into the fans. they are one of the BEST live bands ever, it's a proven fact! and you know what? they're going to Korea to perform for the troops and they're helping big time with the tsunami relief fund.. OMG they're such sellouts!!!

GOD you emo geeks piss me off!! it's like you guys refuse to break the emo rule and do something that.. oh my God!!... a lot of other people do!! *GASP* you don't have to hate something because all the other nerds hate it too. ok, well i said what i needed to say! now, you can all get back to dying your hair black and picking up those razors! so, thanks for your time kiddies, and you can suck my fukkin asss!! :)

fanboy? i think so

01-22-2005, 07:56 AM
me a fanBOY? um..not so much.

you emo kid? i think so

01-22-2005, 08:14 AM
me a fanBOY? um..not so much.

you emo kid? i think so

you fuckin moron? i think so.

your automatically assume anyone that doen'st like what your FANBOY ass doens't, that they are emo. what about the gangstas who listen to rap. or the rednecks listenin to country..

just shut the fuck up

01-22-2005, 08:43 AM
the "gangtas" and the "Rednecks" have their own issues. for now, cheer up emo kid.

01-22-2005, 08:44 AM
I fail to see how those lyrics are any lamer than the "Cut my life..." ones. =/

I mean, I know their lyrics were always really angsty and emotional and all that, but the feel of the music was completely different.

[insert obligatory sarcastic remark at all those who don't like said bands]

[[the above remark is to be directed at everyone but TK, because his taste in music is without flaws, and his opinion is of infinite value]]

Yup! What "said bands" are you talking about though, exactly?

Mr. KissmyNUMETALass: Calm down, junior. I wouldn't want you to have a hernia or anything just because somebody insulted your favorite pop stars.

01-22-2005, 08:54 AM
the "gangtas" and the "Rednecks" have their own issues. for now, cheer up emo kid.

u dont know shit about anyone, you just assume that people that don't like your shitty taste in music are emo. get the fuck over yourself, your nothin but a high and mighty jackass

01-22-2005, 02:33 PM
Omnislash, don't get so mad at idiots like that. They're meant to amuse sensible people, not annoy us. Just poke at them with little taunts and watch them go ballistic, showing themselves to be complete asses, then laugh at how pathetic they are.

01-22-2005, 04:30 PM


And what exactly is a gangta?

The Ricky
01-22-2005, 05:15 PM
I think this kissmyNUMETALass is just doing this cuz he feels bad about his abnormally small penis. And MMM, the answer to your questing is basically a street gang member. It's just the usuall idiotic American slang for it.

01-22-2005, 05:17 PM
Give them a break, they just want money. Plus they always sucked arse in my opinion

01-22-2005, 05:52 PM
I think this kissmyNUMETALass is just doing this cuz he feels bad about his abnormally small penis. And MMM, the answer to your questing is basically a street gang member. It's just the usuall idiotic American slang for it.
I was asking what a gangta was, not a gangsta.

01-22-2005, 05:58 PM
Are we on about "Getting away with murder" or what

01-22-2005, 06:17 PM
yep! we're talking about how good it is.
and i put "fukk" cause i wanted to be respectful.. i thought there were little kiddies here, i wouldnt think older people would be sad enough to devote their time to a mystical video game..killer! like omg!! but wow, anyway that's alright now that i see there's just emo kiddies. so.. fuck fuck fuck.

01-22-2005, 06:19 PM
Thats not emo, is it? Im sorry, im used to the days when there was rock/indy and pop..

01-22-2005, 07:37 PM
yep! we're talking about how good it is.


01-22-2005, 07:41 PM
Omnislash, don't get so mad at idiots like that. They're meant to amuse sensible people, not annoy us. Just poke at them with little taunts and watch them go ballistic, showing themselves to be complete asses, then laugh at how pathetic they are.

while tru, if theres one thing i can't stand, its thinking shitty bands/artists are talented, when if fact they have no talent at all. while this particular case is not as bad as say, an Ashlee Simpson fan, or some other manufactured bitch that can't sing or write, you get the point. its fans like that, that fuck over people and bands that have some actual talent. but yea. i guess he can like them, i'll just be emo like he says and go cry in the corner or somethin

01-22-2005, 08:29 PM
ah hah! i knew it ;)
ok.... don't compare papa roach to ashlee simpson you dickhead. papa roach has talent.. they've gone platinum i can't even count how many times anymore! they are a grammy nominated band, and they play sold out shows constantly... and you're telling me they dont have talent?! i wonder why they do so well, shitface.

01-22-2005, 09:21 PM
Ashlee Simpson also does well, in fact probably better, "shitface."

01-22-2005, 10:10 PM
ah hah! i knew it ;)
ok.... don't compare papa roach to ashlee simpson you dickhead. papa roach has talent.. they've gone platinum i can't even count how many times anymore! they are a grammy nominated band, and they play sold out shows constantly... and you're telling me they dont have talent?! i wonder why they do so well, shitface.

sorry, i forgot that if you sell lots of albums and sell out your shows you automatically have talent....*goes back to corner with tears in eyes*

The Ricky
01-22-2005, 11:22 PM
ah hah! i knew it ;)
papa roach has talent...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Sorry, that was just..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... anyway, this is a band with some talent

01-23-2005, 02:40 AM
i can't even count how many times anymore! they are a grammy nominated band, and they play sold out shows constantly... and you're telling me they dont have talent?! i wonder why they do so well, shitface.
All of which Britney Spears has done. By your logic, she's talented.

01-23-2005, 02:57 AM
You can't be in the mickey mouse club if you don't have talent.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Sorry, that was just..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... anyway, this is a band with some talent

01-23-2005, 07:23 AM
You can't be in the mickey mouse club if you don't have talent.

ok i'm bad with faces sometimes, but did you post a picture of the Darkness

01-23-2005, 07:48 AM
I quoted lord abortion, you'll have to ask him who the band is.

01-23-2005, 08:08 AM
Looks like gandalf's type of crowd to me.

01-23-2005, 10:47 AM
I quoted lord abortion, you'll have to ask him who the band is.

i'm seeing two different pictures.

the one in his post

and this one shows up in the one quoted

and after seeing the url, i see that it IS the darkness, good stuff

01-23-2005, 10:48 AM
yeah, so... he was mocking him

The Ricky
01-24-2005, 03:07 PM
I posted a picture of Megadeth. Because they are good, Rezo humorously mocked me with The Darkness. And it was funny.

02-08-2005, 02:30 AM
All of which Britney Spears has done. By your logic, she's talented.
not at all. but apparently, that's what you think since you made the assumption. the only reason she sells out shows is because of her image. she's attractive, she is the role model to naive little girls, and she's a slut.. sex sells, doesn't it? assume what you want. just like i'll assume, or should i say.. come to the true absolute conclusion that you guys are sad emo nerds. now go write a poem about how cruel the world is.
and the darkness? they suck, they're such a one hit wonder. well i guess that's cause i only go with what everyone else is saying, isnt that right emo kids?? oh by the way, good news for you guys! they're selling "emo razor blades" on ebay, so guys.. don't worry! there's plenty for all!

grn apple tree
02-08-2005, 02:44 AM
You're making no sense so advice is to shut the fuck up. The Darkness is ok I only really like one of their songs.

02-08-2005, 03:02 AM
i make perfect sense.. maybe if you'd stop cutting, the blood supply will come back to your head and you could think clearly.

02-08-2005, 03:09 AM

02-08-2005, 03:18 AM
ashlee simpson does better than papa roach? who was nominated for a grammy?? oh yeah that's right... papa roach. who has a petition with over a million signatures to get rid of them? oh yeah that's right... ashlee simpson. so you're gonna tell me she is better than papa roach!? i don't know a single person who hates papa roach, but i can name tons of people who hate ashlee simpson. papa roach is played on radio stations 5+ times a day. i've heard ashlee simpson on the radio... maybe 3 times in my life. oh yeah, she sure is better than papa roach!

02-08-2005, 03:25 AM

02-08-2005, 03:30 AM
ok i get it. you can spell... good job! and why do you have your picture as your avatar? if i had a face like that i'd flip it inside out and draw myself a new one

02-08-2005, 03:31 AM

02-08-2005, 03:32 AM
yay! let's see how much bigger it's going to get :D

02-08-2005, 03:36 AM
yay! let's see how much bigger it's going to get :D

02-08-2005, 03:55 AM
my life is now complete.

02-08-2005, 04:15 AM
He's not dancing to Papa Roach though. Papa Roach sucks and is emo now, "lol"

02-08-2005, 04:27 AM
i heard this new papa roach song last night and it made my face hurt.

The Ricky
02-09-2005, 01:16 AM
I'm getting really tempted to write a "Nu-Metal Extermination" song next. I just need your approval TK!!!!!

02-09-2005, 04:22 AM

The Ricky
02-10-2005, 10:52 PM
Ouch, I was DENIED!!!!

02-12-2005, 02:55 AM
of course you were denied. you're emo.. that means you're socially unacceptable, but you guys prefer it that way. :-(

The Ricky
02-12-2005, 03:27 AM to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting (