12-27-2004, 04:16 AM
Its music, figured it went here.

I'm pretty awful musically. I can't play an instrument to save my life. However, I've picked up a harmonica, and while being able to string together a few songs with a bit of tonguing and vibrato thrown in is nothing to boast about, its the first time I've ever been able to play something that sounded half decent.

As I get more comfortable with it, I'll probably try more complex combinations of things, but right now, its pretty joyous to pick it up and play a little melody.

So yeah, how musically talented is everybody? Any other harmonica players? If not, what other instruments do people play?


12-27-2004, 05:05 AM
I've been wanting to try playing harmonica for a while now, actually. I love the sound they make and I think it would be a really fun time waster.

I play guitar, and I'm okay at it, I guess, for what I do. I don't really have the desire to play anything complex, so I don't try to learn. But I'm getting pretty good at playing fast without messing up, and I generally am pretty good at keeping rhythm.

I've always been pretty good at singing, but I could probably be a lot better if I didn't eat so much junk food and dairy. And I possess the ability to instantly make up a harmony to almost anything.

Kool Ranch
12-27-2004, 06:56 AM
My grandpa died last year and I got an old Hohner harmonica that used to be his. I've messed around with it some, but not much. The first thing I did after I blew on it for the first time was try and piece together the Dixieland tune. That's what the sound of the harmonica immediately made me think of.

Oh, and a month or so ago I decided that I was going to switch my major at the university to classical guitar after taking a History of Rock Music class. I've yet to figure out how I'm going to go about this. I'm not talented, or skilled.

12-27-2004, 12:34 PM
I used to the play the piano when I went to secondary school, but I don't have one at home. I suppose I was pretty good, I could figure out how to play songs just by listening to them and trying to re-create it on the piano.

12-27-2004, 01:33 PM
I can hold a tune - I was good enough to stand in front of a mic at a school concert or three. Nothing special, but I like to think I'm okay in my own way. And I can play guitar and trumpet okay, I mess around with piano, I sing all the time to music (but who doesn't?). So yeah, I've got something resembling musical skill. I'd love to pick up some random instruments just to fool around with, like a drum kit and a harmonica.

However, unless I just need more practice, I'm beginning to think I'm too retarded to sing and play a vaguely hard tune on the guitar at the same time. :(

In any case, it's fun to mess around with instruments and stuff.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-27-2004, 03:20 PM
I play guitar mostly, but about 2 months ago picked up a harmonica, so now I can play a few Neil Young songs, I have one of those harmonica holders as well that goes over your shoulders......I'm still scared that its going to fall away from me, I'm just paranoid like that I suppose. Anyway Neil Young =)

12-27-2004, 10:28 PM
I've only been playing the guitar for about a month or so. needless to say I need practise but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Also, I pwn everyone on a Bodhran (

12-28-2004, 02:04 AM
I played trombone from 6th-8th grade extremeely unsuccesfully. It probaly would have helped if I had gone to my lessons but I am to hardcore for that. On the plus side I didn't have to go to music class with an evil teacher and Marching Band was kind of fun. I don't have any musical abilities though so I did not pursue band in High School, I desicion I regert slightly because it would be nice to be able to do something musically.

12-28-2004, 02:31 AM
However, unless I just need more practice, I'm beginning to think I'm too retarded to sing and play a vaguely hard tune on the guitar at the same time. :(

I think that's something that takes an awful lot of practice for anybody. Playing something complex, and singing a tune that doesn't go right with it is very difficult. Essentially you have to train yourself to play the tune so well that your hands can do it completely instinctively.

For the record, I'm not even close to being able to do this stuff.

12-28-2004, 04:48 PM
I've never tried playing an instrument, planning on seeing what this guitar thing is.

Neo Xzhan
12-28-2004, 09:03 PM
I still want to learn to play guitar at some point. And sometimes I'd love to be able to play piano, just so I could play a few of my favorite tunes.

12-28-2004, 09:33 PM
this is going to come off very egotistical but i'm a bored band person and that's just what we do.
my main instrument is a baritone, baritone horn, or euphonium (depending on who you ask. i'm just going to call it a euphonium for now). i picked it up end of 5th grade after trying (and failing) to play a cornet with a french horn mouthpiece (i wanted to play a french horn). i can now play a trumpet (with a normal trumpet mouthpiece) kinda badly (i'm out of tune on a trumpet). i also know a few notes on a flute, can make a clarinet squeek, and sorta know how to play drums. i also taught myself how to play a keyboard. so i sorta know about all marching band instruments (my arms are too short to play a trombone b/c i tried holding one).

12-29-2004, 12:31 AM
=Garnet (my arms are too short to play a trombone b/c i tried holding one).

roffle. Its not really that funny, but it sort of made me giggle, purely because thats so unfortunate ;x

I can now play 'Blowing in the Wind' along with Bob Dylan and his guitar. I haven't progressed any further technically - still learning this and that, and trying to make having the thing in my mouth feel like second nature.

And before anyone says anything, I am talking about the harmonica.

12-29-2004, 08:18 PM
I'm excellent at sight reading treble clef lines, just because of all my years in a choir. I have to usually practice a little and get familiar with a bass clef line though.

Learning the piano was effortless for me, but I couldn't really manage to teach myself how to play guitar. I've heard that it's harder to teach yourself guitar if you can read music, which sucks, because it's an instrument I'd really like to play someday.

Kool Ranch
12-30-2004, 02:59 AM
Learning the piano was effortless for me, but I couldn't really manage to teach myself how to play guitar. I've heard that it's harder to teach yourself guitar if you can read music, which sucks, because it's an instrument I'd really like to play someday.

A classical guitar book might help you out with that. It'd teach you how to read guitar music off of a treble staff.

It helped me out, at least. I played trumpet and euphonium before, and it felt like home learning to read guitar the same way I used to read trumpet music (off a treble clef line). I like it better than tabs. I have the Christopher Parkening guitar method book, and I don't know if it's the best, but I like it.

12-30-2004, 03:55 AM
I can play the ocarina.
I'm learning the piano, and sing. I'm not very good at the piano, but my singing is...goodish. I'm a baritone. If that's even how you spell it.

12-30-2004, 04:19 AM
I play the flute, and i am pretty good at it. Its fun, i can play Austin Powers' Theme song! =P

12-30-2004, 09:59 AM
I used to be really good at piano, then dropped it for band.
I'm teaching myself flute starting tomorrow with one I borrowed from a friend >.>

I'm pretty good at the bassoon, and I'd consider myself really good on bari sax (thinking of going into "the business" on it in the future, which probably won't happen).
I was really good at tenor sax when I played it, as well.
I've got a fair amount of guitar skill, but I'm really rusty 'cause I never play anymore, same with recorder.
I have minimal skill on the bass/normal clarinet, and I can play like three songs on the harmonica.

I've also done some work with a snare drum and a little bit of taiko drumming... and that covers what I can remember atm.

12-30-2004, 10:15 AM
i used to be pretty darn good with a piano but i gave that up and went on to the Guitar (which is awesome)

haha everyone who hears me play says im pretty sick.....but i dont htink so....i hate being imodest and saying that im retarded or not the next Yngwie or Jason Becker
but im good

Aerith Gainsborough
12-31-2004, 12:03 AM
All I can play is the flute....nothing else. I'm more the singer than the musician type of person .... ;)

12-31-2004, 12:06 AM
Edna: I play the triangle with class :(

Zulu: So pathetic Edna... so pathetic :(

12-31-2004, 01:45 AM
roffle. Its not really that funny, but it sort of made me giggle, purely because thats so unfortunate ;x

actually, my one arm is shorter than the other. i forgot to mention that i can play one note on a flute. welcome to being bored at football games.

01-03-2005, 08:24 AM
I can play a bit on the guitar and the piano and i can also sing. I've tried to play the harmonica.

01-03-2005, 08:34 AM
My main instrument is bassoon, and I like to think I'm pretty good at it. I used to play flute and piano regularly, but I haven't picked up a flute in ages, and piano would take me awhile to get back into.

I've played number of other instruments during marching season, as bassoons don't really fit in ;( I think my very last marching season, I gave up on trying to learn something completely new for the 10th time, and just got put on the melophone and pushed the valves however when I marched 8)

Depending on how the band director reacts to me having not played bassoon since last spring, I might be playing in my university's wind ensemble, which would be excellent <3

I tried guitar, but I'm pretty miserable with brass/string instruments 8-) Piano helped a lot in my transition from treble cleft flute, to bass cleft bassoon.

01-05-2005, 04:11 PM
I can get a tune on a recorder, I used to be verey good at the keyboard but gave it up ( i hate myself for that) and i can get a few tunes out of a bugle :)

I can't play a guitar to save my life, and all i can get out of a harmonica is a random squeeking sound :sad:

01-06-2005, 01:56 AM
Depending on how the band director reacts to me having not played bassoon since last spring, I might be playing in my university's wind ensemble, which would be excellent <3

the coolest people in the band are always the bassoonists <3

01-06-2005, 03:15 AM
I play clarinet. I need FF7 sheet music to play.

01-06-2005, 04:23 PM
I play guitar and keyboard. Nothing spectacular though, stuff like arpeggios still get me.

01-09-2005, 01:54 PM
I play clarinet. I need FF7 sheet music to play.
Same here, but the only sheet music for solo clarinet I found was a duet with a piano of the Cinco de Chocobo. I also sing too, only rock music though.