12-27-2004, 03:44 AM
Hello. I am new to this forum and I don't really know how it works but I'll give it a shot.

I have a simple question to anyone who wants to answer it:

- What is the best way to get Power Spheres, Speed Spheres, Mana Spheres, and Ability Spheres?

Optical Blueberries
12-27-2004, 03:45 AM
Fight monsters, of course! xD

12-27-2004, 03:53 AM
Yeah but which monsters gives the most? I have tried in Besaid but they only drop about 2 spheres of each. It's slow to gain them that way, there must be a better way.

Optical Blueberries
12-27-2004, 03:57 AM
Try the Calm Lands.

12-27-2004, 05:09 PM
Which version of the game do you have? How far are you into the game?

If you have the NTSC U/C version and you're still playing through the main storyline then you'll have to do with only 2 spheres at a time. You shouldn't level up that quickly to need so many spheres. One problem you might have is getting Ability spheres since not many monsters drop them. You can get these off:

- Dual Horn A (Mi'ihen Highroad, Mushroom Rock Road)
- Basilisk (Djose Highroad)
- Larvae (Thunder Plains)
- Xiphos, Chimera A (Macalania Forest)
- Sand Worm (Sanubia Desert, Area 3 Ruins)
- Dual Horn B, Guado Guard C, Chimera B (Al Bhed Home)
- Warrior Monks (Bevelle)
- Maze Larvae (Via Purifico)
- Chimera Brain (Calm Lands)
- Epaaj (Gorge Bottom, next to Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
- Valaha (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
- Grendel (Mt. Gagazet Cavern, Zanarkand Ruins)
- Fallen Monks (Zanarkand Dome)

If you have the International / PAL version then you can use the Extract (Sphere Type) ability on your weapons which causes monsters to drop spheres.

The fastest way to gain spheres would be to fight Kottos in the Monster Arena. You can unlock him by capturing all the monsters in Mi'ihen Highroad. You can use the Distiller items to get 20 (40 with overkill) spheres.

12-27-2004, 09:27 PM
Okey well thank you for the advice, I will try that soon enough. You see, i have the Pal version. And I have completed the game, And I Have pretty powerful characters. Everybody of them has 63000 hp Each, don't mean to brag but they have 255 in all stats.
Luck too. And then i have 99x of all items! Penance is still giving me trouble since he can give 20000 damage to all my "warriors" in one shot but I go with Mega Elixir so then it's fine. I hate when he uses Mighty Guard on him, His arms are weak but the body is not and the arms give much pain to me too. I have started a new game and it is not as well playd as my first one but still. Thanks for the tips they really come in handy.

12-28-2004, 04:58 AM
Okey well thank you for the advice, I will try that soon enough. You see, i have the Pal version. And I have completed the game, And I Have pretty powerful characters. Everybody of them has 63000 hp Each, don't mean to brag but they have 255 in all stats.
Luck too. And then i have 99x of all items! Penance is still giving me trouble since he can give 20000 damage to all my "warriors" in one shot but I go with Mega Elixir so then it's fine. I hate when he uses Mighty Guard on him, His arms are weak but the body is not and the arms give much pain to me too. I have started a new game and it is not as well playd as my first one but still. Thanks for the tips they really come in handy.

Out of curiousity, why would you start a new game? Just finish off Penance and you'll have your game, that is of course, if you haven't already beaten it. If you have the right armour Penance is a breeze and you won't even need Break HP Limit.

12-28-2004, 07:35 PM
The thing is this, I don't have the patience to kill him, takes too long and it seems that all my attacks are in vain, I know that I have been very close to kill him. All my armours contains These abilities: Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Haste, Break Hp Limit, Ribbon. So all Dark Aeons were relative easy. But for the thing is that I miss killing them so I created a new game which i thought that the goal was to kill the Dark Aeons and try to make them a challenge. I have Semi maxed out Tidus stats now, I'm able to kill Earth Eater without bigger problems. So the thing is I wanted to max out their stats and I needed som spheres to do so. I have gotten the help I need and I thank you, Jewels for the great help.

Thread may be closed now :)

01-05-2005, 02:46 AM
OK if u have been using an AP trick or something like that and u need many spheres of one type fast an easy way is to fight Kottos from the Monster Arena and use a sphere distiller of the type of ur choice and u should get at the least 40 spheres of that type I have gotten 99 power spheres from him when i overkilled him and that was very helpful
If u can wait awhile just embark on a capture quest for the Arena and ur spheres should be back soon