09-29-2015, 01:46 AM

Track List
Seven Golden Men
Ping Pong
Please Be Nice
It Happens All the Time
Thunder Bolt
Rossana's Theme
Seven Golden Men Make Progress
Rossana in the Morning
Walk on Home
The Plot Thickens
Rocking Horse
Seven Golden Men Underground
Brick Top
Golden Bricks
The Chase!Ht4inZrA!ZKivPYyvvwKTr7uNZAqVBw

Here's my dilemma. My curiosity (and a couple of positive reviews) led me to download a lovely copy of the film to my hard drive. I have one problem: no English subtitles. I tried some of the usual resources to no avail. Anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks, and in the meantime, enjoy the score!

09-29-2015, 02:59 AM
Many thanks for this share!

From what I've seen, there don't appear to be any English subtitles available, but you might check the audio tracks - if track 1 is Italian, I've seen files that state track 2 is English. Personally, I hate dubbed movies, but it's probably as close as you'll get.

09-29-2015, 05:46 PM
I took your advice, but no luck. My copy doesn't have an alternate audio track.
I'm with you:"Godzilla" films notwithstanding, I'd almost rather not watch a movie if it's dubbed. I'm old enough to remember when theatres would run dubbed and subtitled prints and you had to call ahead to see who was playing what. With all the space for subtitles on a DVD, you'd think home video would have put an end to all this long ago. Apparently not. Thanks, dsch!

09-29-2015, 07:29 PM
Thank you for your upload!

09-29-2015, 08:33 PM
Thank you!