09-28-2015, 06:31 PM
A troubled man gets released from prison and starts taking out his sadistic fantasies on an unsuspecting family living in a secluded house.

http://cdn.discogs.com/4pd2zRDYrw1hk2zDvqd2vVhmrWo=/fit-in/599x529/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(96)/discogs-images/R-790768-1169670414.jpeg.jpg

http://cdn.discogs.com/nufwSEzs4HZDldDNpXkVc8CYuVA=/fit-in/599x534/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(96)/discogs-images/R-790768-1169670483.jpeg.jpg


1 Freeze 6:40
2 Pain 9:41
3 Memory 4:51
4 Surrender 8:45
5 Beyond 10:18

Bonus Track:

6 Silent Survivor 31:40

Companies etc
Distributed By � SPV GmbH � SPV 304812 CD
Phonographic Copyright (p) � Revisited Records (2)
Copyright (c) � Revisited Records (2)
Composed By, Producer [Original], Electronics, Electronic Drums [Linn Drums], Synthesizer [Fairlight] � Klaus Schulze
Reissue Producer [Re-release Producer], Photography � Klaus D. Mueller*
Recorded in April & September-October 1983 in Munich & Hamb�hren.

The bonus track was recorded during the same period, but totally unrelated with the movie. Klaus Schulze had then called it "Ballet + Sound". He forgot it during 20 years in a drawer and rediscovered it only recently. It appears here as "Silent Survivor" simply because it is a survivor of this era and has remained silent until now.
Barcode and Other Identifiers
Barcode (Text): 6 93723 04812 3
Barcode (String): 693723048123
Label Code: LC 13827

The music was created as a soundtrack for a thriller by Austrian director Gerald Kargl (1983). Rather unusually, the whole album was ready even before the movie was shot. Gerald Kargl actually wanted to adjust the images to Schulze's music and not the contrary. The result is a very weird film, completely centered on the music and the inner dialog of its main character played by Erwin Leder. The film deals with a schizophrenic killer just released from jail and freaking out while walking through a residential area, killing people in their houses, saying things like: "I actually could kill these people too... Is it necessary? Yeah, just to remain on the safe side". Klaus Schulze remembers: "It was such a crazy movie that I wondered whom they actually should arrest: the director or the killer..."

PM for the link !

09-28-2015, 06:47 PM
What a rarity & find. Great upload, PM'ing you for link. Thanks

09-28-2015, 07:04 PM
Excellent share. I've uploaded many more Klaus Schulze scores. Just go through my wall and look at my posts.

09-30-2015, 04:22 AM
Rare!. PM sent. Thx!

09-30-2015, 04:53 AM
Crazy! I just caught this film for the first time recently with a friend and we were simultaneously mesmerized and terrified. Schultze's score was very evocative. I'd love a link!