09-27-2015, 01:11 PM


1. Winds of Sand 0:57
2. The First Caravan 3:42
3. Across the Dunes 2:15
4. Camels 1:25
5. Women of Rock 2:58
6. Heatwaves 1:33
7. Wind & Rewind 2:49
8. Escape 0:44
9. Amina 5:29
10. Dunes 3:40
11. Women of Rock Variation 2:08
12. Domagali 1:24
13. The Well 3:36
14. Moonlight 2:23
15. Signs 0:36
16. The Caravan 2:42
17. The Dream of Mariama 5:03
18. The Destiny of Amina 4:21
TOTAL 47:45