The Ricky
12-25-2004, 10:19 PM
I always love a good RPG with a twisted story. And I've heard it was good. But this was the same guy who said Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Juburo was good. I need opinions before I blow 25 bucks.

Darth Revan
12-27-2004, 06:50 PM
I think I may've posted a reply to a similar thread like this before, but what the hell...

Shadow Hearts is a solid RPG, dark and gothic, with some good atmospheric music to it. The character designs are above average, and the story... well, the story is pretty much the same as all other RPG's. Stop the bad guy, save the girl, and kick a lot of bad guy's asses.

Shadow Hearts is the sequel to the PSX RPG/Horror game, Koudelka. Even has the main character from Koudelka (Koudelka Iasant) making a cameo appearance later on in the game (Sorry for spoiling. My bad.).

If you'd like to try something different from FFX, FF X-2, Wild Arms 3 and the like, give this one a go. You may be surprised.

The Ricky
12-28-2004, 11:54 PM
I hear it's got a really fucked up story line. And no prob for the spoiler. It doesn't bother me much if people spoil it for me, it give me something to look foward to.

12-29-2004, 03:43 PM
Get Shadow Hearts Covenant, yes. Get the original Shadow Hearts, no. It stunk. But the second one is supposed to be good.

12-31-2004, 04:14 PM
Shadow Hearts is slightly different from other RPGs. The setting makes the game particularly inventive, and the story is fairly engaging. I wouldn't use "fucked up" to describe it. The opening FMV is pretty strange though.

Gameplay is slow and repetitive, but it does require that you pay attention to what you're doing. The graphics are somewhat lacking, but the story was interesting enough to keep me playing. The monster designs are very odd, especially in the latter parts of the gmae. The characters are interesting as well, and there's some funny bits in there. I'd recommend renting it first, as it might not suit you.

As for Shadow Hearts II... very slow start. Only thing that's keeping me playing is my expectations gained from the previous game.

The Ricky
12-31-2004, 11:20 PM
Does it have some difficulty (unlike FFX) SH and FFX came out at the same time. And I'm hoping SH has more difficulty and requires more brainpower than FFX.

01-03-2005, 09:18 AM
It is much harder than FFs.

There is ALOT of flaws in the game, things that make it not as smooth, and just small gameplay issues. But, it's still easily on my top 5 list. The system isn't as good as most of square's. It has potential, but something about it just isn't right. Still awesome though.

For the story, it's good. They didn't do a great job at making it impactful though. The plot twists and whatever else don't make you go "woah" or "awww :(" nearly as much as some of square's games.

And I would give it the title of funniest RPG.

01-12-2005, 07:50 PM
lol i agree with pope its quite an awesome game with a great script. As for the story its fair good , just without the great plot twists. Its more difficult though but if you want a good rpg you cant go wrong with sh.