12-24-2004, 08:09 AM
After defeating Yunalesca

Auron: We must talk.

Tidus: What?

Auron: There is something you should know.

Tidus: I's about you, right?

Auron: I am also an unsent. You are not surprised?

Tidus: I think I kinda knew. It was Yunalesca, wasn't it?

Auron: When Braska and Jecht died defeating Sin... I just couldn't accept it. I
came back here...tried to avenge them. But she struck me down. Somehow I made myway, crawling, down Mount Gagazet. But my strength left me just outside Bevelle.That's where Kimahri found me. I told him about Yuna...just before I died. I'vebeen wandering ever since, never going to the Farplane.

I ws just thinking about this when replaying through the game again. And when in Guadosalam, i realised that the game hints that Auron was unsent.

After Seymours proposal to Yuna
Seymour: (to Auron) Why are you still here, sir?

Auron looks at Seymour.

Seymour: I beg your pardon. We Guado are keen to the scent of the Farplane.

Just before the Farplane

Tidus: Aren't you coming?

Auron: I do not belong there.

Also: when Yuna sends Lord Jyscal, Auron seems kind of weakened by the pyreflies that are hanging about.

So what I was wondering is. Did anyone pick upon any of this before you fought Lady Yunalesca and Auron told Tidus?

I did'nt I only noticed it when playing through the game once again.

12-24-2004, 11:14 PM
I noticed the second time to and never sort of "clicked" first time around. I thought he was kinda weird when Yuna sent Lord Jyscal...I was just a bit confused. It made sense the second time though.

hb smokey
12-25-2004, 05:48 AM
I did notice all of these foreshadowing events as well. To be honest, I found out that he was an unsent before the fight with Yunalesca. It was still a surprise to hear it, but I kind of knew it already.

It was a great twist to the game.

12-25-2004, 06:37 AM
I don't usually figure out stuff like that before it's revealed and this time was no exception. It caught me just as much off-guard with another character too, but I won't say anymore about that so as not to spoil anyone.

I definitely did notice the hints the second-time through though.

12-25-2004, 07:20 AM spotted 1_winged_angel I suppose.

The Sage
12-27-2004, 11:22 PM
I only saw those on the second play. I just thought that in Guadosalam he was a bit tired of that world or something. And by sending Lord Jyscal I had doubts but still didn't get it til i was told in the game.

01-01-2005, 01:14 AM
I kinda got that a bit after when maester seymour said why are you still here, sir. First i thought he was being rude, but then it clicked.

01-01-2005, 01:57 AM
I kind of guessed the 1st time but I wasnt sure

01-01-2005, 04:23 AM
I just don't remember, it might have been like this: I found out after Yunalesca.
Or it could be like this too: I had the clues and all and I suspected it but I really wasn't sure about it.
Or something like this: A friend of mine spoiled me with telling it to me.
But the most realible reason: I cried as hell when I found out about it.

01-01-2005, 12:06 PM
I kinda knew he was, later in the game, but I didn't really click because of those clues.

Katamari Damacy
01-01-2005, 12:32 PM
The first time I played I figured it out, I was like: "He's dead!".....*GASP!!* It was the first hint that gave it away, the other hints confirmed my beliefs. Honestly though, they gave it away too easily.

01-28-2005, 01:09 AM
Yea, I didn't know he was dead till Yuna sent that Jyscal guy. Then I thought he was a fiend or something.

01-29-2005, 09:14 PM
I didn't notice 'till I played it the second time. I was so surprised when I saw all the clues, and I actually cried when I heard it the first time.
Isn't it such a great game? 'sukker dypt'

01-29-2005, 10:00 PM
I only realized it after you kill jecht, and then Yuna is sending, and then pyerflies come outta Aruon. I wanted to play again to see if I could notice anything.....and i did. I was so sad that auron was dead....I dind't think he was gonna die, i knew he was dead already, but i didn't think he was gonna get sent

01-29-2005, 11:37 PM
I could pretty much tell when Auron didn't go to the farplane with the others, but I wasn't positive until the end of the game.

01-30-2005, 12:05 AM
My sister CRIED when she found out Auron was unsent. It was quite easy to pick up the first time around, but when he actually tells Tidus its quite a shock.

Heero Avaren
01-30-2005, 06:00 PM
I got it a few minutes after he wouldn't go into the farplane, it's kinda obvious.

02-02-2005, 03:01 AM
It was sorta shocking,but the whole Sin-Is-Jecht thing was way more shocking.

It was also sort of obvious at the Sending and with Seymour,it all sank in.

Needless to say,I was shocked.O_O.

02-02-2005, 03:18 PM
yes, i knew he was dead when they got to the farplane and he didnt go in. it took me like 10 minutes and it just clicked. but like some others have said, it was a great twist in the game and it was shocking when auron admits it. But Sir auron still rocks!

02-14-2005, 12:06 AM
Ye i kind of got it 1st time when seymour says "y r still here".
Easy to guess and so it wasnt that suprising after u fight yunalesa

02-14-2005, 05:28 PM
I actually figured it out from something that an NPC character says pretty early in the game.

But I'm one of those people who tends to piece together a movie's ending ends. So yeah.

02-15-2005, 09:19 PM
i new straight away this is my first time playing it...first people kept saying to tidus u will never get back to zanarkand so i thought how did auron get there then? and when seymour sed what are you stil doing here sir?...i was confused...when auron didnt go into the farplane i thought he was an unsent then when he got weak after yuna did that sending i new...but i cant say i wasnt surprised to hear him say it i think that made a great twist in the game

FF Fanatic
02-18-2005, 01:35 PM
I picked up on all the clues and therefore I thought that he was unsent before you fight Yunalesca. However, until the battle with Yunalesca it wasn't something I would have put my money on.

02-18-2005, 01:43 PM
I noticed it when Seymore said that thing that you said about the scent of the farplane.

02-23-2005, 05:18 AM
Didn't catch on when seymour was talking i though he was being rude and didn't hear the scent of the farplane line, but when he didn't go in the the farplane i though he was like rikku and didn't want to go in.

02-23-2005, 05:58 AM
It's kind of odd, actually, b/c Auron supposedly defeated Sin 10 years ago, and in the jecht spheres, he looks like he's in his early twenties. but 10 years later he looks like he's an old geyser (a cool old geyser). And no, i didn't pick up on it the first time around either.