12-21-2004, 08:33 PM
I just wanted to know who everyones favourite characters are. I don't post too often but I want you guys' thoughts. Who's your favourite? Why? What I want to know the most is who is everyones favourite bad guy? =)

12-21-2004, 09:09 PM
Uh, there is already a Thread for this (technically), but who cares?!
My fave is Sephiroth, overall, and obviously, fave baddie. Why? He is too cool!!! And he has a 3 metre long sword, and he slices the useless (for me) Aeris up with it. And he is EVIL!!!! And insane.
I am EVIL!!!! And insane.

Neo Xzhan
12-21-2004, 09:54 PM
For your information, I care. I did not sticky the other character thread for no reason.

Thread 16412

So please use this one instead.