09-06-2015, 03:06 PM

Tracks: 114
Release: 2007
Composers: Jesper Kyd, Rom Di Prisco & Kevin Riepl
Available on: PC, Xbox 360 & PS3

It's my first time posting here on the forums and I've been a member for quite a while. To return the favour for all the nice people who have been uploading soundtracks and music for several years I decided to strap my boots on and rip songs from Unreal Tournament 3 and upload them here. My method of ripping these songs from the game was by using an OGG extractor that I found on the Epic Games forums and I proceeded to rip all of the music files from the game, one by one.

The differences between this gamerip and the official soundtrack is that the soundtrack takes all of the songs and compiles their variations (Winning, Losing, Choir, Bass, Orchestra & Idle) and meshes them together to make the complete songs. However my game rip separates the original tracks and allow users to download them in order to enjoy the different pieces that weren't included in the official soundtrack or weren't found in the game during regular gameplay.

The official soundtrack has 33 tracks, the gamerip has 114 tracks.

This is the first time I've ripped songs from a video game and I've labelled all of the songs by name, however they aren't in any particular order. I'll get around to putting them together by track number soon and I will update the file when it happens. Seeing how this is the first time I've ripped songs, please tell me if I've made any mistakes or done anything wrong with the upload and I'll try and fix it.

I highly recommend listening to Necris Attacks, Frozen Babylon & ONS01, they're really great tracks.

Mediafire ( (Coming Soon)

Tracklist: (A ---> Z)
Afterburn (Idle)

Bushido (1st Half)
Bushido (2nd Half)
Bushido (Idle)

Coret (Idle)
Coret (Losing)
Coret (Winning)

Defector (Choir)
Defector (Idle)
Defector (Losing)
Defector (Orchestra)
Defector (Winning)

Firestorm (1st Half)
Firestorm (2nd Half)
Firestorm (3rd Half)
Firestorm (Backing)
Firestorm (Losing)
Firestorm (Main Beat)
Firestorm (Outro + Idle)
Firestorm (Outro) (Alternate)

Forgone Destruction (Backing)
Forgone Destruction (Bass)
Forgone Destruction (Drums #2)
Forgone Destruction (Drums)
Forgone Destruction (Intro)
Forgone Destruction (Orchestra + Drums & Bass)
Forgone Destruction (Orchestra + Losing)
Forgone Destruction (Orchestra + Piano)
Forgone Destruction (Winning)
Forgone Destruction

Frozen Babylon (Alternate)
Frozen Babylon (Idle)
Frozen Babylon (Losing)
Frozen Babylon (Outro)
Frozen Babylon (Winning)
Frozen Babylon

Go Down (Idle)
Go Down

Lockdown (1st Half + Winning)
Lockdown (2nd Half + Losing)
Lockdown (Outro)
Lockdown (Alternate)
Lockdown (Idle)

Mechanism Eight (Idle)
Mechanism Eight

Necrimanci (Alternate #2)
Necrimanci (Alternate #3)
Necrimanci (Alternate #4)
Necrimanci (Alternate)
Necrimanci (Choir)
Necrimanci (Idle)
Necrimanci (Losing)
Necrimanci (Winning)

Necris Attacks (1st Half + Intro)
Necris Attacks (2nd Half)
Necris Attacks (3rd Half + Losing)
Necris Attacks (Idle)
Necris Attacks (Intro)
Necris Attacks (Winning)
Necris Attacks

Necris Outpost (1st Half)
Necris Outpost (2nd Half)
Necris Outpost (Ambient)
Necris Outpost (Intro + Idle)
Necris Outpost (Losing)
Necris Outpost (Winning)
Necris Outpost

ONS01 (1st Half + Winning)
ONS01 (2nd Half + Losing)
ONS01 (Ambient)
ONS01 (Idle)

Plasma Oscillator (1st Half + Winning)
Plasma Oscillator (2nd Half)
Plasma Oscillator (3rd Half +Losing)
Plasma Oscillator (Ambient)
Plasma Oscillator

Quantum Velocity (Alternate #1)
Quantum Velocity (Alternate #2)
Quantum Velocity (Alternate #3)
Quantum Velocity (Ambient)
Quantum Velocity (Idle)
Quantum Velocity

Robo Mall (Idle)
Robo Mall

Skylab 9000 (1st Half + Winning)
Skylab 9000 (2nd Half)
Skylab 9000 (3rd Half + Losing)
Skylab 9000 (Alternate #1)
Skylab 9000 (Ambient)
Skylab 9000 (Idle)
Skylab 9000

Tactical Agenda

Temple of Shambhala (Idle)
Temple of Shambhala

To The Death (Idle)
To The Death

Unreal Tournament Theme

Unreal Tournament Title (UT3 Reconstruction)
Unreal Tournament Title (UT3 Remix)

World of Liandri (Idle)
World of Liandri (Losing)
World of Liandri (Winning)
World of Liandri

09-06-2015, 03:44 PM
Thanks! :)

09-06-2015, 04:33 PM
Great. I love the UT series, especially the third part. Music they are very good. More thanks for gamerip.

09-07-2015, 02:51 AM
Thanks for this!

09-07-2015, 06:53 AM
Thanks dude!