12-20-2004, 03:47 AM
Who wants PSP? I am so psyched about this one. Metal Gaer Acid, NFSU Rivals, FF7 AC.

12-20-2004, 03:50 AM
Couldn't you have combined your last two threads to make just one about portable gaming?

12-20-2004, 03:51 AM
I felt like making two separate, so DS likers have they're own, and PSP likers have they're own, and there is no arguing over which is better.

12-20-2004, 03:57 AM
there would be no arguing, PSP is the best.

12-20-2004, 04:22 AM
there would be no arguing, PSP is the best.

I assume you have both the PSP, and the DS, and have played all the games available for both. I also assume that you understand the Japanese language, and as such have experienced all the Japanese games for both systems.

Because if not, this statement has no grounding in fact, and is absolute trollop.

12-20-2004, 04:37 AM
while you make a valid point it doesn't change the fact that PSP is the best.

12-20-2004, 04:44 AM
Short battery life and not being able to actually play it yet = better than the DS?


hb smokey
12-20-2004, 05:36 AM
while you make a valid point it doesn't change the fact that PSP is the best.
While you have failed to make a valid point, it doesn't change the fact that you are a fucking retard, as I clearly stated in the other thread. If you are saying the PSP is the better system in terms of graphics, I'll concede that to you. If you are saying that the PSP is a better system in terms of fun and innovation, you are wholly wrong.

Darth Pepper
12-20-2004, 05:38 AM
Make a 'fucking retard' list in your sig, and he can be your first member.

12-20-2004, 06:02 AM
i want one... grrr....

12-20-2004, 10:04 PM
while you make a valid point it doesn't change the fact that PSP is the best.

Why can't people remember to put IMO at the end of such a sentence? *RAGE*

And also, you will need to back that statement up before it will be respected by anyone.

haryuu no
12-20-2004, 11:40 PM
im not sure if i want it or not
ill think about it

12-21-2004, 11:47 AM
battery life:

12-21-2004, 03:30 PM
I don't really want the PSP, hand held consoles don't appeal to me. They can get stolen too easily... v_v

Fated Forever
12-22-2004, 12:38 AM
Psp for me please!

I'm not going to go into the argument of which Hand-held is better - I've seen it all too many times.


Oh yeah, & may I add that I haven't actually played on a DS or Psp yet. I'm basing my opinions on my Fan-girl ways, & well, I think the Psp will manage to keep me entertained.

12-22-2004, 01:38 AM
Does anyone know the release date and or price for the PSP in New Zealand?

12-22-2004, 12:42 PM
I am sure that with the amount of problems arisied from the PSP's battery life, That they will either improve it, or just not and let people down.

12-22-2004, 04:16 PM
My PSP is bought and will be with me in a week or so, christmas holidays abiding. I've bought MGS:A and RIdge Racers, and I'll probably order Lumines and Vampire Chronicles on receiving the thing - once i've got all of them I'll give my verdict.

12-23-2004, 10:47 AM
I'll probably save up and buy both, they will both have games i want to play :)

12-23-2004, 02:41 PM
My PSP was dispatched a few hours ago from Japan, so I expect to see it around the 29th.

12-23-2004, 06:38 PM
We need your verdict mmm.

12-24-2004, 03:14 AM
We need your verdict mmm.
You'll have my first thoughts ASAP. Once I get it I'm gonna order lumines/vampire. I've no doubt it'll be an enjoyable piece of kit :)

12-27-2004, 05:22 PM
PSP battery life is about 4 hours but are you really gonna play it for longer then that? whats the life for the DS?

12-30-2004, 04:51 PM
Hi guys. In my sweaty hands this afternoon, as well as my member, has been my PSP.
I must give you a disclaimer - this is not my complete verdict yet. I've only (really) been able to play one game. Metal Gear Ac!d is basically unplayable if you do not know Japanese. My fault, not Konami's, and thus it's just not taken into consideration.

Ridge Racers, however, is very much playable.

First of all, to the unit itself.

You're able to change it to your time zone, and your language (Well, english). It's got a big screen - by big I mean "wow, that's really nice" big. It makes the DS look a little silly and dinky - I can guarantee that this will shift to some people on aesthetics - the PSP is slick. I mean really, really slick. So slick, in fact, that it once again will disuade people from the DS.

As far as weight goes, it feels to me slightly lighter than the DS. This may be because of the actual thing itself - the DS requires a balancing act of sorts. This leads onto the first point where the PSP trounces the DS - it feels a lot more solid and is a great deal easier to handle.

The UI allows you to play around with the various features - at the moment I have not tried the MP3 or Movie-display functions of the console, but will probably do so tonight. As you probably know, the Value pack (that's what I got) and the normal pack do not come with a UMD movie, and I am not shelling out money to get a movie that i can't understand. I already did so for MGA :p

NOTE: You cannot play without the backlight on to my knowledge. This means that scratches on the screen really won't mess with your play. This also means conserving battery life sucks a little. Doy!

Good news for those who are worried about voltages and suchlike. Apparently the connection is world-wide, and will work anywhere. Also, the power kit uses a figure 8 connection to go into the plug socket. To those not really versed with this sort of thing, it's the same power supply that you plug into your PS2, Xbox, and (As i literally just tested) dreamcast. This is a relief for those importing who are worried about stepdowns.

To the games. I repeat myself - this is not a definitive verdict. It isn't fair to judge a console based upon one game, otherwise the PS2 would be awful and shit based upon it's original lineup.

I will give my verdict as to which I am finding the best once I receive the other two games - Vampire Chronicles: The Chaos Tower and Lumines.

Now, for a little history of my gaming. I do not particularly like racing games. Quite a few are too finnicky with their handling, some are just stupid, annoying, boring, etc, etc.

Ridge Racers is actually a really, really awesome game. The cars handle brilliantly - not virtually impossible to control, but they take skill to make skid around corners. The tracks are varied urban landscapes as you would expect. The analog stick (which is not quite a stick, but more a round thing that moves over some sort of plate. It's weird at first, but in no way as prohibitive and fiddly as the touch screen is for say, Mario 64. You can actually learn to use it quickly.) allows for some smooth turns, and in general it hurtles along pleasingly.

Graphically...the PSP is great. As expected, it is better than the DS. The huge screen (and I'll post a photograph at some point soon to give you an idea of how different the sizes are) is more colourful than the DS', and graphically it is marvellous.

Oh, and i'm sure a few of you will be concerned/interested/malicious, my PSP turns on, does not fire UMDs with a quick twist, turned on, has its analog stick in tact, and has all of its pixels alive.

Returning to graphics, I did try MGA out. Graphically, it is almost to MGS3's level, but with less antialiasing.

Sound-wise, I haven't tried Mp3s, however, RR has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game fullstop. MGA has some interesting stuff too. Using the value pack headphones, I listened along. They're surprisingly good, with firm bass and no distortion from the higher sound levels. Sound from the unit itself was solid.

As I said, this is not going to have a verdict beyond my first thoughts. I will give that once I receive VC/Lumines, as that will be a fair comparison - I have four games for my DS, and will then have four for my PSP.

At the moment I am very, very positive. The PSP has impressed me immensely, and using a game that I did not expect to. So, take from that what you will.

I'll do my best to get some photos up in a bit.

If you have any questions about it, ask.

12-30-2004, 04:57 PM
Hi guys. In my sweaty hands this afternoon, as well as my member, has been my PSP.
I must give you a disclaimer - this is not my complete verdict yet. I've only (really) been able to play one game. Metal Gear Ac!d is basically unplayable if you do not know Japanese. My fault, not Konami's, and thus it's just not taken into consideration.

Ridge Racers, however, is very much playable.

First of all, to the unit itself.

You're able to change it to your time zone, and your language (Well, english). It's got a big screen - by big I mean "wow, that's really nice" big. It makes the DS look a little silly and dinky - I can guarantee that this will shift to some people on aesthetics - the PSP is slick. I mean really, really slick. So slick, in fact, that it once again will disuade people from the DS.

As far as weight goes, it feels to me slightly lighter than the DS. This may be because of the actual thing itself - the DS requires a balancing act of sorts. This leads onto the first point where the PSP trounces the DS - it feels a lot more solid and is a great deal easier to handle.

The UI allows you to play around with the various features - at the moment I have not tried the MP3 or Movie-display functions of the console, but will probably do so tonight. As you probably know, the Value pack (that's what I got) and the normal pack do not come with a UMD movie, and I am not shelling out money to get a movie that i can't understand. I already did so for MGA :p

NOTE: You cannot play without the backlight on to my knowledge. This means that scratches on the screen really won't mess with your play. This also means conserving battery life sucks a little. Doy!

Good news for those who are worried about voltages and suchlike. Apparently the connection is world-wide, and will work anywhere. Also, the power kit uses a figure 8 connection to go into the plug socket. To those not really versed with this sort of thing, it's the same power supply that you plug into your PS2, Xbox, and (As i literally just tested) dreamcast. This is a relief for those importing who are worried about stepdowns.

To the games. I repeat myself - this is not a definitive verdict. It isn't fair to judge a console based upon one game, otherwise the PS2 would be awful and shit based upon it's original lineup.

I will give my verdict as to which I am finding the best once I receive the other two games - Vampire Chronicles: The Chaos Tower and Lumines.

Now, for a little history of my gaming. I do not particularly like racing games. Quite a few are too finnicky with their handling, some are just stupid, annoying, boring, etc, etc.

Ridge Racers is actually a really, really awesome game. The cars handle brilliantly - not virtually impossible to control, but they take skill to make skid around corners. The tracks are varied urban landscapes as you would expect. The analog stick (which is not quite a stick, but more a round thing that moves over some sort of plate. It's weird at first, but in no way as prohibitive and fiddly as the touch screen is for say, Mario 64. You can actually learn to use it quickly.) allows for some smooth turns, and in general it hurtles along pleasingly.

Graphically...the PSP is great. As expected, it is better than the DS. The huge screen (and I'll post a photograph at some point soon to give you an idea of how different the sizes are) is more colourful than the DS', and graphically it is marvellous.

Oh, and i'm sure a few of you will be concerned/interested/malicious, my PSP turns on, does not fire UMDs with a quick twist, turned on, has its analog stick in tact, and has all of its pixels alive.

Returning to graphics, I did try MGA out. Graphically, it is almost to MGS3's level, but with less antialiasing.

Sound-wise, I haven't tried Mp3s, however, RR has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game fullstop. MGA has some interesting stuff too. Using the value pack headphones, I listened along. They're surprisingly good, with firm bass and no distortion from the higher sound levels. Sound from the unit itself was solid.

As I said, this is not going to have a verdict beyond my first thoughts. I will give that once I receive VC/Lumines, as that will be a fair comparison - I have four games for my DS, and will then have four for my PSP.

At the moment I am very, very positive. The PSP has impressed me immensely, and using a game that I did not expect to. So, take from that what you will.

I'll do my best to get some photos up in a bit.

If you have any questions about it, ask.

Yes I have a question. Where did you get it and how much $$$ was it??

12-30-2004, 05:42 PM
Ebay, and about 500 bucks. I've got money, and I've got time.

And now for the pictures.
The kit -
The duo (blurry :() -
NO! BAD DS! (also blurry) -

12-30-2004, 08:05 PM
PSP; for some reason, I just think it'll be better.

And rofl to the last pic mmm

12-31-2004, 02:16 PM
I have decided to change my mind about MGA. It is perfectly playable, just not as good without a storyline. The turnbased nature of the gameplay takes some effort to deal with - it also takes a while to learn exactly what everything means and does, mostly through trial and error. It turns out to be a really fun little turnbased experience, and from what I understand of the cutscenes, the storyline looks really interesting. Crazy cabbage patch marrionets ahoy. It's a great game. I played it a while, and got even further into RR...I love that game so much.

And that's another advantage of the PSP. The sound is amazing. It's really, really good music in both of those games, in a way that no DS game can rival. Sounds are crisp, music is pumping, and the headphones (even though IGN so lovingly calls them useless) work really nicely.

I can't wait for Lumines, which is meant to sound great.

grn apple tree
01-22-2005, 07:11 AM
I would love to have the psp but I couldn't afford it...

01-25-2005, 02:20 AM
The one thing that I hate is the fact that you will have to pay a large amount of money for a fucking duo card that has enough memory to even make having a PSP worth anything.

01-25-2005, 02:33 AM
The one thing that I hate is the fact that you will have to pay a large amount of money for a fucking duo card that has enough memory to even make having a PSP worth anything.
Another ridiculous person comments!
200kb a save, about 50k under or over on some games. Put that into 32mb, and guess what, you're wrong.

01-25-2005, 03:35 AM
What kind of extra features does the psp have because it was supposed to have this and that? I could never quite figure what all they had added and what they subtracted.

01-25-2005, 03:38 PM
I think it has the technology to port digital photos over to the psp, to make a sort of album!

Err...I do know that it is able to play music files (ATRAC3) which you also port from a PC.

And it can play movies aslong as you convert it to play on the correct codec.
It's a fancy bit of kit, and i can't wait to get my mitts on one!

Black Waltz
01-25-2005, 03:41 PM
Hmmm. Something else for us to waste our money on.

01-25-2005, 03:53 PM
I doubt it'll be a waste, people like cool things. It makes games more sociable, especially with the Wi-Fi capabilities! Yes! That's gonna rock!
I want one NOW! i already love it more than my PS2 (Well, actually that's not true) but it can't fail! Here's to many gaming years with the PSP!

01-26-2005, 04:57 AM
Another ridiculous person comments!
200kb a save, about 50k under or over on some games. Put that into 32mb, and guess what, you're wrong.

Yeah, and another stupid comment. Because how many songs are you going to fit onto a 32 mb card? How many movies? How many pictures? Yeah, the PSP doesn't really have a large hard drive so all of those things will be stored on the card therefore that's the cards main purpose, and that's what makes the PSP cool is the ability to use these different formats. And like I said it will cost a fortune to get a 512 mb or 1 gig card. Therefore more than doubling the cost of the PSP, and making it not worth it.

So good luck using all it's features without spening hundreds of additional dollars.

Landlord of Sector 7
01-28-2005, 04:47 AM
You're retarded mmmkay? I don't know about songs but you BUY UMB movies (you honestly think you could fit a movie on 32MB?). Also, what kind of a fag puts pictures onto a PSP looks like a waste of time imo.

01-31-2005, 01:08 AM
You're retarded mmmkay? I don't know about songs but you BUY UMB movies (you honestly think you could fit a movie on 32MB?). Also, what kind of a fag puts pictures onto a PSP looks like a waste of time imo.
I would have to agree. You have to buy the UMD movies. And why in Gods name would you put pictures on the PSP? You have a camera, a cell phone, and other thing to put pics on. You don't need to put it on the PSP.