12-20-2004, 03:38 AM
Anyone have or have played a DS. Do you like it. Do you hate it? I love it. I played Metroid DS in Best Buy. It's hot.

12-20-2004, 03:43 AM
the DS is lame, PSP is were it will be at.

12-20-2004, 03:46 AM
the DS is lame, PSP is were it will be at.
Both are gonna be hot.

12-20-2004, 04:35 AM
I messed around for with a DS in an Gamestop it's pretty sweet. I really want one.

12-20-2004, 04:40 AM
I played it at EB and I didn't think the two screens made playing it interesting, I think its more of a gimmick than anything. And I also played Donkey Konga, that is a gimmick worth buying!

12-20-2004, 04:43 AM
I loved the dual screens, they give the DS a new wide array of buttons that makes it adaptable to any game imaginable.

hb smokey
12-20-2004, 05:34 AM
the DS is lame, PSP is were it will be at.
Here's the deal:

You're a fucking retard if that is all you are going to say. It's obvious that you are a huge Sony fan and that's the only reason you are saying this. All the PSP has going for it is the graphics and the bigger screen. That's it, that's the list.

Unless you can actually say something worth reading.

12-20-2004, 02:36 PM
Here's the deal:

You're a fucking retard if that is all you are going to say. It's obvious that you are a huge Sony fan and that's the only reason you are saying this. All the PSP has going for it is the graphics and the bigger screen. That's it, that's the list.

Unless you can actually say something worth reading.
It's obvious that you are a huge Nintendo fan because in reality you can't say that either. You don't know that the DS will be that much more enjoyable than a psp, unless of course you have plaayed with the psp and DS but wait that's not possible yet. So you might want to tone it down a bit on the whole FUCKING RETARD thing a little. =/

12-20-2004, 05:17 PM
Just from what I've seen online and in magizines PSP looks like the choice for me. the graphics are amazing. I am a huge Sony fan but thats not the reason I'm saying this. PSP has some great games coming out for it (plus Advent Children). Granted DS is out now and PSP is not, but I'd rather wait and play Crisis Core when PSP hits US Shores.

12-20-2004, 10:01 PM
OK, hands down, both consoles are going to do extraordinarily well.

The Nintendo has a great reputation in the handheld field, and the DS is quesiton has some great features and many great games on its way, including The Legend of Zelda DS and Spiderman 2.

Similarly, The PSP will also do well because of Sony's repuation in consoles anyway.

In my honest opinion, I will be buying a Nintendo DS as soon as I get my wage in at the end of December. This is because, I consider most consoles/handhelds made by Nintendo to be extremely underated, and love some of the games released exclusive to Nintendo anyways (i.e. the Mario series, the Zelda series, and Metroid Prime).

Anywho, in conclusion, while the PSP offers better graphics and a slightly bigger screen, as stated earlier in the thread, from my point of view, the Nintendo DS has more to offer and hence will be more enjoyable.

(Ignore my signiture in all of this, by the way)

haryuu no
12-20-2004, 11:41 PM
i played a DS its cool il think about it

12-21-2004, 12:00 AM
OK, hands down, both consoles are going to do extraordinarily well.

The Nintendo has a great reputation in the handheld field, and the DS is quesiton has some great features and many great games on its way, including The Legend of Zelda DS and Spiderman 2.

Similarly, The PSP will also do well because of Sony's repuation in consoles anyway.

In my honest opinion, I will be buying a Nintendo DS as soon as I get my wage in at the end of December. This is because, I consider most consoles/handhelds made by Nintendo to be extremely underated, and love some of the games released exclusive to Nintendo anyways (i.e. the Mario series, the Zelda series, and Metroid Prime).

Anywho, in conclusion, while the PSP offers better graphics and a slightly bigger screen, as stated earlier in the thread, from my point of view, the Nintendo DS has more to offer and hence will be more enjoyable.

(Ignore my signiture in all of this, by the way)

I agree with everything you've said, except that Nintendo handhelds are underrated. The Game Boy Advance is the biggest selling console in the market - it outstrips the PlayStation 2 easily.

12-21-2004, 12:18 AM
I agree with everything you've said, except that Nintendo handhelds are underrated. The Game Boy Advance is the biggest selling console in the market - it outstrips the PlayStation 2 easily.

No, you are right, maybe you would agree that the GameCube is particularly underrated, well, in the UK anyway.

12-21-2004, 03:09 AM
Just from what I've seen online and in magizines PSP looks like the choice for me. the graphics are amazing.
You're impressed easily, the graphics are identical to the PS2, if not a little worse.

12-21-2004, 04:47 AM
He probably means for a handheld. Either way, though, his logic is ridiculous. There is no way of knowing if the games for the PSP will be any good because none of them have come out yet, and seeing as how neither PlayStation console launched with any good games, I don't see much reason to have faith that the first PSP ones will be any good either.

The DS is here now, and it has lots of games and lots more coming. You can walk into a game store and play it and see for yourself how good the games are. Saying that the PSP is "obviously" better is like saying that the year 2045 will "obviously" have better weather than this past year has had.

12-21-2004, 11:28 AM
Second'd. However, the DS has alot more features than the PSP though too, hasn't it?

When I read Gamesmaster (magazine) I saw a few games that were "meant" to come out for the PSP, including Colin McRae 2005 and Gran Turismo 4.

12-21-2004, 03:53 PM
handhelds can suck my peepee. go laptops!

12-21-2004, 04:46 PM
I got touch! made in wario today, it's awesome.

I'll have my PSP probably early in the new year and I can then tell you. It seems to have a good lineup.

12-21-2004, 07:20 PM
I like the DS, but the PSP might be okay. It depends a lot on the battery life. Either way, I don't see it really challenging Nintendo's handheld dominance.

12-21-2004, 07:22 PM
Handheld's arn't really for me. They don't appeal to me in the slightest, they can get broken or stolen too easily...=/

12-27-2004, 06:15 PM
My bro got one of these recently, and it is definetely an awesome handheld. I'm sure the PSP will be tight in it's own way as well, but as far as the handheld market goes I am sure Sony will hardly put a dent in Nintendo's sales.