08-21-2015, 09:58 PM
Edit: I remixed a couple things to make everything sound better here (!S5ZXGQTA!Rgfd2QUZCPcMgJChaFsV2Q). Question: Does anyone have interest in an abridged mix? Something a few hours long without layering and probably missing some music.

Edit: Here (!HkARlAga!ql123wH7xQfoCEbcRuNdWcIFCrn4yekeL7THBilfgus) is the 90-minute mix for the Batgirl: A Matter of Family DLC. Harley Quinn's Story Pack is next up!

Edit 2: Nearly 40 minutes for the Harley DLC here (!PhgGDQKR!PKcl1eVV8yYbG3HA_vYn1zRL9kNHwl-GrMzpr-KRdlE); enjoy! That's it for now.

Batman: Arkham Knight (The Complete Score)
Composers:Nick Arundel & David Buckley
Year: 2015
Bit rate: 320kbps
Format: .m4a, AAC-encoded.
Discs: 9
Length: 18:36:14, 20:45:08 with DLC

As the title says, this (!S5ZXGQTA!Rgfd2QUZCPcMgJChaFsV2Q) is the mixed, complete score for Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham Knight. I'd made a previous mix for Arkham Origins that I posted to the forum and another mix for Arkham City that I kept for myself as there was already Quantum16's awesome mix of City; however, if anyone's interested, I am more than happy to upload City and/or provide the link for Origins (*cough, shameful self-promotion, cough*).

This rip contains all the music from AK (with the exception of the Batgirl and Harley Quinn DLCs, which have original music that I am in the midst of finding a mixing now). It was far and away the single biggest project I've ever done, being more than twice as long and about ten times as complicated as my mixes for City and Origins. It was all mixed using Audacity. I wanted a bunch of suite-esque tracks on the album, which is why so many of the songs are upwards of twenty minutes. My goal was to recreate the feeling of playing the game via the music while also trying to avoid repetition; luckily, however, it was much easier to avoid repetition because this game had so much music that, even if some music is played more than once, it's been around three hours since you've heard it. There was also an almost ungodly of layering with this music, so I wanted to give every layer its opportunity to be heard in its entirety after I faded it in on top of the previous layer(s), which is more-or-less how it was done in the game. The finished songs themselves are all titled by quotes within the game; I tried to keep spoilers away, but a few things were unavoidable. There are also spoilers inside some of the actual songs themselves (aside from a few musical numbers, I put several aural Easter Eggs into my mixes), but, hopefully, you've already played or watched the game and are familiar with its story. Speaking of the story, the game had a plethora of side missions, almost all of which had entirely unique music (a few reused music from Arkham City, which I didn't incorporate because, again, I already did all that and can upload it if it's requested); I presented the side missions mostly as they appeared in the game. I also didn't necessarily include all the instances of side missions... An example will help: Azrael's side mission occurs in four iterations until its ending, but I only have three iterations and the ending. Again, all the music from the game is included, with the exception of the music for the Harley Quinn and Batgirl DLC, which I am working on presently and will edit this post when I have them finished. Also, most of the AR challenges featured music that appeared elsewhere in the story, so I didn't make new versions to represent the AR challenges; however, there were a few AR cues that didn't appear in the story, but I represented them in the first track which acts as an overture.

As this was the biggest project on which I've ever worked, I have the largest amount of people ever to thank. Firstly, there is garapef, who uploaded the game's files, without which no one would have been able to do any of this work. Secondly, there is VladlenCry, who edited and organized the game's files, again without which none of us would be able to do any of this work. Thanks must also go to SFC1 and Mr.MnM; Mr.MnM is working on their own mix of Knight, and, if it's anything like some of the preliminary work of theirs I've heard, it'll be awesome and almost undoubtedly better than this one; SFC1 is also regularly uploading tracks to their YouTube channel ( that is also quite good and far less time-absorbing that this mix (while I'm absurdly proud, this eighteen-and-a-half-hours thing is ludicrous). Thanks should also be heaped upon BlackGatePH, who created all but one of the covers I used with this album; they were uploaded to the Official Custom Covers thread, which is where I got them; there is one album cover I used that I believe was made by Mr.MnM, but I'm not entirely certain. Finally, massive thanks must go to CaptainMcMulla who recorded parts of the game for me, along with Mr.MnM; the first minute of track six on disc nine along with the latter half-ish of track eight on the same disc were recorded by them, and my rip would be incomplete without the recordings.

Below will be the track names and run-times along with the occasional interjection from me. Also, these "discs" are less the length of actual discs and more defined by the change in the story's chapters (apparently there are nine, but I've never encountered this stuff in my multiple playthroughs of the game). Also, here (!S5ZXGQTA!Rgfd2QUZCPcMgJChaFsV2Q) again is the link because, in the unlikelihood that you actually read all this, you don't have to scroll all the way to the top.

Disc 1:
1. It's the Only Way to Protect Them - 43:53 (This is an overture of sorts, containing the opening logos, the only music unique to AR challenges, the official album track "Remnants", (only the first third was heard in the game) a variation of the official album track "All Who Follow You", and the layering of the main theme).
2. I've Got Only You Under My Skin - 10:45 (Some of this was recorded directly from the game by me, so the quality isn't the best; hopefully, however, it isn't terribly noticeable).
3. It's Going to Be a Long Night - 26:06
4. Let's Put That Grotesque Egomobile to the Test: - 29:43

Disc 2:
1. Time to Die, Old Man - 29:02 (This track, along with the next one, feature some music recorded directly from the game; again, hopefully the quality drop isn't painfully noticeable).
2. A Billion-Dollar Tank Headed Straight for You - 23:09
3. Patience is a Virtue - 27:33
4. Miss Me? - 26:05

Disc 3:
1. All the Subtlety and Nuance of a Napalm Enema - 26:35
2. It's Dangerous out There - 17:01
3. When Did Catwoman Get So Cute? - 14:42
4. Gotham is Burning - 29:49
5. Not Your Best Day at the Office, Bats - 28:51
6. Feng Shui for Serial Killers - 25:42
7. You Want Your Laundry Done? - 23:07
8. This is Our City Now - 32:41
9. That Fire Will Consume You: 28:26

Disc 4:
1. Prey That No Longer Fears You - 28:26
2. So, Er, We Still Pals? - 24:51
3. You Will Bring Death to All Who Follow You - 29:07 (Some gameplay recording here, so quality may drop but hopefully not too much).
4. Two Knuckleheads Ruining My Game - 31:38 (This track, along with the next two, are from the Batgirl: A Matter of Family DLC. I put them here because of what happens in the story in the previous song... If you've played the game, you'll get my disturbed joke).
5. Get Rid of the Babies! - 25:28
6. Some Things Run in the Family - 34:34

Disc 5:
1. Whose Throat Are We Gonna Slit First? - 28:39
2. Good Luck with the, Uh, Gardening - 35:14
3. Tonight Ends with Gotham's Fall - 30:59
4. Here Comes the Choo-Choo - 29:56
5. Was I Ever a Part of the Plan? - 27:59

Disc 6:
1. Some Kinda Bat Trick - 28:16
2. The Very First Episode of "Batman Rescues Christina" - 23:20
3. Getting Your Asses Kicked 101 - 16:24
4. Look Who's Laughing Now - 4:22 (Nothing fancy here; just the vocals and instrumental layers. If anyone wants just the instrumental, along with the instrumental for the musical number, I can add them).
5. Clearly Cruel and Mildly Psychotic - 10:40

Disc 7:
1. Do You Ever Rub People the Right Way? - 26:15
2. The City of Fear - 25:57
3. Nature... Always Wins - 30:58
4. This Little Piggy Went Nighty-Night - 37:16 (Harley DLC... this is far from my finest work, but most of it was unavoidable).

Disc 8:
1. On the Stairlift to Heaven - 28:17
2. You Did This to Me - 39:12
3. Crippled by Fear - 11:02

Disc 9:
1. At What Point Does "World's Greatest Assassin" Become False Advertising? (Two things: the music that plays in the latter half of this song, which is essentially the ultimate version of the official album song "Scums, Criminals, and Worse" is for a boss fight that isn't technically available at this point in the game's story, but it made the most sense to put it here for what I was trying to do thematically, which I'll explain in a bit. Second thing: Yes, this album name is a not-so-subtle dig at the asinine boss fight occurring whilst this song plays).
2. What it Means to Be GCPD - 37:57
3. I'm a Freak Because of You - 22:20 (This song, along with the next one, are where I took some artistic license. I wanted to save the side missions with emotional heft for Batman - Friend in Need, Gunrunner, Two-Faced Bandit, Riddler's Revenge - until right before the point-of-no-return happens in the game's story.... If you've played the game, you know why I did this).
4. Some Things You Can't Do Alone, Bruce - 39:50
5. The Die is Cast - 10:03
6. I Just Want to Talk... About Shooting You! - 11:20
7. I Am Vengeance. I Am the Night. I Am Batman! - 17:22
8. Knightfall - 7:15
9. Look Who's Laughing Now (Reprise) - 4:51 (Again, I'll upload the instrumental if anyone wants it).
10. Thank You, Bruce. For Everything - 18:11 (This song plays during the credits, but I embellished the last minutes with some of my own edits of things. I don't want to give away what I did, but I think it provides for a satisfying, full-circle conclusion to the musical journey ).

That's it! If you've made it to the end, I'm proud of you, and I thank you. Here (!S5ZXGQTA!Rgfd2QUZCPcMgJChaFsV2Q), one last time, is the link so you don't have to scroll. Let me know if you have any questions/concerns/complaints/life issues (I am a psych major, after all). I hope you all enjoy, thanks for reading/downloading, and I'm already working on the Harley and Batgirl DLCs, so I should have those up sometime next week (probably Batgirl, then Harley, as Batgirl's will be more straightforward); I'll update this post with the links.

08-22-2015, 12:18 AM
Will give this a listen later on, good work dude.

08-22-2015, 12:46 AM
Will give this a listen later on, good work dude.

Thanks so much, man; I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy! Again, this could not have been possible without you.

08-22-2015, 09:06 AM
A masterpiece! Thank you for all your work and time!

08-22-2015, 11:29 AM
While this is great, and it is, why so gung-ho on the suites format instead of individual tracks?

08-22-2015, 05:41 PM
A masterpiece! Thank you for all your work and time!

Thanks so much! I ridiculously appreciate it!

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

While this is great, and it is, why so gung-ho on the suites format instead of individual tracks?

This is an interesting question, and my answer to it will probably be a bit more in-depth than you'd like (I can't help that I'm absurdly loquacious). When I listen to soundtracks (or any music, for that matter), I love it when there is this seamless, continually-flowing sense to the tracks. For me, the suites helped reinforce that mentality. I was also inspired by Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori's scores for the Halo games done by Bungie; if you don't know (I have no idea how up on Halo's soundtracks you are), they organized the music in suites for listening pleasure as opposed to representing the music exactly how it was in the game. Now, I obviously love their suite idea; I didn't want a bunch of short, forty-second tracks on the album. The suites just reinforce the seamless flow I wanted with the music. On top of that, like I said, I didn't want a plethora of short tracks (there would be very over one hundred if I didn't do suites). Plus, naming and sorting became easier, maintaining it would be simpler, I hate when there are albums with a bunch of senselessly short tracks.... It just made sense for my personal preferences that I did crazy-long suites. I hope this helps, and that my lengthy suites instead of individual tracks doesn't detract too much from your enjoyment of the music itself.

08-23-2015, 07:32 PM
Already finished??!!! :D I have just download it and let it play :D

Thanks for the compliments, bshively I made a break when I finished the stagg chapter... This game never ends!!! Soon I will post it all ;)

Now harley dlc that is one really crazy road!

08-24-2015, 12:35 AM
Already finished??!!! :D I have just download it and let it play :D

Thanks for the compliments, bshively I made a break when I finished the stagg chapter... This game never ends!!! Soon I will post it all ;)

Now harley dlc that is one really crazy road!

There is definitely an endlessness to this game; however, this mix about which we're commenting is evidence enough that it can be finished :) Also, both Harley and Batgirl's DLCs are hot messes when it comes to their music, and mixing them is definitely going to take me longer than I had originally anticipated.

08-26-2015, 05:47 AM
Commenting with the 90-minute mix for the Batgirl: A Matter of Family DLC (!HkARlAga!ql123wH7xQfoCEbcRuNdWcIFCrn4yekeL7THBilfgus).

08-26-2015, 06:47 AM
Gonna give this a listen soon. The suite format sounds interesting.

Also, will you be covering any future DLC if they happen to have new music? I know the '89 pack has new music. Granted, it's just the main score for Tim Burton's Batman, but it'd be nice to have it part of this too.

08-26-2015, 01:52 PM
Gonna give this a listen soon. The suite format sounds interesting.

Also, will you be covering any future DLC if they happen to have new music? I know the '89 pack has new music. Granted, it's just the main score for Tim Burton's Batman, but it'd be nice to have it part of this too.

The suite format is certainly my default format here; of my choices, it seems to be the most controversial decision I made - hopefully you like it. I wanted a seamlessness to the mix, and the suites made the most sense for that.

Regarding DLC, I am more than willing to cover it if it has new music; having said that, that would require someone upload the DLC's files. I have the game on Xbox One because my PC could't run it, so I'm unable to go digging through files like I normally do. But, as long as someone uploads the files for me, I would love to cover all future DLC. In reference to preexisting music, I haven't decided if I'm going to cover those yet. The Red Hood DLC, for example, featured no original music (all of it appeared elsewhere in the game or was in Arkham City), but I haven't decided if I'm touching that yet. The same thing goes for the 1989 and eventual 1966 DLC, since that music exists elsewhere. On top of that, there are also the legal issues of those; while what I'm doing with this music is neither technically legal nor illegal, uploading the racetrack music might be, which could throw the whole mix into question, and I don't want to get caught up in that.

08-27-2015, 01:31 PM
Harley's DLC has been mixed and uploaded; nearly 40 minutes! So, like, twice as long as the actual DLC. That'll be all for now; all of the music from the Red Hood DLC was used in either Arkham Knight or Arkham City, so if anybody's wanting that, I can upload my City mix.

08-29-2015, 02:39 PM
Thanks a lot dude, you're the man :)

08-29-2015, 02:43 PM
Thank you very much Bshively! Great work!

Tyler Bourbon
08-29-2015, 03:05 PM
Holy sh*t, that's amazing.
Thanks for all your efforts you put into this project. Unbelievable.
Many, many thanks for this complete score!

08-29-2015, 07:12 PM
Would an album with individual tracks please be conceivable? It really bothers me that I have to skip entire parts of the suites to find the exact track I want... plus I want to put these particular tracks on my phone (I'll get that with some editing for now) but I don't want the entire thing taking too much memory just for listening to a few minutes of it.

08-30-2015, 03:23 PM
Thanks a lot dude, you're the man :)

No, you're the man!

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ----------

Thank you very much Bshively! Great work!

No, thank you!

---------- Post added at 10:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ----------

Holy sh*t, that's amazing.
Thanks for all your efforts you put into this project. Unbelievable.
Many, many thanks for this complete score!

Thanks so much! I'm glad it's being so well-received!

---------- Post added at 10:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

Would an album with individual tracks please be conceivable? It really bothers me that I have to skip entire parts of the suites to find the exact track I want... plus I want to put these particular tracks on my phone (I'll get that with some editing for now) but I don't want the entire thing taking too much memory just for listening to a few minutes of it.

I'm sorry my format isn't working for you; why don't you tell me everything you're wanting? I'll see what I can do.

09-01-2015, 11:05 AM
Thank you very much :)

09-04-2015, 12:55 AM
Thank you very much :)

Thanks! Hope you like it!

09-04-2015, 02:06 AM
Thanks for the awesome share! :)

09-05-2015, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the awesome share! :)

No problem, friend! Hope you like it!

09-07-2015, 05:50 AM
Is there any chance you could re-release this in the format of your Arkham Origins score? I do enjoy the suites but I much perfer being able to navigate the music in terms of when they happen in the story.

09-07-2015, 08:06 PM
Is there any chance you could re-release this in the format of your Arkham Origins score? I do enjoy the suites but I much perfer being able to navigate the music in terms of when they happen in the story.

I'm not entirely certain what you mean...

09-08-2015, 05:23 PM
I'm not entirely certain what you mean...

I mean where you organize the music by what happens in the story (in sections) instead of in suites. Like how the final mission in Arkham Origins you have 11 tracks, but if it was Arkham Knight it would be half an hour, if that makes any sense.

09-09-2015, 09:00 PM
I mean where you organize the music by what happens in the story (in sections) instead of in suites. Like how the final mission in Arkham Origins you have 11 tracks, but if it was Arkham Knight it would be half an hour, if that makes any sense.

Okay, I see what you're saying. Unfortunately, I swamped with school right now and don't know when I'll have enough time to re-edit Arkham Knight. I should have done an abridged version. Alas. I'm happy with that I have, but I'm sorry not everyone is.

09-10-2015, 01:28 AM
Okay, I see what you're saying. Unfortunately, I swamped with school right now and don't know when I'll have enough time to re-edit Arkham Knight. I should have done an abridged version. Alas. I'm happy with that I have, but I'm sorry not everyone is.

By no means am I, personally, not happy with what you've done, I'd just like to hear what it would sound like in that style.

09-10-2015, 12:43 PM
By no means am I, personally, not happy with what you've done, I'd just like to hear what it would sound like in that style.

Well, I appreciate you saying that. I'm hoping that, at some point, I'm able to make a more streamline version.

09-12-2015, 06:06 PM
Nice release, but wanted to point out its odd how things are named. The names of the files are way different than the names of the tracklist you set up. Also there are many missing files. For example you have 6 tracks listed for disc 4 but only include 3 of those tracks in the zip. Thanks again for the effort.

Edit; nevermind i see that the DLC tracks are the missing tracks from the discs, my bad. Naming is still odd though but other than that i really like the mixes.

09-12-2015, 06:32 PM
Nice release, but wanted to point out its odd how things are named. The names of the files are way different than the names of the tracklist you set up. Also there are many missing files. For example you have 6 tracks listed for disc 4 but only include 3 of those tracks in the zip. Thanks again for the effort.

Edit; nevermind i see that the DLC tracks are the missing tracks from the discs, my bad. Naming is still odd though but other than that i really like the mixes.

Sorry I wasn't clear about the DLC tracks I added in for flow and all that. Also, the file names are different than the tracklist because I mixed everything, exported it was a .wav, opened it in iTunes, converted it to an AAC-.mp3, and then sorted the tracks and gave the songs proper names. The file names say one thing, but the names on the tracklist should appear in whichever program you use to play them - at least, they do in iTunes. I've not heard any issues from anyone, so I assume it's worked across the board.

09-14-2015, 01:48 AM
Is there any way to fix this?: For some reason the tracks are ordered strangely. For instance, Disc 1 has 4 suites, are in the correct order 1, 2, 3, and 4, but they are in the order in iTunes as 2, 1 3, and 4 (by this I mean that track 2 is placed before track 1).

09-14-2015, 06:51 PM
Is there any way to fix this?: For some reason the tracks are ordered strangely. For instance, Disc 1 has 4 suites, are in the correct order 1, 2, 3, and 4, but they are in the order in iTunes as 2, 1 3, and 4 (by this I mean that track 2 is placed before track 1).

That's bizarre. It shouldn't be doing that. Anyway, if you right-click on the track and click "Get Info", a small window should appear. Somewhere towards the bottom (I don't have my computer in front of me to check over exactly where everything is and what it's called), there should be a box where you can change the order of the track by typing in the number you want it to be. Again, I'd be more helpful, but my work PC doesn't have iTunes and my laptop isn't with me. Hopefully you can figure this out.

09-14-2015, 11:39 PM
That's bizarre. It shouldn't be doing that. Anyway, if you right-click on the track and click "Get Info", a small window should appear. Somewhere towards the bottom (I don't have my computer in front of me to check over exactly where everything is and what it's called), there should be a box where you can change the order of the track by typing in the number you want it to be. Again, I'd be more helpful, but my work PC doesn't have iTunes and my laptop isn't with me. Hopefully you can figure this out.

I'll see what I can do...

09-17-2015, 03:27 AM
I'll see what I can do...

Well I did the "Get Info" option and a lot and downloaded the DLC tracks because, I don't know maybe that would help, but the problem remains. Suggestions?

09-17-2015, 04:11 PM
Well I did the "Get Info" option and a lot and downloaded the DLC tracks because, I don't know maybe that would help, but the problem remains. Suggestions?

Can you take a screenshot and send it to me? I just want to know what everything looks like so I can see what's happening. If I can't figure it out, I can send you a new .zip of my most recent, updated version exactly as I have it in iTunes right now. Theoretically, that would solve your problems.

10-09-2015, 12:23 AM
I've jsut come across this, YOU SIR ARE A LEGEND!!!

10-11-2015, 12:40 AM
If its not too much trouble, can you make a version of You Did This To Me Starting from when Jason reveals himself to Bruce as Bruce was about to approach Gordon

02-20-2016, 04:02 AM
This is, of course, really great. I think I gave you rep with a thanks when I downloaded this. It is appreciated.

A question though: do you have a text file that describes where each song is played in the game?

05-26-2018, 01:57 PM
Hey can u change the track names to those shown on please

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 PM ----------

In the link there are 6 individual pieces . Is the 4gb/complete score just comprising of the other sections or is it 4gb of different/more music

11-05-2018, 09:37 AM
thank you so much!! thats a tremendous effort!