08-18-2015, 11:31 PM
VA - Batman: Arkham (Original Soundtrack Collection) - FLAC

I. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Original Video Game Score [2009]
Music by: Nick Arundel & Ron Fish


01. A Plan Revealed (0:54)
02. Enter the Asylum (4:40)
03. Joker Escapes (1:13)
04. Only Three (1:17)
05. Thugs Ambush (1:01)
06. Venom Attack (1:17)
07. Whiskey Trail (1:14)
08. Eddie's Tale (1:38)
09. Predator (2:22)
10. In the Batcave (1:23)
11. Where's Jim? (1:29)
12. Batmobile Attack (1:31)
13. Bombs Around Gotham (1:50)
14. Crackin' Heads (3:18)
15. Deserted Corridors (1:23)
16. Eternal Glide (2:54)
17. Finger Prints (1:58)
18. In the Gardens (1:46)
19. Garden Predator (2:13)
20. Guard Murder (0:50)
21. Harley Fights Back (2:04)
22. Ivy's Theme (0:44)
23. Mr. Zsasz (0:42)
24. The Armoury (2:14)
25. The Aslyum Cells (1:31)
26. Venom Factory (1:05)
27. Playful Joker (2:01)

Format: FLAC/lossless. 27 cues, 46 minutes.
Release Date: November 15, 2013
Label: WaterTower Music
Download (!T0hUAR6B!r083WDH0Q3KXCs6jyDoXOmap2TPs8WGnbq0EW1N3Bxw)

II. Batman: Arkham City - Original Video Game Score [2011]
Music by: Nick Arundel & Ron Fish


01. Arkham City Main Theme (2:47)
02. Sorry, Boys (1:49)
03. A Monument To Your Failure (1:56)
04. Have You Got My Location (4:20)
05. This Court Is Now In Session (2:16)
06. It Was The Joker (2:19)
07. I Think You Should Do As He Says (2:35)
08. Refusal Will Not Be Tolerated (2:44)
09. Wham. Gotcha! (3:29)
10. Let's Hear Him Squeal (3:01)
11. I Know What You Guys Are Thinking (3:34)
12. It's Initiation Time (1:59)
13. What's He Doing Here? (2:14)
14. How Does It Feel, Pig? (2:19)
15. Call Him Off (4:36)
16. You Should Have Listened To My Warning (2:10)
17. You Need To Think This Through (2:43)
18. Bring Her Back To Me (2:08)
19. It's Not Even Breakfast (3:51)

Format: FLAC/lossless. 19 cues, 52 minutes.
Release Date: October 18, 2011
Label: WaterTower Music
Download (!T1h2Vaaa!5qgaTXpbx1uQ303Gsa4ckb9FubhbHq_Laep8VyoD3ME)

III. Batman: Arkham Origins - Original Video Game Score [2013]
Music by: Christopher Drake


01. Arkham Origins [Main Titles] (2:52)
02. The Night Before Christmas (2:07)
03. Black Mask Escapes (0:47)
04. Killer Croc (2:03)
05. Croc Arrest (1:01)
06. Batwing Storm Damage 0:39)
07. Assassins (2:41)
08. Weapons Deal (1:04)
09. The Final Offer (1:32)
10. Deathstroke (4:06)
11. Winter Comes to Gotham (2:07)
12. Carol of the Bells [Joker's Theme] (1:29)
13. G.C.P.D. (2:14)
14. Can't You Just Play Along? (2:08)
15. Merchant Bank Escape (1:15)
16. Copperhead (1:30)
17. Hallucinations (2:57)
18. Snake in a Box (0:40)
19. Night Patrol (2:03)
20. Regent Hotel (1:56)
21. Bane (2:29)
22. Why Would You Save?me? (1:28)
23. The Thieving Magpie (2:01)
24. The Bridge (1:10)
25. Firefly (6:00)
26. I Have Left Enough Life in Him for Some Final Words...If You Hurry (1:24)
27. Allies (3:04)
28. Electric Chair (1:40)
29. One of Us Will Die (1:09)
30. Shadow of the Bat (2:10)
31. Arkham Origins [End Titles] (1:49)
32. Arkham Origins Suite (2:16)

Format: FLAC/lossless. 32 cues, 63 minutes.
Release Date: October 22, 2013
Label: WaterTower Music
Download (!2gwDGajD!xxagwiZ9JbnStfvuwwyJHXNHTaspHsGQgT_k7sO3a64)

More to come.......

08-19-2015, 03:17 AM
Thanks for this thread! Hoping someone uploads the iTunes versions of all the soundtracks (including one for Arkham City, one of the tracks is corrupted).

08-19-2015, 04:20 AM
Entire collection (well, almost, but it's more to come) in one place, good call!

08-19-2015, 09:06 AM
Thank you for that collection.

Freedom Captain
08-19-2015, 10:20 AM
Great iniative T-1000. Thank you very much.

08-19-2015, 12:32 PM
Thanks for packing this absolutely neat FLAC Bundle, have not yet gotten around to nab any of the Arkham OSTs,
but there is no excuse anymore now, greatly appreciated, Like + Rep ! ;)

08-19-2015, 05:35 PM
Enjoy. Batman: Arkham Knight is the next! :)

James (The Disney Guy)
08-19-2015, 05:55 PM
Never Played The Games, But I Am Told the Scores Are Good. Thank You My Friend Like + Rep For You ;)

08-19-2015, 10:40 PM
Never Played The Games, But I Am Told the Scores Are Good. Thank You My Friend Like + Rep For You ;)

These scores are much better than Zimmer's, imo.

The official release of Asylum sucks, it sounds like Watertower were just obligated to release something for it so they mixed up a bunch of cues together with really bad compression and abrupt endings.
For me, the scores for City and Origins are much better than Knight's, having not played the game. There may be better stuff left of the official release like usual...

08-19-2015, 11:48 PM
And let's not forget the games themselves! Superhero games are usually rather...well, shitty (pardon my French), but the Arkham series is just great, easily one of the best comic superhero games ever made. I mean, the voice acting is just perfect, the characters, the story, intuitive combat system, predator rooms where you pick the bad guys one by one filling them with more and more terror, the way everything just clicks right in. And the music, of course! I think it's because of Batman himself in some small part: despite all his money and training, he's still just a man in the end and so playing as him is rewarding, but still challenging. He's not practically immortal like a certain boy scout from a different planet, has no superpowers to speak of, yet still is able to...well, kick some criminal ass. And Arkham City's opening scene? Wow, even after all these years!

Anyway, I'm rambling. A bit of a Batman fanboy here. Just give the series a chance some day, Mr Gold. And definitely grab the soundtracks. Satisfaction guaranteed!

08-20-2015, 12:29 AM
And let's not forget the games themselves! Superhero games are usually rather...well, shitty (pardon my French), but the Arkham series is just great, easily one of the best comic superhero games ever made. I mean, the voice acting is just perfect, the characters, the story, intuitive combat system, predator rooms where you pick the bad guys one by one filling them with more and more terror, the way everything just clicks right in. And the music, of course! I think it's because of Batman himself in some small part: despite all his money and training, he's still just a man in the end and so playing as him is rewarding, but still challenging. He's not practically immortal like a certain boy scout from a different planet, has no superpowers to speak of, yet still is able to...well, kick some criminal ass. And Arkham City's opening scene? Wow, even after all these years!

Anyway, I'm rambling. A bit of a Batman fanboy here. Just give the series a chance some day, Mr Gold. And definitely grab the soundtracks. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Arkham City's opening was one of the best I've ever seen in a game. I do love that Origins dropped you straight into the action without having to walk for about 15 minutes before any of the fun stuff like combat!

Apparently, there were rumours that Asylum and City were gonna be remastered for the current gen consoles, still hoping for it!

08-20-2015, 01:07 AM
Oh yes, I still remember that Killer Croc fight at the very beginning of Origins. Actually, one of my favorite one-liners of the series occured there: "You want teeth, I want answers!". A bit cocky, coming from Batman still at the start of his career and probably not accustomed to supervillains yet, but so badass! Right up there with: "Do you know how many bones you have left for me to break?" when interrogating Riddler's men in Arkham City. I mean, I have a feeling that Punisher could learn a lot from Batman. Maybe Rocksteady should make their next game about Punisher rather than Superman (boooring...).

Anyway, even though Origins was so criticized for its alleged bugs, I still absolutely loved it. And that remaster idea? That's what I want for Christmas!

08-21-2015, 10:36 AM
Thread 204226

08-26-2015, 05:02 PM
any chance of Nick Arundel and David Buckley - Batman: Arkham Knight, Vol. 1 in flac

Smurf Stomper
08-26-2015, 05:06 PM
aseef, look at my post here:

It's likely where this thread got the flac version from, thanking Courage750 for some reason (?)

09-27-2015, 10:14 PM
Smurf Stomper
any chance of making scans?

Mr Muay Thai
11-16-2015, 06:14 AM
Thanks for these.

Smurf Stomper
11-16-2015, 05:24 PM
Sorry, don't have the scans.

Currently looking for Vol 2 in FLAC...

11-18-2015, 06:40 PM
Thank you.

Smurf Stomper
02-05-2016, 03:36 PM
Anyone manage to find Batman Arkham Knight Volume 2 in FLAC?

02-06-2016, 01:54 AM
^I'll see if i can find it Smurf.

No luck, we'll just have to wait for someone to buy it.

02-06-2016, 09:35 AM
how about iTunes version? anyone?

02-06-2016, 11:17 AM
^I'd love the iTunes version of Vol 2... I know Courage bought the first one, hoping someone buys Vol 2 off iTunes soon...

04-09-2016, 06:40 AM
Ah sweet

Thanks I was looking for these.

Much appreciated, such a great soundtrack and I love these games so much.

05-03-2016, 06:55 PM
Thread 204226

05-03-2016, 11:35 PM
FYI, the link from igoryek points to the M4A version of Batman: Arkham Knight - Volume 2 (and improvement over the MP3 version based on spectrum analysis)
(thanks igoryek)

05-04-2016, 12:26 AM
stop talking about MP3... i just shared my iTunes thread with this link.

05-05-2016, 02:59 PM
stop talking about MP3... i just shared my iTunes thread with this link.


...and I only added why it would be of interest to others (i.e. that your link leads to a better quality version).

05-05-2016, 03:03 PM
nevermind) everything is fine.

07-16-2016, 12:10 PM

11-20-2019, 03:32 PM
The link doesn't work anymore :/