02-05-2002, 01:12 PM
What is your ultimate Final Fantasy Seven Dream Team:confused:

Mine is Cloud-Barret-Tifa

This is again an offensive attacking formation, the others were not worthy of my stratagies. how bout you?


02-05-2002, 01:17 PM

i think its a well balanced team.....

02-05-2002, 02:37 PM
I OWNED Sephiroth with ease:D :D

Bahamut ZERO
02-05-2002, 03:11 PM
My dream team to start off with was:-

Cloud - Aeris - Red XIII.

Of course then we all know what happened at the end of disk 1, so my dream team altered to...

Cloud - Tifa - Red XIII.

Used Cloud and Red for the physical attacks, with Tifa as healer and also with her limit break, which builds up to be strong enough to kill Sephiroth if you get the reels to stop on Yeah! each time.

02-05-2002, 03:21 PM
I can kill anything with Cloud, Cid and Vincent. All three of them have 4x cut, attack 9999 and I also have KOR and mime on all of them.

Dark Messenger
02-05-2002, 05:35 PM
Cloud-Red and Barret, they'll beat anything!

02-05-2002, 08:55 PM
Cloud & Barret & Cid
i used to have vincent instead of Barret but the limit breaks can be of huge disadvantage.
They are really tough best thing is everyone has master magic only 2 have 4x cut but im workin on it

Blade 2
02-05-2002, 11:39 PM

They are just monster strong.

02-06-2002, 12:31 AM
cloud barret cid and cloud vincent cid are both common combinations

02-06-2002, 04:16 AM
Cloud (duh)-Cid-Vincent and sometimes yuffie is in to replacce cid

02-06-2002, 04:17 AM
do dout Cloud, vincent, and cait sith! no just kidding! um cloud, barret and vincent. cant beat 2 guys with swords and a dude with a machine gun!:)

02-06-2002, 05:41 AM
I use Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris. Then later I use Cloud, Tifa, Cid/Yuffie.

If I were to create a dream team, though, I would have Cloud, Cid, and Barret. Why? Because of their limitbreaks and because they are the most offensive characters. Vincent's limitbreaks sucked, IMO. Chaos was one hit....

02-06-2002, 09:06 AM
Cid & Cloud for melee attack
Tifa for magical attack

tom the bomb
02-06-2002, 10:57 AM
Has to be barret cloud and red xiii they are the best if you know how to use them!

02-06-2002, 07:51 PM
My dream team would be Cloud,Barret and Cid because they make a strong fighting team.

02-07-2002, 12:08 AM
Disc 1: Cloud, Aeris, Red (Cid later in Disc 1)
Disc 2 & 3: Cloud, Vincent, Cid

02-07-2002, 12:21 AM

*god, you can tell I have no life, when I'm 17 and I still play video games enough to actually be interested in these threads*

02-07-2002, 06:03 PM
my team consists of cloud tifa cid
cloud for 4x cut along with cid
tifa for summons and magic 250+ mag atk pwr

i also switch with yuffie~

02-08-2002, 12:20 AM
my team (which is unstopable) consists of cloud, cid and yuffie. all with 4x cut, master summon, magic, command. enemy's cant touch me, its kinda boring.

02-08-2002, 04:41 PM
I found the best team to be


Cid has an amazingly powerful limit break, and his weapon is easy to power up (keeping MP high)

Yuffie has THE best weapon in the game, not only are you protected from Confuse (yuffie cant damage allies with her best weapon) but her weapons attack power depends on the enemy level, so you will always inflict enough to kill the enemy (or do as much as possible/ or need) i use her 3rd level limit which hits 15 times, she hits 9999 with it cuz the stats are high

i equip 4xcut with all of them and have a good matiria combo with all 3 chars

i cant see why you would want to use red/tifa/barrett/vinc

ive completed the game with all these characters, Red has power but nothing else, which makes him no different from the other characters (apar from the fact his limits are weak)
Tifa has nothing that differs her from the rest, and her limit is weaker than cids/cloud/yuffie (lvl 3) (although funnier using it on ruby/emerald) and barrett.. his weapon sucks and his limits are nothing special, vincent is kinda good but dis adv limits and weapon not too hot

Sef Halfman
02-08-2002, 07:46 PM
Hmmm.... If I could, I'd replace Cloud with Sephiroth. Heh, joking, joking. My dream team?

Cloud - Aeris - Red XIII

And after Aeris dies, Vincent replaces her.

It took no time at all to kill Bizarro and Safer.
But..... Before I got that far, I wanted to go back, and do stuff outside.
But I went too far. WAAAAAAA!!!!! Couldn't go fight the Weapons..... Game wouldn't let my climb back OUT! AAAAAAAAA!!! Okay. I'm done.

02-09-2002, 05:55 AM
Cloud Vincent Yuffie the three best.

02-10-2002, 11:59 AM
Mine is Cloud, Tifa and Cid.

02-10-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by SkyCloud9
Cloud Vincent Yuffie the three best.

In you opinion..? or would you like to back up your strong feelings for this team being the best

09-18-2004, 09:50 PM
It's all up to their limits. I used Yuffie alot in the beginning and she was first to get her 4th limit break... which sucked. So I abandoned her. Now I use Cloud, Cid and Barret simply because they have the best limits.

Furious Rose
09-18-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Extraction
It's all up to their limits. I used Yuffie alot in the beginning and she was first to get her 4th limit break... which sucked. So I abandoned her. Now I use Cloud, Cid and Barret simply because they have the best limits.

Yet Yuffie's third limits are way better than her fourth so whats your point?

The Joker
09-19-2004, 12:54 AM
TACTICALLY, your best party is



First, Aeris has a second level limit break known as Fury Brand. Because it is level 2, it fills up rather quickly. This limit break allows the other two character to have limit breaks in place.

Cloud and Cid simply have the most devestating limit breaks for Omnislash and Highwind, you have them set to limit level 4 breaks and you've got a battle thats over pretty fast. In addition to Aeris having limits breaks that can restore everybody and make them invincible for a limited time.

Furious Rose
09-19-2004, 01:06 AM
Yes Gandalf I agree. But because of what happens, that can't be. So I would think Cloud Yuffie and Cid would be the best team. What would you say is the best team? (Without Aeris)

The Joker
09-19-2004, 01:22 AM
That, I'm not sure about. I would say yes but I haven't investigated that nearly as much as I have the three I mentioned. But should one be able to have Aeris in the party, Aeris, Cloud, and Cid is #1.

I would say probably to answer your question though.

09-19-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by NinjaYuffie

Yet Yuffie's third limits are way better than her fourth so whats your point? I mean that there are better limits than her 3rd one. Catastrophe and Highwind as an example.

Vivi FF
09-19-2004, 04:33 PM
My ultimate party is Cloud, Cid, and Yuffie/Tifa!!

09-22-2004, 02:35 AM
My dream team is

Cloud---For tough attacks and 4x Cut

Red XIII---Decent Magic capibilites and his limit breaks are powerful

Yuffie---Fast agility and attacks plus having her equipped with haste and KOTR and Deathblow all helps.

Cloud is my Tanker who slashes his opoonents to obilivion.

Red XIII is my Healer and Mini-Black Mage so when the team's in trouble he'll say "You call?"

Yuffie is the person who hastens my party and when that happens KOTR and Deathblow is easier to use!

Dot Centaur
09-23-2004, 06:49 PM

..Um there's a thread like this that already exists.

09-23-2004, 07:09 PM

eLiTe: Cloud, Cid, Yuffie

Powerful physical, Schimtar and Apocalypse great for growing materia, decent attack as well. Magic can be made up with 2 mastered Magic Plusses.

Debarriered Safer Sephi with Cid...then Omnislashed him...dead. Yuffie didn't get a turn. My 3rd go at the game.

On my 2nd game,

Cloud, Aeris, Yuffie

Plenty of file hax0ring to use Aeris against Safer Sephi since I loved her...I got a vid if anyone wants proof, send me a PM if you want it. Quite easy to max Aeris magic stats to 255.

Great Gospelled then Debarriered Safer Sephi, then bye bye.

1st attempt, I didn't know any better and used Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie. The Cloud/Yuffie/Cid team really kicks some a** with plenty of independant materias.

Nanaki Claws
09-24-2004, 12:09 AM
Cloud - Aeris - Nanaki

after....the disc 1:

Cloud - Vincent - Nanaki

I overload Vincent with materia and I load Nanaki of materia too, but less magic materia than Vincent. Cloud...well...hmmm...I don't remember...I think I loaded him with materia like : Double-Cut.

09-24-2004, 01:53 AM
Well, the way I set up my characters it doesn't matter very much. I have Cloud Red Cid all three of whom have all three master materiae (that's the plurlal, It's actually a Latin word) as well as enough magic plus materia to ensure that every KOR hits for 9999, causing almost 260,000 damage. Oh, don't forget final attack-phoenix and three ribbons.

Renzokuken Trigger
09-27-2004, 10:03 PM
Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent: I am in love with there limit breaks.

10-01-2004, 12:55 AM
Do you realise you just revived a 2 year old thread?