08-14-2015, 10:52 PM


Hey everyone! This is my first upload, and it's not technically a doujin, but music inspired from the sounds of video games, so I don't know whether it belongs here or elsewhere, but it seemed fitting in this forum. Back when I was working for a rad little store called GameShop Downstairs in San Jose, CA (if you see Carl, tell him I said hi!!) and we would always get local bands coming through and dropping off flyers and cards, and sometimes even mixtapes and CD-Rs and junk, it was really neat. Next time I'm back in the shop I'll get some more of them ripped (We've got some Super Soul Bros. back there too I think). For now, this is Continuum Kingdom's 'Skull Trilogy', a compilation of all their previous-to-date work. They have a bandcamp page with Skull Trilogy split into their three respective albums, but I wasn't able to find any more information on Skull Trilogy (might have been a local exclusive?). As for the music, imagine slow, melodic guitar making dreamy, nostalgic riffs with a hazy, chippy, laid-back sound. Or something like that.

Since I'm pretty sure I found this on a CD-R or something, it was completely untagged, but either there was a liner included, or the track names were taken from their corresponding individual releases. The copy I was given definitely came with album art, a printout of their soundcloud avatar affixed to the jewel case, so in place of a scan is the art's original file. Again, first release, so please don't be shy if I need to tweak anything. Thanks!