08-14-2015, 12:11 PM

Ok, this is my first time posting on a thread. I hope this message goes on the correct one...

So, anyone knows how to get the music that goes in the background and sometimes makes TD S2 look like a Michael Mann film?
I have seen all the songs around but I am not interested in those, but in the background ambient music - for instance, the music in the overhead tracking shots-.
Thanks for the help.

08-14-2015, 09:59 PM
There is already a post about True Detective score where you will find news about it, so you can delete this one.

Thread 184955

08-18-2015, 10:24 AM
Ok, thanks. I was not sure at first, since I all the posts I have seen are about the songs but not the instrumental music...

08-18-2015, 06:44 PM
Yup, other posts are about the soundtrack but this one is about the score, the music composed for the show.

08-23-2015, 12:57 PM
Hey all, I am going like crazy trying to delete this thread. Any help, please?
Thank you!