08-14-2015, 08:11 AM
By request, from THE BIG ORCHESTRAL ACTION MUSIC THREAD! (Thread 57893)

Akito Matsuda
String Quartet, Piano Arrangements & Soundtrack

Download (!ToRFFb4K!Kc8xopnWSDHkg0st98fI39yN_dOK0pLI6uy0g_v 030Y)
MP3 / 28 Tracks / 75min

Akito Matsuda
Sound! Euphonium
Kitauji Quartet: Euphonium, Tuba, Contrabass & Trumpet

Download (!e4YW2aYJ!8Vzp3nenTcrsXvVG1-m9FW1XGQeihERaGrTJj5Fm8qo)
MP3 / 4 Tracks / 14min

Sound! Euphonium "Music Memories"
Senzoku Gakuen College of Music: Freshman Wind Ensemble
Conducted by Masahiro Owada

Download (!yowUDChK!4jxk8H4AeQNAL3wNLd2FyueOTP0Zhb4dd33Uxak WajA)
MP3 / 30 Tracks / 90min

Well Akito Matsuda has come a long way since his first days as NIJINE. He did countless works of which I generally liked most, my favorites were of course the pleasant string pieces perfect for a pleasant afternoon. But in recent years I really noticed how he evolved. I think his score for the Chunibyo movie was a really good effort as far as orchestral "film" writing goes.

He is also venturing further and further into "classical/concert" territory and thankfully he works in a musical environment which encourages such tendencies. So it's no conincidence to find a whole String Quartet piece in four movements on his soundtracks these days. I've also really enjoyed his score for Euphonium for the most part. His music has that shamelessly schmaltzy drama quality I adore and his score certainly matched the beautiful visuals. But he also did some arrangements for the concert pieces as well which also feature the melody of the drama score.

However, his major "concert" composition for Euphonium, "Kitauji Quartet" is NOT on the soundtrack. It also features the familiar melodies and showcases the lyrical and natural beauty of the prominent instruments. Normally you would need the character song cds for the complete score but thankfully it was also available on itunes. If you just want the new pieces and not my usual custom score I've put a separate link up above. My version of the scores for Glasslip and Euphonium fit nicely on a 80min and 90min disc with everything substantial included. Akito Matsuda is really improving and as of late it won't be long now until I'm reallly looking forward to one of his scores in the future.

About the show itself, well, if nothing else we got little intimate moments where the instruments shined and a beautifully animated concert performance. Pretty damn neat.
On a side note I'm also enjoying the music around the Euphonium project, it's neat to hear your standard pop performed with a little more meat & Brass :D

08-14-2015, 07:11 PM
Thank you very much, Vinphonic.