08-12-2015, 12:24 PM
psycho dream (

I recorded this ages ago straight from the cart. Tracks are labeled and are in the same order as the sound test.

An interesting note about the game: I'm sure most people know that Naruke Michiko went on to get pretty famous with the Wild Arms series. What almost no one knows is that the artwork and overall presentation of the game was directed by Nishizaki Marino, an underground (doujin) comic artist whose works aren't really comics but more like narrated series of drawings. He has a small cult following and the single hard copy book of illustrations he put out is pretty expensive now. He passed away in 2004. Heaven only knows how he ended up striking a deal to work with Telenet to make a game.

A complete copy of this game can be had for pretty cheap, around $30, which is basically an insult considering most Japanese platformers on the SNES are crazy expensive now. I have a feeling that one day, people are suddenly going to realize that this game is extremely valuable.

Masta Moai
09-12-2015, 05:45 AM
Thanks so much for sharing! Gonna go check out the game now.