08-11-2015, 02:51 PM
So since all the music for Star Trek has now been released, it should be possible to reconstruct every episode's soundtrack. I've made attempts, mostly with "The Menagerie" since I'm familiar with "The Cage" music, but not all the music that was recorded before "The Menagerie."

Since The boxed set lists the recording dates for all the music, and the recording dates for most of the episodes are available, it shouldn't be too hard to isolate which tracks were available for which episodes. For example, for "The Menagerie", music is available from "The Cage", "Where No Man...", "The Man Trap", "Charlie X", "The Naked Time", "The Enemy Within", "The Corbomite Maneuver", and "Balance of Terror" as well as a number of re-recordings and library music tracks.

I'm hoping someone else is interested in this project, because there's no way I'll have the patience to complete even one episode myself! I started with "The Corbomite Maeuver" since that had only 7 episodes worth of music, and still couldn't complete it.

08-15-2015, 12:11 PM
This is a fascinating project, but not without difficulties, for various reasons. The modus operandi you are suggesting is quite logical at first glance, but there are a few things you have to take into account (one of them the un-used score tracks, which are mixed with the used ones on the CD's, and which have to be ignored when putting together the edits of yours, another the fact that many tracks as presented on the albums were edited for the final episodes). Therefore, each and every cue has to be analyzed and compared to the way it was used in the final episode scores, a really tedious task in many cases.

On the other hand, there are much easier episodes, like the ones with Duning scores, which had almost no edits, due to the way they were composed. Duning made very long cues accompanying the action exactly (which I love, btw!), and these episodes almost never needed additional tracked or library cues to be added.

08-17-2015, 05:35 AM
Thanks for the reply! I was wondering if anyone cared, or if I had to try this on my own.

OK, here's what I've found so far:

1.16a "The Menagerie Part 1":

1) Hello Ruth (M33, from Mudd's Women)
5) Main Title (Cello version)
8) unknown/Theme From Star Trek (9MA part 2, from Balance of Terror)
10) Act 1 Card (M13, from Where No Man Has Gone Before)/unknown
15) from Space Orbit (M10, from Charlie X)
21) The Evil Kirk (M13, from The Enemy Within)
24) Doctor Bartender (M11, from The Cage)
28) Survivors (M21, from The Cage)
30) Prime Specimen (M22-M30, from The Cage)
31) End Title (Cello version)

1.16b "The Menagerie Part 2":

2) Main Title (Cello version)
3) from Bottled (M31, from The Cage)
6) Probing (M41, from The Cage)
7) Monster Fight (M43, from The Cage)
8) The Kibitzers (M44, from The Cage)
11) Long Look (M45, from The Cage)
12) from Vena's Punishment (M51, from The Cage)
14) Pike's Punishment (M52, from The Cage)
15 The Picnic (M53, from The Cage)
16 True Love (M61, from The Cage)
17) Vina's Dance (M62, from The Cage)
18) Torchy Girl (M63, from The Cage)
19) Under the Spell (M71, from The Cage)
20) Primitive Thoughts (M72, from The Cage)
21) Wrong Think (M73, from The Cage)
22) To Catch a T. (M74, from The Cage; not same version as on CD)
23) Going Up (M75, from The Cage)
24) from The Evil Kirk (M13, from The Enemy Within)
27) Max's Factor (M81, from The Cage)
31) from Max's Factor (M81, from The Cage)
33) End Title (Cello Version)

08-21-2015, 01:09 PM
Where should I upload the music that I'd hope someone can identify?

08-21-2015, 01:22 PM
Whatever works for you, I guess. Try, you can register for free and get 50 GB file space maximum (for free).

And, I don't have forgotten you and this project, right now I'm a little bit occupied by other things, but I keep this in the back of my mind. :)

08-21-2015, 01:31 PM
OK, that's good! I know what it is to be occupied with projects. I'm working on icosahedra at the moment.

08-21-2015, 01:54 PM
OK, that's good! I know what it is to be occupied with projects. I'm working on icosahedra at the moment.

Polyhedrons are awsome objects, and then one with 20 faces! Respect! :)

08-21-2015, 02:27 PM
Polyhedrons are awsome objects, and then one with 20 faces! Respect! :)

Thanks! Making planets out of them.

Back on topic, I'll be watching "The Corbomite Maneuver" and posting a track listing for that later.

08-25-2015, 07:56 PM
"Fesarius Approaches" is all chopped up. The broadcast version is about 23 seconds shorter. I wonder if I should go through the work of shortening it -- which would involve removing measures under dialogue -- or just leave as is.

---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 PM ----------

I edited it. Wasn't as hard as I thought.

08-26-2015, 06:08 AM
Menagerie, part one:!WxQinCbQ!FaKoj6H1Dxa9ZLY_ufIi5g

08-26-2015, 07:42 PM
Menagerie, part two:!PkIVBRAC!12AVar7C7nnHEwQHMkxkhw

09-01-2015, 05:55 PM
On Corbomite track 29, when they're waiting for Balok's countdown, there's a woodwind section that sounds like it's from "The Cage" but I can't place it. Any ideas?!mpAVBCAa!yr5-JTU8B582LKkWkFifdA

The second part of that track sounds like it's from "Where No Man..." but it's not "Beyond the Pale."

09-01-2015, 08:17 PM
Here's what I have on Corbomite Maneuver so far. UPDATED!

1.03 "The Corbomite Maneuver"

1 from Spock Takes Over (M52, from "The Enemy Within")
2 Space Cube (M12)
3 Condition Alert (M13)
4 Main Title (cello version)
7 Quiet Cube (M12A)
8 Romulan Theme (M22A take 1, from "Balance of Terror")/Fesarius (M31)
9 Planet Rigel #2 (M53, from "Mudd's Women")
10 Condition Alert with Sustain (M13A)/Quiet Cube (M12A)
11 Cube Radiation (M23)/Radiation (M23A)/The Evil Kirk (M13, from "The Enemy Within")
12 Theme From Star Trek (9MA part 3)/unknown/from Small Planet Visit (M10, from "The Man Trap")
13 Theme from Star Trek (9MA part 4)
15 unknown/Fesarius (M31)
16 from Fesarius Approaches (M31A) (broadcast version)
19 from Beyond the Pale (M11, from "Where No Man Has Gone Before")/from Hideous Balok (M33)
30 Fesarius (M31)
31 from Radiation (M23A)
32 from Radiation (M23A)/unknown/unknown/unknown
33 (from "Charlie X" but I can't find the track)
34 from Standoff (M34, from "Charlie X")/unknown
35 from Fesarius Approaches (M31A)/from Radiation (M23A)/Star Trek Theme (9MA part 1)
37 from Fesarius (M31)/from Baby Balok (M61A)
39 from Warp One (M62, from "The Man Trap")

Here's everything I have:!StAyQRZZ!ocNqz1wbYVP9pXWdhilK3A

09-02-2015, 07:04 PM
Corbomite track 34 is "Standoff" from "Charlie X" but it doesn't match up with the recorded track from the episode. I've tried the library music that Steiner recorded and it doesn't match.

Here's what I've recorded:!2hRzDD7A!5QUHk7IawWCjrUVOHnaGhtNHJmvuVB2Mw5-7nzVk7hI

09-02-2015, 09:08 PM
Corbomite track 34 is "Standoff" from "Charlie X" but it doesn't match up with the recorded track from the episode. I've tried the library music that Steiner recorded and it doesn't match.

Here's what I've recorded:!2hRzDD7A!5QUHk7IawWCjrUVOHnaGhtNHJmvuVB2Mw5-7nzVk7hI

Corbomite track 34 is
10. Standoff (0:00 - 0:53) from "Charly X"
31. Quiet Cube - Radiation (1:02 - 1:08) from "The Corbomite Maneuver" itself, in a strange case of self-salvaging!

09-03-2015, 06:07 AM
Ooh, thanks for the help!

09-03-2015, 07:08 AM
On "Standoff", at 28.18, I removed 2.37 seconds of music. This aligns the three drum beats in the album up with the episode capture; and because there's a simple drone in the background, it's pretty seamless.

However, it isn't the ending from "Radiation (M23A)" nor from 10. Standoff (M43) or 30. Standoff (M43Z). I have no idea where it comes from.!rhoXCYRI!VcOhjOIW0kIY4ZHDdr8NkV0YdL9uasycZCP6ZXMJQ1w

09-03-2015, 05:13 PM
The scene where they're trying to break away from the shuttle is also hacked to pieces. REALLY difficult to assemble it all together. Fortunately, the entire piece is "Fesarius Approaches" with some measures removed and other repeated.

I feel like this is a blog.

OK, it took me six tracks in order to figure this one out! It has "Fesarius Approaches" in different pieces, then "Radiation" and finally "Star Trek Theme 9MA part 1"

I hope the rest of them aren't this hard!!qoxjgZDa!MN4kisZeqqStma1fS2paWtbKhVM3yBcuHeUJcfySN5s

09-04-2015, 06:14 PM
Here's the track where it's revealed who Balok really is. It's interesting that the first occurrence of the "Baby Balok" track is edited. Perhaps the scene was originally longer.

I edited the "Baby Balok" portion of this track to match what's on screen, but the very beginning I can't place:!HxomjbIb!0_Hzdkbdo8qxHJTKLNuOoIb4NZB5OcJbuG9_WTkvnCM

09-10-2015, 08:07 PM
Working on "Balance of Terror" now.

09-13-2015, 02:58 AM
1.09 "Balance of Terror"

1. from Theme From STAR TREK (9MA pt2)/In the Chapel (M11A)
9. from Romulan Warship (M31)/from Fesarius Approaches (M31A, from "The Corbomite Maneuver" )/unknown, but from "The Cage"/from Romulan B.G. (9MC)
10. from Romulan B.G. (9MC)
11. from Romulan Warship (M31)
12. from Kirk Waits (M44, from "Charlie X")
13. Romulan Theme (M22-M22A take 1)
16. from Romulan Warship (M31)/Theme From Star Trek (9MA part 4)/from Romulan Warship (M31)
17. from Romulan Theme (M22-M22A take 1)/from Hideous Balok (M33, from "The Corbomite Maneuver")/from Romulan B.G.(9MC)
18. from Romulan B.G. (9MC)
19. from Romulan B.G./Theme From Star Trek (9MA part 1)
20. from Future Risk (M63, from "The Naked Time")/from Joe Berserk (M21, from "The Naked Time")
21. unknown/from Joe Berserk (M21, from "The Naked Time")
22. from On Delta Vega (M51, from "Where No Man Has Gone Before")
24. from Romulan Centurion (M43)/unknown
25. from Pike's Punishment (M52, from "The Cage")