08-11-2015, 09:22 AM
Hey, I'm looking for this album ( It's commonly confused with a couple compilation albums with similar names, and all the download links have since gone down. The only working link I could find was in a... .tak filetype, something I've NEVER seen before. I'm on OSX, and after about half an hour fiddling around with Wine, I just can't get this thing to work. The folder even includes a .cue, which is (of course), non-working as well.

I'm looking specifically for Music from Sorcerian, and not any of the other compilation albums/arrange albums/etc. The majority of those don't feature the full soundtrack, or have other minor issues. This one release (K30X-7703) has been impossible to find in an easily-workable format. Could someone rip/convert/link this soundtrack in a normal filetype? Thanks a ton!

EDIT: The upload in question, with cross-request. (Thread 163248)

Leon Scott Kennedy
08-11-2015, 09:31 AM
TAK stands for Tom's Lossless Audio Kompressor (, there's a decoder for foobar2000 (

08-11-2015, 09:51 AM
TAK stands for Tom's Lossless Audio Kompressor (, there's a decoder for foobar2000 (

Again I'm on OSX and I've fiddled around with the .tak in Wine for a bit (to no avail). I'm really just looking for someone to upload this in a more common format, like mp3/flac/even a working cue. Thanks! :)

08-18-2015, 11:35 PM
Again I'm on OSX and I've fiddled around with the .tak in Wine for a bit (to no avail). I'm really just looking for someone to upload this in a more common format, like mp3/flac/even a working cue. Thanks! :)

I posted it in my own thread too, but:!nVlVEK5a!53nbY4WMk3vBImrwv2ViDk8C3DQQLh3M9kHOoCnuzIk

I tend to try to keep the files from where I got it intact because the more you transcode/mess with stuff the more can go wrong, but this should be just fine.