08-08-2015, 07:02 AM
Hey all,

Just catching this masterpiece on Hulu and realizing how it has such an amazing score. The version Hulu has is the longer 89 minute version. An album is available on Spotify but there are gunshot sound effects from the re-released 1942 version in it that ruin the music for me along with other sound effects. The 1925 version is completely silent of SFX apart from those generated by the orchestra. If anyone has this ripped, it'd be awesome if you could share it. I would do it but when it's not money these days, it's time so I don't have the time available to do it myself right now.

Thanks in advance!

08-30-2015, 04:22 AM
Here's a link if anyone is interested: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online. (http://adf.ly/1NT5kW).

Skip the AdFly ad after 5 seconds and it'll take you to the OneDrive folder with the files.
