12-15-2004, 03:02 PM
I have just spent quite a while reading the theories about ffvii on the site, I agree with a majority of things that have been said there but, there is the section where it is claimed that aeries death is pointless, but as i was reading i got thinking, initially it does seem to be the case but then you have to look at it from a slightly different perspective,
the cetra's created holy to protect themselves, and maybe a sacrifice was neccessary, that sacrifice having to be a cetra to, maybe aeries didnt find out enough about meteor and holy.
Here goes,
A cetra must die to stop meteor, aeries being a cetra with the holy materia takes this as meaning she has to die to protect the PLANET, cetras were at one with the planet, therefore with aeries gone, no cetras left, only the planet needs to be saved, Humans are not at one with the planet, therefore holy could have been created to destroy all life if not cetra, no cetra left only the planet needs saving, nothing else. My thoughts
Aeries died thinking it would save the planet in the long run, she was correct, the planet is saved just nothing on it.


12-15-2004, 03:12 PM
What he said. O.o''

12-15-2004, 03:20 PM
cheers BANIN, my first act of support =)

12-15-2004, 04:07 PM
I totally understand the story to FFVII, but if I were to explain it I'd be typing for centuries and probably die of broken finger typing....thing.

12-15-2004, 04:20 PM
Barrret, Hi. We are looking at whether or not aeries needed to die, what was th reason behind it, cos it didnt allow holy to stop meteor, read the final fantasy shrines theory section, holy and meteor to see where this conversation has stemmed from, cheers

Just read back, Dont get me wrong,im not trying to start an argument, but lets stay on the subject of aeries death and not how well ppl understand the game eh. Nice one

12-15-2004, 05:00 PM
Hey PIMP 200 4.... here's a problem with your theory.... Sephiroth was also a Cetra... Shinra tried creating clones of Sephiroth but they were flawed.... however surely that means that they have some Cetra DNA in them....?

12-15-2004, 05:39 PM
fair point ultimatefffan but none of the clones had cetra parents therefore they were not effectively part of the cetra lineage whereas aeries was, therefore they were not true cetra, they were just clones.

Hey i gota get going soon and wont be on for the next day or so, try and keep the thread alive and ill respond to all that i can when i return till then so long

12-15-2004, 05:41 PM
They may not of been of Cetra parentage, but they still have Cetra DNA, so surely if one of those died it could of stopped meteor? It's the same concept as if Aeris were to die, which she did, and meteor still came.

12-15-2004, 06:18 PM
None of the clones ever had access to the holy materia, only aeries did so aeris + Holy/white Materia = saving the planet, if other true cetra had been alive then holy would have needed to stop meteora, as no true cetra alive after holy was summoned, holy joins with meteora destroying midgar, taking out the source of whats taking the life force out of the planet, so the planet is saved but may not have been if aeries had not of died unleashing the power of Holy

This may seem contradictory to my earlier post but i am trying to figure out if the theory of aeries dying for nothing is backed up enough when looking from different perspectives

Ill be back friday, laters peeps

12-15-2004, 06:30 PM
uhh yea........

well, what i know is that sephiroth wasn't a cetra, his mother wasn't even though she was injected with jenova cells, that dosen't make her a cetra, and his fathe wasn't either (Hojo, as you know) so therefore the clones wouldn't have cetra DNA now would they?

12-15-2004, 06:34 PM
heres another point, it is believed that holy is the saviour of the planet and meteor will destroy it but what if it is the other way round.... Meteor seemed perfectly happy just sat there.... but then when Holy was being used it was drawing life from the planet... this could have meant meteor was meant to stop Holy

12-15-2004, 07:07 PM
erm...i may be wrong in saying this but i thought prof. Gast Said, on one of the tapes he made, that jenova wasnt a cetra, that he thought jenova was but found out he was wrong.

Cant remeber well though so if im wrong can someone tell me, thanks :)

12-15-2004, 09:45 PM
uhh yea........

well, what i know is that sephiroth wasn't a cetra, his mother wasn't even though she was injected with jenova cells, that dosen't make her a cetra, and his fathe wasn't either (Hojo, as you know) so therefore the clones wouldn't have cetra DNA now would they?

Well of course she had Jenova cells, she WAS Jenova! O_O
Unless of course, your talking about Sephiroths mother, which is Lucrecia, in that case your right.
If that's the case that a true Cetra had to be alive to stop meteor, what about Ifalna. I know she died when Aeris was young, but if her father was professor Gast, how can she be a pure Cetra...?

12-16-2004, 08:50 PM
Cetra blood in veins... come on people! Seph wasn't a Cetra, Jenova wasn't a Cetra. Ifalna WAS and Lucrecia is NOT. Seph is NOT a Cetra, Jenova was the thing that, ironically, almost wiped out the Cetra when she crash-landed and infected them with a horrific disease. Calamity from the Sky, anyone?

12-17-2004, 03:28 AM
Sephiroth is a Cetra with Jenova cells injected in him

12-17-2004, 12:08 PM
No, he actually isn't. Hojo is not a Cetra. Lucrecia, is not a Cetra. Jenova is not a Cetra, ironically, she almost wiped out the Cetra. Need to understand the storyline really, really well.

12-17-2004, 12:25 PM
No you don't. The storyline isn't complex at all. I have no idea how BS can misunderstand it.

12-17-2004, 12:25 PM
No, he actually isn't. Hojo is not a Cetra. Lucrecia, is not a Cetra. Jenova is not a Cetra, ironically, she almost wiped out the Cetra. Need to understand the storyline really, really well.
100% true.
Sephiroth isn't a cetra. Jenova was some weirdo alien thing that naerly wiped out the cetra. She HATED the cetra, she isn't one of them. Ifalna was a cetra, Gast wasnt, hojo wasnt, lucrecia wasnt, although she was injected with jenova cells and tried to kill sephiroth by stabbing herself in the stomach. But as we all know, lucrecia nor sephiroth died...o_O

12-17-2004, 02:21 PM
Hi, Im back, so we seem to have cleared up that Aeries was the only cetra left, therefore making my earlier points valid. Last cetra dies trying to stop meteor, if other cetra had been around which there wasnt any off, holy may have stopped meteor instead of working with meteor. Back to whether or not aeries death was pointless. in advent children, midgar is in ruins. With no midgar, the lifeforce is not being sucked out of the planet anymore. so the planet has been saved, this is what holy was meant to do, save the planet. If aeries had not died then maybe meteor would have been stopped by holy therefore Aeries would have been saved, but the planet would not have been saved. So effectively Aeries death meant the planet was saved, As you can see i'm still not convinced that aeries death was pointless unlike the theory that she died for nothing.

12-17-2004, 04:43 PM
I have a theory that Aeris was a whore. No...really. Flower sellars on the streets in asia were usually whores. I think Nomura wanted to reflect that looks can be decieving. And in this case that's an understatement.

12-17-2004, 05:12 PM
Err ok, but what exactly does that have to do with whether or not aeries death was pointless. Hmmm

12-17-2004, 05:27 PM
nothing man. she just likes to put down other threads. like a bad thing hanging over the shrine...

well i read your theory abou the sacrifice and it's pretty reasonable

12-17-2004, 05:30 PM
nothing man. she just likes to put down other threads. like a bad thing hanging over the shrine...

wtf are you talking about?!?

12-17-2004, 05:35 PM
i don't know... what could i possibly be talking about...?

12-17-2004, 05:48 PM
well i read your theory abou the sacrifice and it's pretty reasonable

Cheers, some more support

Oh and people, lets not turn this thread into a flame war =)

12-17-2004, 05:48 PM
I agree....

12-20-2004, 02:03 PM
Has anybody else got any more opinions on this theory or can i class it as reasonable and that it makes sense.

12-20-2004, 03:40 PM
I think the Important question is did Holy stop Meteor? If yes then Aeris's sacrifice wasn't in vain, if No, Holy didn't stop meteor, then Aeris needn't have sacrificed herself...

Watch the FMV of meteor Crashing and Holy ariving, To me Holy is not stopping metor. Infact I'm certain Red states that "Holy is having the opposite effect", and that in the end Lifestream has to take up the battle.

Now some people say that Holy summons Lifestream, but I recall Bugen saying something like Holy will judge everything, and will save the planet only if it is worth it. If that is correct then Holy wasn't going to stop meteor, hence Aeris's sacrifice was in vain

12-21-2004, 03:56 AM
Well, I think people are misunderstanding here(sorry). Aeris' prayer was i think to save the planet(if i remember). Nowhere did she say, " I am going to stop Meteor" it said" I am going to save the planet" or something like that. That is why Holy helped Meteor destroy Midgar as Pimp said. Now was her death for nothing? Personally,I think that in her perspective it was not because the planet was saved, the main point of her Cetra Heritage, but I don't think Aeris was aware of Jenova's intentions of replacing Sephiroth when he would absorb the lifestream and did not know that. So I think Aeris' death was in vain because she was not aware of all the circumstances (Jenova's intentions).Also I do not think that Holy was trying to destry the planet. I think Holy was aiding Meteor in destroying Midgar, then calling the lifestream to stop it form damaging the Planet furthur. It makes for an interesting idea.

12-21-2004, 03:03 PM
It seems to me that none of the characters in FFVII ever fully understood what Holy was meant to do, aeries knew the most about what holy was set to do but even she didnt know how it was going to save the planet, she just truly believed it would, which it did. Aeries went off on her own to her place of death, why? Earlier on in the game sephiroth controlled cloud to get the black materia, Meteor, Seph could also have controlled aeries too, and that would explain why she went off on her own, Now aeries is resisting the power of seph (which cloud couldnt even though he tried) i reckon with the help of her mother who she still hears the voice off, Now seph thinks that the only way he could get his hands on holy now would be to kill aeries, The white materia falls from aeries into the bottom of the forgotten citys water thus preventing seph from controlling the white materia as well as the black which would have made him completly unstoppable. If they had made out aeries to be able to completly resist sephiroth then that would have implied that she was alot stonger then Sephiroth and cloud who was the main characters. But it was not possible to allow seph to have both materias in the game, the story would have been pointless. So aeries cant be stronger then seph or cloud therefore she cant keep hold of the materia and live that way. Seph cant have control over both materias so aeries cant give in to sephs power and survive. Therefore aeries has to die!
When she dies, holy goes to the bottom of the water, seph doesnt know where its gone, game carries on with the story never truly saying why she dies but if you think about it, it makes sense. Aeries main part in the story is to activate holy, this happens before or when she dies, thats why its lit up when it is falling to the depths of the forgotten city. :-\

12-21-2004, 05:31 PM
I don't think Seph could control Aeris, Dont forget Hojo experiments on Cloud after the Nibelheim incident hence the conversation between Cloud and Hojo before Cloud gives the Black materia to Seph

Also I dont think Seph wanted the White materia, He could quite easily have sacrificed one of his 'clones' in order to get it, he just wanted to get Aeris out of the way, hence "Hmm we'll have to do something about that one"

12-21-2004, 05:46 PM
He could of yeah but would a clone have been able to collect the white materia, i dont think a clone would be very successful against them all

mister pickle
03-17-2005, 11:01 PM
although all this theories are quite understandable there are flawes like they wouldn't need a sacrifice because sephiroth wouldn't have killed her then (five years ago in the shinra mansion... ring any bells) because aeris cast the spell and sephy just tried to stop her (which brings me to flaw number two) aeris COULD HAVE BEEN BROUGHT BACK USING PHOENIX DOWN but didn't which brings us to a complete paradox (flaw number three) the only reason meteor came into existance was because it was called on by sephy NOT because it was drawn to the immense power of holy (this can be backed up because holy never would have existed if sephy hadn't have died at the end and if something doesn't exist it has no power (duh) and so therefore meteor couldn't have been drawn to the power of holy)...
dear whoever created that riddiculously illogical theory.......DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!

FF Fanatic
03-17-2005, 11:09 PM
I know we have sort of moved away from this little debate, but I just thought I'd put my word in anyway.

Sephiroth definitely isn't a cetra. Aeris even states that he isn't as she is one with the planet and the planet seems to have the ability to tell the cetra from the humans, I think she should know.

The Anti-Existence
03-17-2005, 11:46 PM
For God's sake! It is obvious that he isn't a Cetra. Jenova was an alien, and Lucrecia and Hojo were just humans.

03-17-2005, 11:47 PM
(which brings me to flaw number two) aeris COULD HAVE BEEN BROUGHT BACK USING PHOENIX DOWN

dear whoever created that riddiculously illogical theory.......DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!

lol, you call other peoples ideas ridiculous when you think that pheonix downs will bring aeris back? I think you need to do your homework...and by homework...look in the instruction manual to see what a pheonix down actually does....it might take you 5...maybe 10 seconds at the most...i know it sounds hard....looking and reading might be a lil too hard...so ill save you some time....IT CURES KO STATUS...not death...KO...KNOCK OUT!!! not to be mean...but you have it comming telling other people that they are basically stupid...its actually funny that you would think that....this is basically why the saying came out...think before you talk...or in this case...type

03-24-2005, 03:39 AM
one thing: aries was not sacrificed she was murdered. I think that holy wasnt strong enough to stop meteor because there were no cetras left to power it. Also the planet acually saved itself because of the lifestream hitting meteor, thus destroying it. Thus aries death was pointless, unless she prayed for the lifestream to save the planet and was willing to be sacrificed in the process... overall i think aries' death was pointless.