12-14-2004, 04:55 PM
Come, fellow Cloriths! We shall take this debate! Whooo! Let's get 10 or so Aeris warriers of light, lolz! :gets pink baseball bat: If you r not a Clorith, I will report you for posting in this topic. Simple as that, no questions asked. Oh, and you must also write in PINK Now, for why I bleve CloudxAerith to be DA TRU couple of FF7 is:

1. Japanese culture, ma friend. I have several sources stating why this is treu. Feel free to click on the link in my sig.^^ Mmm lets see. My friend Naru, or Naru-san, as we like to call her. For she is god to all of us who support tis couple. Anyways yes where was I? Ah I see. In Japanese culture if a man and a woman wear pink and blue together while being around eachother they say that it means tru luff. And I AGREE!1 It works, you should try. Make your boyfriend wear a blue thong and you wear some pink undies and you will madly arOused when you begin having sexual intercourse.

2. They say that a couple that is in love are tied with pink ribbon. Well anyways it changes color when a girl is on her period. For instance liek in KH where Aeris had a different ribbon, and Cloud borrowed Vincent's costume. (Omg hE LooKED sO hawt IN tHAT!1) Yeah his muscles were bulging an he wuz all manly and stuff with more muscles than in KH so eventually he will get togther with Aerith in KH2 and they will make MORE babys. That's CORRECT. Sora is ACTUALLY Cloud's long lost son as it was stated in an interview with Nomura several times. (I ferget where though) Oh and it is rumoured tat the new blonde kid in KH2 is his second son also. (who looks ALLOT like Cloud btw. Coincidence? I think NOT.) But anyways it shall be fact until proven otherwise.

3. They were featured on a Coca-Cola advertisement together11! Yes Clotis, even though Squall wuz pictured alone on something else called FF piano collections er something like that and Cloud and Aeris are featured together on it, AND the Coca-Cola thing, they r still featured as a couple. (Where did Rinoa go? o_O)

4. Aeris stated clearly that she wanted to meet Cloud. IN BED!11. On the gondola ride in disk one that you can get if you play the game CORRECTLY that is. :huggles all her fellow Clorith: She wanst 2 MeEt him in a sexual manner, and even though it's sexual, this does NOT mark her as a slut, no no. You see, TIFA is the slut because she wears rveling clothes. Sum ridiculous CloTis claim that Tifa wunted to have sex with Cloud on the fina night next to the highwind! Mhhmm I know this even though it wasn't confirmed or anything but that's just my theory anyway and I'm sure Anastar and FF_Goddess would agree with me on that.^^ For those of you who do not I suggest that you play the game again.

5. In the newest scans of Idakaki street, a game that featerrs Dragon Warrier peeps and FF peeps um, it shows Tifa alone in a corner and Aeris and Cloud holding hands and walking together. Well I mean I'm sure they are you know? Oh and then there's that bit of dialouge that has Aeris and Tifa sking Cloud who's he's going to cheer on. And Tifa says, why me of course, right Cloud? (Damn that slut! It's all about Aeris and Cloud, Cloud and Aeris. Why did they add this love triangle in this game? It just DOESN'T make sense at ALL! Square has endorsed Cloud and Aerith forver, that is until they merged with Squenix. >:(

Well those are MY reasens, but do state yours too of course. But um if you are a CloTi that is, um, you are NOT allowed to stated your public opinion here because this is a Cloud and Aerith forum and I'll spaz out if you do. NO TROLLING.

Neo Xzhan
12-14-2004, 04:59 PM
We already have have seperate threads about Could & Tifa or Cloud & Aeris, HECK even a Red XIII & Aeris thread. So that'll do.

12-14-2004, 05:32 PM
as long as it remains somewhat intelligent, I think it should be okay. since there was a decent bit of effort that went into the first post.

if it turns into "NO HE LOVES AERIS YOU DUMB CUNT" we're closin tho.

12-14-2004, 05:38 PM
as long as it remains somewhat intelligent, I think it should be okay. since there was a decent bit of effort that went into the first post.

if it turns into "NO HE LOVES AERIS YOU DUMB CUNT" we're closin tho.

That seems to happen alot, huh?

12-14-2004, 05:43 PM

But I'll gladly support my pairing..which is CloudxTifa.

12-14-2004, 05:44 PM
But I thought that you liked Aeris/Cloud?
^^; I know that you were being sarcastic, I can tell.

Neo Xzhan
12-14-2004, 05:49 PM
Okay then, but what, praytell, is a Clorith?

12-14-2004, 06:23 PM
Clorith= CloudxAerith


12-14-2004, 06:46 PM
Clorith... that's a new one to me. ^^

12-15-2004, 01:05 AM
4. Aeris stated clearly that she wanted to meet Cloud. IN BED!11. On the gondola ride in disk one that you can get if you play the game CORRECTLY that is. :huggles all her fellow Clorith: She wanst 2 MeEt him in a sexual manner, and even though it's sexual, this does NOT mark her as a slut, no no. You see, TIFA is the slut because she wears rveling clothes. Sum ridiculous CloTis claim that Tifa wunted to have sex with Cloud on the fina night next to the highwind! Mhhmm I know this even though it wasn't confirmed or anything but that's just my theory anyway and I'm sure Anastar and FF_Goddess would agree with me on that.^^ For those of you who do not I suggest that you play the game again.

so let me get your reasoning straight here
wanting to fuck=not a slut
wearing revealing clothing=slut

hmm...yes, that definatly makes sense

12-15-2004, 02:26 AM
as long as it remains somewhat intelligent, I think it should be okay. since there was a decent bit of effort that went into the first post.

if it turns into "NO HE LOVES AERIS YOU DUMB CUNT" we're closin tho.

Sorry to go off topic but man is she cute =)

EDIT: I mean that lemony snicket grl that is

12-15-2004, 03:03 AM
so let me get your reasoning straight here
wanting to fuck=not a slut
wearing revealing clothing=slut

hmm...yes, that definatly makes sense

im all for aeris and cloud - but i must agree with the above.

that just made no sense.

12-15-2004, 07:38 AM
Probably because you didn't read it right, lmfao. I said I was joking.

12-15-2004, 10:16 AM
We already have have seperate threads about Could & Tifa or Cloud & Aeris, HECK even a Red XIII & Aeris thread. So that'll do.
yeah we do what makes this one different?

12-16-2004, 01:31 AM
None. This thread doesn't make any difference because it sprouted from a poor pathetic Cloti who likes to mock people and boast how better she is. This has to be the most pathetic and lowest that a coupling fan can do. What's next? Stalking the other side now? Pretending to be a fan of the other side when your not?
Really, its just so funny to see little effort put on your own side if you want to mock others. This just shows which side is more confident with their evidence/statements and how low the other side can go. Its such a losing battle for that side.

12-16-2004, 07:47 AM
None. This thread doesn't make any difference because it sprouted from a poor pathetic Cloti who likes to mock people and boast how better she is.

Ugh. Funny, I never see "CloTis" talking bad about Cleris in general, yet here you are. I'd hardly call that a mature statement. I'm not boasting about anything, you're the one that seems to be looking for a fight. But you're arguments are CRAP, no joke.

What's next? Stalking the other side now? Pretending to be a fan of the other side when your not?

Oh man, that's so bad to do, especially on TEH INTARNET.

Really, its just so funny to see little effort put on your own side if you want to mock others. This just shows which side is more confident with their evidence/statements and how low the other side can go. Its such a losing battle for that side.

i know lyk worship teh carp it puvs cloud and aeris's love!!!111

12-16-2004, 12:01 PM
Aerith and Cloud are the ultimate couple. I charge thee dispute that fact. I pray that you'll give a good explanation. Honestly if Aerith were still alive they would definitely be together, fact. :-)

Honestly look at evrything that happened between them before she died. Their language, ways of communication. Everyone could clearly see they were in love. It was just unfortunate they didn't get the time to express it to one another. The gold saucer moment was more than enough for me. those guys would make the best best couple of all if they had only had a chance. Plus Aerith rocks. For anyone who has played Kingdom Hearts, their love is still evident even there that moment in the ending when they are re-united is just beautiful.

12-16-2004, 02:58 PM
Meh, well at least there's someone decent here. But, it's not a fact that they would've gotten together. You don't know that for the life of you. Nobody does.

Honestly look at evrything that happened between them before she died. Their language, ways of communication. Everyone could clearly see they were in love. It was just unfortunate they didn't get the time to express it to one another. The gold saucer moment was more than enough for me.

Do tell me the ways of communication with eachother. It was quite clear to anyone that Aeris was flirting with Cloud, but he just ignored her because he's dense like that. Also, who is everyone? Do enlighten me. Actually, more people could see that Tifa and Cloud had something going on. They get teased by various people, Barret, Red XIII, Cid, people outside the Seventh Heaven...And even by Aeris a little. So if anyone in the game could see something, it was clearly between Cloud and Tifa. And the gold saucer moment...? What does that have to do with anything? All Aeris said was that she wanted to meet the real Cloud, Cloud didn't do anything but sit and watch.

For anyone who has played Kingdom Hearts, their love is still evident even there that moment in the ending when they are re-united is just beautiful.

Honestly, a game where Cloud is acting like Vincent, and where Aeris isn't dead...And where Squall is called "Leon", isn't really the most valid source for evidence. Plus, I see nothing romantic about that scene. All she did was look up at him in her little way that she does, and he looks down at her boobs.

12-16-2004, 03:11 PM
Lets start our own love triangle! and Tifa_Martial_Artist can be in the middle! :) whos in for the shirne love triangle!?

12-16-2004, 08:19 PM
i bet she'd love to be in the middle :P

12-17-2004, 01:49 AM
My, my, my...what a surprise, TMA? Another charade up? If that's so true, you wouldn't be posting crap in the clorith section, would you? Or the other threads? What was that again? My statement wasn't mature. Take a look at yours before mine. What was it that you said in the clorith's section, "OMFG YOU'RE MAKING ME WET"...ah yes, and that's really mature, right? Bravo, bravo..for making a mature statement. Yes, for someone who haven't gone through puberty yet.
Uh-huh. Its not boasting you said, when you practically claim that people are in denial against your agruments and called them idiots. Oh yes, there is such a difference when there isn't any.
You said it yourself when you were being SARCASTIC. And what does this point to, pure mocking when you are in deep denial of losing? And if this pathetic thread is all about posting that side's love, why give your little bias cloti interpetation, when you clearly stated that Cloti can't state their reasons? Really, so much for your high thoughts of contradicting yourself. Too bad for your so called claim against another fan for them grasping straws out of thin air. Look who's doing the grasping now, YOU, of course.

12-17-2004, 02:29 AM
I am an Aeris fan, despite my name.

12-17-2004, 12:27 PM
My, my, my...what a surprise, TMA? Another charade up? If that's so true, you wouldn't be posting crap in the clorith section, would you? Or the other threads? What was that again? My statement wasn't mature. Take a look at yours before mine. What was it that you said in the clorith's section, "OMFG YOU'RE MAKING ME WET"...ah yes, and that's really mature, right? Bravo, bravo..for making a mature statement. Yes, for someone who haven't gone through puberty yet.

:cry: OMFG I HAVENT GONE THROUGH PUBERTY!!!111 LOLZ111 That's why I was wet then, huh.

Uh-huh. Its not boasting you said, when you practically claim that people are in denial against your agruments and called them idiots. Oh yes, there is such a difference when there isn't any.
When there are idiots like you out there I can't help but wonder.

You said it yourself when you were being SARCASTIC. And what does this point to, pure mocking when you are in deep denial of losing?

XDDDDD That's hilarious! Me being in denial of losing!?!? ROFLMAO THAT'S A NEW ONE. CLOAERITH.

And if this pathetic thread is all about posting that side's love, why give your little bias cloti interpetation, when you clearly stated that Cloti can't state their reasons?

XD, you must be retarded. I thought you understood that I was being sarcastic in my post. READ IT FULLY BEFORE YOU START ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING.

Really, so much for your high thoughts of contradicting yourself.

When did I say that? Do enlighten me punk.

Too bad for your so called claim against another fan for them grasping straws out of thin air. Look who's doing the grasping now, YOU, of course.

Yes me, of course. Because I'm a CloTi. Therefore I suck so bad. I BOW DOWN TO TEH L337 CLOAERIS. ;(

12-17-2004, 12:51 PM
If you don't like the Thread...

12-17-2004, 01:21 PM
Yes, and instead of attacking me personally, seeying as how you know shit about me and the other members here, don't stray from the topic at hand, please.

Let's see some so called "evidence" so you can "crush" me with it.


12-17-2004, 08:12 PM
Okay Tifa Martial Artist this is in reply to the post that followed my own previous post. I am aware that Cloud is as thick as two short planks when it comes to love but if Cloud weren't in love with Aerith you think maybe he would have done something about Tifas obvious willingness in that scene outside the airship. I know that Aerith was dead but, you know, for Cloud it would be like betrayal. Anyway that's all just my way of holding on to the thought that it wouldn't be Cloud and Tifa that would get together because I thought Cloud and Aerith would have made the perfect couple. Wait I'm just babbling now. =)

Anyway I thought you might understand, I was just giving my personal reasons for believing Cloud+Aerith to be the true couple of final fantasy VII. I have no great insight into the subject. Anyways, wait to get narky Tifa Martial Artist. I'm not that good at backing up my arguments. Never was my strong point actually.

Thanks for actually bothering to read my post though. =)

12-17-2004, 08:58 PM
Oh, thanks for your high thoughts, Cloud1. If I didn't like the thread, I would post nonsense like TMA being out of topic. And seeing how some posts are not related to the topic, thanks so much for that high thought.
Oh, Bravo. TMA. Thanks for putting words into my mouth of being a clorith fan when I haven't stated of being on neither sides. Yes, I so like to kicked pathetic fans like you who think they're so almighty and right, who just skipped over other people's arguments/points and answer them with nonsense and crap.
And if you were being SARCASTIC, then why just didn't post in the Cloud and Aeris thread? Wait, what was it? Its all info. on the couple, so you need to make a pathetic thread when there's one already. Oh, yes. Please enlighten me on this thread when it just feel the same like your thread and the other. What was the point of this thread if there is a similar one to this already?
That is just so great of you to create a similar thread through mocking. Bravo, for your high thoughts of mocking the other side when you can't even provide squat for your own thread. How about providing info. in your thread instead of nonsense like pics. Barely any good reasons for your couple thread. Oh, must be why the other couple thread lasted so long until it was filled with nonsense, truly brought by you.

12-17-2004, 09:01 PM
Come on guys, can't we resolve the matter somewhere else? Or by means of PERSONAL MESSAGES? I have had enough, and want it over with.
Note: I'm a Cloti. Jinchuu, she posted ONE picture. ONE.

12-17-2004, 09:22 PM
Yes, and by PM, it wouldn't be filled with nonsense too. Thank your wife for sending me nonsense PM with name calling.
That's an understatement. Her thread was filled with pics. there and here. Other people who posted high thoughts/points got trampled over, ignore, or straight right insulted. Her last thread didn't even last quite long because of this. I've seen better on other threads.

12-18-2004, 12:07 PM
Thank you for informing me about this. But I simply want this to be resolved, get the shit out of the way, put it firmly in the past. That is all I want and need. Please do not continue this feud, I do not wish for it to continue, and I am sure a lot of people are fed up with both our ranting. I wish it to end here. Do you want to end it? Because its your choice, not mine. Thank you for noticing my high thoughts. Very nice of you.

12-21-2004, 06:07 PM
. I am aware that Cloud is as thick as two short planks when it comes to love

You know not every guy can be the old Valentino character and just sweep a girl off her feet, confessing his undying love for her.... It took me years to ask one of my ex's out, some one i have known almost as long as Tifa and Cloud knew each other... He may be stupid but i think he is just shy about the whole thing...

12-21-2004, 07:51 PM
Yo kemtach I know not everyone's succesful in the pursuitm of love. I my self am no better than Cloud, I was only saying that in agreeance with Tifa Martial Artist. =)