07-22-2015, 07:09 PM
Ripping music and films illegal again after High Court overturns new law - BBC Newsbeat (

It's now illegal - again - to copy CDs or DVDs you've bought to put onto your MP3 player, your computer or other devices.

The government had introduced a new law in October last year meaning it was legal to transfer music into your home library.

But that law has been overturned in the High Court.

It's after a legal challenge from Basca, the Musicians' Union, and industry representatives UK Music.

It's unclear how the change will be enforced.

The change can't be enforced at all. That's why they changed the law the first time around.

Here's what I think of this:

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 07:20 PM

What They Gonna Do Arrest Me For Carrying An Ipod?

"Excuse Me Sir Can I See That?"
Hands Over
"Sir, Did You Rip and Import This Music Yourself?"
"I'm Arresting You For Using Your Own Privetly Owned Music For Private Entertainment"

Stick It In Your Pipe And Smoke It! lol

07-22-2015, 07:24 PM
That really defeats the purpose of having a portable music player in the first place. Pretty much gotta revert to walkmans, or buy literally all of your music online. Which again, defeats the purpose over even owning CDs in the first place unless you use a CD player at home. Really hits hard for us lossless folk, because while there are great sources to buy lossless music, there's also a lot of stuff you can't buy digitally in lossless. So....

07-22-2015, 07:27 PM

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 07:34 PM
Is that the british polite way to say "stick it in your own ass and fuck off"? xD

That It Be.

James P.Sullivan
07-22-2015, 07:35 PM

07-22-2015, 07:38 PM
The next sound you'll hear is several million people laughing their asses or arses off.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 07:41 PM

07-22-2015, 07:45 PM

The next sound you'll hear is several million people laughing their asses or arses off.

All QFT.

I just thought this was hilarious. I had images of Nicholas Angel knocking on doors and demanding to see the contents of people's devices, or stopping people in the street and spot-checking their MP3 players/ipods.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 07:49 PM
All QFT.

I just thought this was hilarious. I had images of Nicholas Angel knocking on doors and demanding to see the contents of people's devices, or stopping people in the street and spot-checking their MP3 players/ipods.

07-22-2015, 07:52 PM
That's exactly what I imagined :D

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 07:54 PM
That's exactly what I imagined :D

I Know LOL Nice.

07-22-2015, 07:55 PM

Great, another punishment for actually going out and buying things, to file alongside region locking, DRM, unskippable copyright messages, stream-only, MOD DVDR-only, MOD CDR-only, iTunes-only, no-lossless-option, device locking, format-exclusive extras, store-exclusive bonus tracks, and anthrax-coated Blurays (that last one's not happened yet, but give it time). The whole thing is 100% unenforceable and just antagonises legitimate purchasers. What is their problem? What money are they losing? Do they expect people to buy multiple copies of the same album like Elton John in Tantrums & Tiaras? The thing that is most ridiculous is that the EU are simultaneously passing a contradictory Europe-wide law that makes it legal to circumvent copyright protection on optical and digital media for personal use or legal Fair Use repurposing. How do those two laws work together then?

Pirated versions are often clean, unrooted, ad-free, warning-free, high quality copies. Surely the solution (as the government tried to do last year to be fair) is to keep making sure the legal versions contain at least that or the ability to legally extract that? Notice they never go after YouTube who regularly steal billions of other people's music and video revenue in broad daylight because they're too big to fight and it's too expensive/time consuming to employ staff on permanent DCMA watch. It's always ordinary people with ordinary lives who don't live in their billion-dollar fantasy worlds.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 07:58 PM
Well Face It, Its Tough Shit LOL I Do As I Please. Why? Because I'm The Dark One.

07-22-2015, 08:01 PM
Well, let's be honest here. How many people honestly obeyed this law the first time round? I guarantee you that not a single person obeyed it. That won't change at all. The only solution is to throw the entire citizenry of the United Kingdom in prison. Or chop our hands off. Or our ears off. Or burst our eardrums. Or lobotomize us.

07-22-2015, 08:06 PM

Ha! Nice one, mate.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 08:06 PM
Ha! Nice one, mate.

HAHA Thanks Killgrave

07-22-2015, 08:22 PM
But seriously, how do you enforce such a law? Send out sniffer vans the way the BBC does or did to locate unlicensed televisions? Is the government going to set up music courts? Give you an option of paying a fine or being strapped down and forced to listen to the entire discography of Right Said Fred, non-stop for 24 hours?

James (The Disney Guy)
07-22-2015, 08:30 PM

07-22-2015, 08:46 PM
Well, let's be honest here. How many people honestly obeyed this law the first time round? I guarantee you that not a single person obeyed it. That won't change at all. The only solution is to throw the entire citizenry of the United Kingdom in prison. Or chop our hands off. Or our ears off. Or burst our eardrums. Or lobotomize us.

I do it regardless...

07-22-2015, 11:14 PM
Never fails for some industry to lobby parliament for a change in the law.

In the first place musicians get pennies on the pound in terms of royalties from the music labels. It's the labels that are trying to maximise their profits by getting the listeners to pay twice - one for a CD should you want one, and again for a song(s) download.

Musicians ought to set up their own site where users can listen to samples, make comments, purchase downloads, and order CDs. CDs could then be produced and printed professionally by a company that caters for all the bands / artists on the site, perhaps vinyl could also be pressed. Kerching. And goodbye monolithic rip-off dinosaurs.

07-22-2015, 11:18 PM
More proof that corporations own governments in the 21st century. Could you imagine this shit flying back when people recorded everything to cassette tape and VHS?

07-23-2015, 12:13 AM
The people who make these laws are the same people who think computers have gas tanks or that using a calculator is pretty much the same as going on the internet.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

Could you imagine this shit flying back when people recorded everything to cassette tape and VHS?

Oh, they tried. Thankfully Mr. Rogers stepped in to save the day. (

07-23-2015, 06:50 AM
Their logic is this. When you buy a cd, dvd, blu-ray, you are NOT buying the content. You are on;ly buying the packaging and disc. The music/video is still copy protected and technically not considered yours. Hilarious, right? But that is the real legal position. You can buy a cd, but the music is NOT yours and never will be.

**silly companies wonder why Goddess pirates everything**


James (The Disney Guy)
07-23-2015, 07:09 AM
The Whole Law Is Just lumglyAsK61qa69wso1_500.gif&key=GoEGbITr02b9hsylXzjemg

07-23-2015, 05:51 PM
Their logic is this. When you buy a cd, dvd, blu-ray, you are NOT buying the content. You are on;ly buying the packaging and disc. The music/video is still copy protected and technically not considered yours. Hilarious, right? But that is the real legal position. You can buy a cd, but the music is NOT yours and never will be.

This position of theirs amuses me because it's only recently they've tried to claim that this is the case. In the 80s and 90s, advertising for music and VHS purchasing was almost completely based around the phrase "yours to OWN", "yours to own forever", "own the magic", "finally yours to own!" They've moved the goalposts and are causing a stink because people have told them all where to shove it.

We're in an odd position where all the big corporations, annoyed that they have lost money to piracy, can barely disguise their own bitterness and so have made the strange joint decision to throw endless bile and punishment at everyone left still willing to give them money. Poisoned berry after poisoned berry. We are in a world where you have the likes of Amazon Instant Video, which is insanely more expensive than a DVD/Bluray, significantly worse video and audio quality, device-rooted, no ownership, needs to be online to work, and has absolutely zero in the way of value added material. And they're blaming consumers for not wanting their horrible, insulting, overpriced, pre-emptively-hanging-you-as-a-potential-criminal rubbish, whilst simultaneously draining the world through tax evasion, worker exploitation, and monopolisation. And these are the ones crying wolf? I mean, the likes of Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos (supposedly the groovy good guys) make Rupert Murdoch look like Peppa Pig. The actual music, video and film industries are eating themselves alive out of pure arrogance and it's going to be interesting what happens next.