07-18-2015, 05:30 AM
Rebel Raiders Operation Nighthawk OST [Gamerip]

Composer: Eric Los

Saxophone Soloist (Heard in the tracks NH_MAIN_THEME, NH_THEME_SHORT, and NH_THEME_SHORT_2): Ivano Pirona

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B12FKNiacXSbWS1feEh3WHpwaXM/view?usp=sharing

07-18-2015, 04:07 PM
Awesome upload, thanks!

08-06-2015, 10:12 AM
(I tried to get as much information as possible, but there's not enough of it floating around/conflicts in information to give complete credit. If someone could help me out, that'd be great!)

I can confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt the score's sole composer was Eric Los. Not sure where you received the info about Derivere's involvement, but alas it's not the case (this game was also published a quite considerable time before Deriviere was even working in the industry.)

I'm actually posting this from my phone, so I'm a little under-resourced to provide you with any substanciating material with regards to who wrote the score, but if it might encourage a healthy slumber, I can certainly forage my disgustingly disorganised HDDs for some supportings evidence/documentation once I get my big butt back home? Specifically, I remember very clearly the "composer" credit was attributed to Eric Los in the credits roll at the end of the game (yes, did play it - it was beyond terrible)

Anyways I gotta get back to work, my boss is giving me evils ��

08-12-2015, 05:23 PM
thanks for the information. It helped clear things up. :)