Chronos X
07-15-2015, 04:23 AM
Here's two whole discs filled with Ambrosian chant, including three hymns attributed to Saint Ambrose himself. Everything here's under the care of the Polifonica Ambrosiana del Duomo di Milano as conducted by Mons. Giuseppe Biella. Enjoy and comment freely.

Chronos X
07-29-2015, 04:27 AM
Recently I listened to the whole thing and found out some of the latter tracks on both CDs scratch and cut off to the point of destroying the music. Dunno if it was that way in the original (the collection is a re-release of a recording from the fifties, after all) or if the CDs had a bug the folks at Centurion didn't catch; at any rate, I tried to return the set in hopes of getting another, hopefully undamaged copy, but it didn't work out. Long story short, there's nothing I can do about the defective tracks at this moment. Please accept my sincerest apologies, folks: nobody hates this kind of fiasco more than me.