07-14-2015, 07:08 PM
It's been fun hanging out with PonyoBellanote, TheSkeletonMan939, of course ROKUSHO, and many others these past couple days. However I think I don't really fit in with you guys, so the time has come for my brief return to the shrine to close. I hope that if you didn't always find me as funny as I actually am, you'll still all look back on it and remember it was a time when something interesting happened for a while.

In my absence, should anyone wish to take up the mantle and do some ROKUSHOposting, I'll leave below a brief style guide. I strongly recommend these guidelines be strictly followed when starting out; however, like with any craft, once you start to really become skilled at it you'll see how to bend or even occasionally break the rules artfully.

1. As his name is actually displayed, ROKUSHO's name should always be written in all capital letters. (See Post #3002728 (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f2/gay-marriage-legal-nationwide-us-191056/3.html#post3002728) for more information). Bold and/or italic lettering to highlight the way his name is always shouted is recommended, but not required.

2. ROKUSHO may also be referred to as :cat:, kooshy, the koosh, Kooshington Bear, and several other optional variants.

3. Limit the number of direct replies you make to ROKUSHO's own posts, instead discussing him in a more general way in topics where his contributions have been significant. This keeps him as more of a general topic of discussion, rather than just remaining a conversation between you and ROKUSHO.

4. Remember not to contradict any previous narrative around ROKUSHO. For example, if you wish to compose a post ruminating on which hentai folder ROKUSHO opened to masturbate to most recently, remember that he is not excited by lesbians, so yuri is not an option. Instead consider something along the lines of the beast from Disney's Beauty and the Beast mind controlling and raping Belle. While theoretical, the case for such a folder is strongly supported by previous evidence.

5. Try to keep your ROKUSHOposting to only this thread, to ensure it does not inadvertently start any flame wars and attract Smokey the Bear.

And I think that's all I really need to stipulate! If a mod could be so good as to sticky this thread for a while to make sure no one misses it, I'd appreciate that, but I'm pretty sure the only mod left is Jessie and he doesn't like me, so you'll probably have to make do.

Perhaps we'll all meet again someday. If so I hope everyone shares in the laughs a little more.