07-02-2015, 07:44 AM
A while back, I downloaded the Animal Crossing soundtrack from a user on here that had a few of the more "rare" soundtrack songs on it that I hadn't found in the past, specifically the hourly music that plays during the Cherry Blossom Festival when you aren't at the festival itself. (They had an almost harp-esque sound in the background and was slightly different, for those who may not have noticed...since it's not a long festival, it may not have stuck out.) I ended up deleting a few of the songs because I wasn't a fan of those hourly tracks normally, but I've decided that's stupid reasoning and it would be worth it to get them back. However, I can't recall where I found them. Could someone please link me to a user that has said tracks in their dl link, or alternatively, could someone upload that set of songs for me, please? They're relatively uncommon so I would really appreciate it!

07-02-2015, 08:14 AM
I think i know what are you talking about. I downloaded the same thing.
I'll look it up and upload it.

07-02-2015, 12:06 PM
https://mega.co.nz/#!0ckl2DBS!VzTVGQ70sJtAB_D0xaiVnxMiLm0HO5iJRJxbWNj ZCCo

here you go

07-03-2015, 03:48 AM
Holy shit, THANK you!!! I've been looking everywhere for this. You are my hero.