07-01-2015, 06:02 PM
Hello, who is the game symphony lover hope you enjoy this OST!

Disc 1

01 甦生 1:49
02 初音 1:40
03 雄志の風 3:32
04 希望の風 1:27
05 篤き祈りを 3:11
06 疾風の如く 1:46
07 猛虎伏草 3:20
08 黒風白雨 1:29
09 見果てぬ旅路 3:14
10 光彩る 1:16
11 東雲の空 3:01
12 策略の手 1:32
13 栄光の落日 3:30
14 揺るぎない鼓動 1:26
15 幽かな光 3:01
16 出陣の刻 1:16
17 群雄割拠 3:16
18 闇に蠢く光 1:31
19 風薫る 3:41
20 忍び寄る闇 1:51
21 士気高揚 2:31
22 荒ぶる波 1:16
23 嗤う月 0:48
24 慟哭の雨 1:08
25 疑惑の影 1:25
26 花散る 1:49
27 存亡の機 1:18
28 揺らめく月 1:32
29 無機質な日々 1:10
30 華麗なる決断 0:59
31 漆黒の帷 1:19
32 未来への道 1:42
33 絢爛たる流離 1:25
34 戦いの果てに 2:38
35 薄紅の祈り 3:16

Nobunaga.No.Yabou.14.Souzou.Original.SoundTrack ( p)

07-03-2015, 05:58 PM
It's Noobnyaga no Yabou -Souzou OST-? No Likes? No nothing? What's this weirdness.

Huge thanks! I am going to buy this (Sphere of Influence) for PS4 in September.

09-16-2015, 06:35 AM
Hey there I was wondering if you have the BGM for the Nobunaga's Ambition Sphere of Influence for PC? It just released two weeks ago and it has about 30+ BGMs that are not in the ones you uploaded. I understand it has the PUK which might be where the additional BGMs come from. I have no idea what format KVS and ATSLW are as they are the formats the BGM are in the game folders. Thanks

09-16-2015, 09:15 AM
Thanks :)

09-16-2015, 01:36 PM

10-27-2015, 05:16 PM
Thank you!

11-12-2016, 07:15 PM
Thank you.