12-09-2004, 01:39 PM
Ok, I'm on a quest to create a "super-Vincent", someone pounding 9999 standard damage.

From what I have read, the more kills for Vincent, the more power for his ultimate weapon, "Death Penalty".

At level 77, 30 power sources and 510 kills and counting, this weapon as not lived up to its name.

It's pounding an astonishing 3000 damage! Cloud and Yuffie can long do 9999 with their Ultimate weapons.

Am I missing something here?

12-09-2004, 02:46 PM
I don't know

12-09-2004, 02:48 PM
Why post if you dont know dreamplayer...?

Aaaaaaaaanyway, try getting him to level 99 and his attack to the highest, then see if it does 9999. If it doesn't, tell me and i'll try and help you from there.

Aerith Gainsborough
12-09-2004, 03:11 PM
Fact is, if you want your characters to be stronger, you have to use them in battles. It is like that for Vincent, but also all the others. And of course, if you use him a lot he'll grow stronger.... ;)

12-09-2004, 03:12 PM
Death penalty is one of thos weapons that need to be stacked with decent materia to work properly. Get Vincent to a high level, doesnt hav to be 99, equip him with Death Penalty and fill it with high level, prefably masteres, attacking materia - summons and magic. This should increase his attack.

12-09-2004, 03:21 PM
Just to clear up a few things:

1. All the materias in the slot are Master (but it shouldn't matter anyway for Vincent's weapon).
2. 510+ kills (5100+ damage by Everyone's Grudge).
3. Permanent member of party ever since he joined.

Landlord of Sector 7
12-10-2004, 12:27 AM
i don't know

12-10-2004, 06:41 AM
i wouldnt no, i havent playyed ff7 in like 4 yrs, and when i did, i never bothered to get vincent, maybe ill go back and get him one time, hmm

12-10-2004, 09:54 AM
810+ kills (whopping 8100+ damage from "Everyone's Grudge")
255 attack.
Strength 160summing.

Would power sources make any difference since the attack is already at 255? He is pounding a measely 4000summing damage.

12-10-2004, 02:56 PM
no...if he is already at 255....power sources will do nothing....
equip his death penalty with high level attack materia...

lone wolf
12-10-2004, 03:10 PM
Also, this is just something i found when i got Vincent, which i suggest everyone gets, if you have his final limit breaker, as well as the death penalty, that will boost the attack alittle, cause every bit counts, but if you plan on throwing on materia while at the same time trying to make his attack grow, you better be putting on master materia, cause anything else will send his attack into the crapper( when i say crapper, i mean no where near 9999)
in my opinion, and what i did, was give Vincent a ribbon, his final attack, set his limit to max, and then just go kill enemies, and try to kill as many as you can. the little cave near the chocobo ranch is a great place to start ;)

Lone wolf

12-11-2004, 03:57 PM
You definetely need to get him up to Level 99. That will make a hell of a difference.

12-11-2004, 09:02 PM
... Get to Lv. 99 dumbass. And equip with exceptional Materia.

12-11-2004, 10:16 PM
Power Sources Power Sources

12-12-2004, 05:33 AM
... Get to Lv. 99 dumbass.

My attack stats are already on 255 so theoretically, lvling up and power sources won't make any more difference.

Yea, and only dumb people like me use Aeris with Safer Sephiroth on the PC version of the game. Gameshark on PC? I think not.

As for lvl 99, I can do that in 2 minutes if I wanted...debug room...bash the Triangular thingies.

12-12-2004, 02:05 PM
Oh right. Just get brill Materia then.

I think it might actually depend on DEATHBLOWS (the Materia Deathblow), and how many enemies you kill with it.

11-07-2007, 12:52 PM
I've always wondered why Vincent's ultimate weapon never powered up as easily as the other characters do. Vincent was always the only guy that couldn't do 9999 damage each hit (which sucks -_-;).

I will try this stuff later on my laptop when I have time to see if they actually work.

11-07-2007, 05:11 PM
I always wondered why people seem to fail to see the date on the last post on a thread and end up reviving 2 year old threads =/

11-07-2007, 05:35 PM
I always wondered why people seem to fail to see the date on the last post on a thread and end up reviving 2 year old threads =/

Why else is there a search feature on this forum? I didn't want to create a new topic if one had already been created.

Besides, if they didn't want 2+ year old threads to be revived, why not just delete/purge them periodicallly?

11-07-2007, 05:38 PM
Just because you can search for it doesn't mean you have to revive it. General consensus is that if the last topic is too old, create a new one.

11-07-2007, 05:44 PM
Just because you can search for it doesn't mean you have to revive it. General consensus is that if the last topic is too old, create a new one.

General consensus? Is it mentioned in the Forum Rules? If it is, I apologise, because I haven been here that long. If it isn't, how is anyone supposed to know?

11-07-2007, 06:18 PM
I have no idea, nor do I care that much. All you need to know is that if it's a thread with dust over it, forget it and start a new one. That's how things have worked around here for a long time.

11-07-2007, 07:38 PM
I always wondered why people seem to fail to see the date on the last post on a thread and end up reviving 2 year old threads =/

11-07-2007, 09:41 PM
i thought the power of the death penalty was determined by the number of enimies vincent has killed divided by a certain number....idk

11-07-2007, 10:09 PM
There's no division involved. It's just the number of enemies Vincent has killed that affects the power of the Death Penalty.

J. Peterman
11-07-2007, 10:51 PM
I am posting in thread.

11-08-2007, 12:59 AM
There's no way his attack stat was really 255. Cloud easily does 9999 on most enemies with an attack stat considerably less than that. The easiest way to solve his problem would be to morph the tank things at the reactor next to Gongaga into power sources, as a previous person suggested.

11-08-2007, 11:28 AM
There's no way his attack stat was really 255. Cloud easily does 9999 on most enemies with an attack stat considerably less than that. The easiest way to solve his problem would be to morph the tank things at the reactor next to Gongaga into power sources, as a previous person suggested.

I tried that too for a while, but got bored and switched Vincent out for Yuffie. Her Final Weapon Conformer is probably the best Ultimate Weapon in the game.

11-10-2007, 07:33 AM
Death penalty is one of thos weapons that need to be stacked with decent materia to work properly. Get Vincent to a high level, doesnt hav to be 99, equip him with Death Penalty and fill it with high level, prefably masteres, attacking materia - summons and magic. This should increase his attack.

Death Penalty is one of those weapons that needs you to do a bunch of diarhea bullshit coming out of a warthog's nose onto your face in order to make it a decent weapon because the damned game designers thought you hadn't gone though enough bullshit already getting the fucking gold chocobo, and finding that stupid bitches cave to begin with. There's no excuse, no FUCKING EXCUSE!!! It's THE ONE ULTIMATE WEAPON, that is harder to get than ANY OTHER SHITTING WEAPON IN THE FUCKING GAME, and its SHIT!!! Naw lets not make this guy's ultimate weapon kick ass, lets make the poor player really have to work hard for it 'cause he sure hasn't worked hard enough for it already. No! Not until his HAND IS BLEEDING, cause we haven't already made him feel like a enough of a bitch with all the bullshit we've already put him through, and oh HE'LL BE SORRY if he gives a power source to anyone other than Vincent. It's like looking for a miraculous, and legendary treasure, and after untold time and effort searching, finally finding yourself opening up the box, just to find that all that's in it is a sack of dog shit. I mean with all the bullshit finding the goddamed gold chocobo, and all the fucking flashbacks you have to have in obscure corners of the game, before you talk to the bitch in the cave, go back and have more goddamed flashbacks, then go and talk to the bitch again, in Disc 3, oh, and by the way, if you wait until Disc 3 to talk to her the first time, you never get past the first conversation. Yeah, and you know why it's called Death Penalty, cause after you find out what a shitty weapon it really is, you're gonna want to take it outside and execute that goddamned gold chocobo! You know what, fuck Death Penalty, and while your at it, fuck the shitty assed, gold chocobo... the bitch can't even go past the quicksand anyway. Yeah that's right, the stupid fucking bird can go over mountains and walk on water, but a little sand gets between the toes, and it fucking holds back on you. Yeah, and all you get from it is a bunch of shit that you don't even need that you have to build up for 20 hours before it's of any use. And what do you do once you've got all that crap, well you may as well just delete that shitty gold chocobo, or better yet, do yourself a favor, and delete your save codes, and while your at it, throw this shitty game in the trash. [/Angry VideoGame Nerd Impression]

I'm sorry I couldn't resist. (Okay maybe I'm not all that sorry.)

11-12-2007, 10:08 PM
Death Penalty is one of those weapons that needs you to do a bunch of diarhea bullshit coming out of a warthog's nose onto your face in order to make it a decent weapon because the damned game designers thought you hadn't gone though enough bullshit already getting the fucking gold chocobo, and finding that stupid bitches cave to begin with. There's no excuse, no FUCKING EXCUSE!!! It's THE ONE ULTIMATE WEAPON, that is harder to get than ANY OTHER SHITTING WEAPON IN THE FUCKING GAME, and its SHIT!!! Naw lets not make this guy's ultimate weapon kick ass, lets make the poor player really have to work hard for it 'cause he sure hasn't worked hard enough for it already. No! Not until his HAND IS BLEEDING, cause we haven't already made him feel like a enough of a bitch with all the bullshit we've already put him through, and oh HE'LL BE SORRY if he gives a power source to anyone other than Vincent. It's like looking for a miraculous, and legendary treasure, and after untold time and effort searching, finally finding yourself opening up the box, just to find that all that's in it is a sack of dog shit. I mean with all the bullshit finding the goddamed gold chocobo, and all the fucking flashbacks you have to have in obscure corners of the game, before you talk to the bitch in the cave, go back and have more goddamed flashbacks, then go and talk to the bitch again, in Disc 3, oh, and by the way, if you wait until Disc 3 to talk to her the first time, you never get past the first conversation. Yeah, and you know why it's called Death Penalty, cause after you find out what a shitty weapon it really is, you're gonna want to take it outside and execute that goddamned gold chocobo! You know what, fuck Death Penalty, and while your at it, fuck the shitty assed, gold chocobo... the bitch can't even go past the quicksand anyway. Yeah that's right, the stupid fucking bird can go over mountains and walk on water, but a little sand gets between the toes, and it fucking holds back on you. Yeah, and all you get from it is a bunch of shit that you don't even need that you have to build up for 20 hours before it's of any use. And what do you do once you've got all that crap, well you may as well just delete that shitty gold chocobo, or better yet, do yourself a favor, and delete your save codes, and while your at it, throw this shitty game in the trash. [/Angry VideoGame Nerd Impression]

I'm sorry I couldn't resist. (Okay maybe I'm not all that sorry.)

Looks like somebody has been watching too much AVGN...I personally think that SpoonyOne is funnier in some ways...and yes the Gold Chocobo can walk in sand...I know this because I have challenged the Ruby Weapon while riding the Gold Chocobo

11-15-2007, 10:49 PM
Yeah, but he's not as fun to do impressions of. Although I do like the SpoonyOne's Dragonlance reviews.

What version of FFVII are you playing? Whenever I've played, The Gold Chocobo WOULD NOT cross the quicksand. I played on my brother's code where he had bred the Gold Chocobo, and I played on my own where I had gotten the gold Chocobo by killing Emerald Weapon. Neither were able to cross the quicksand. I've never gotten that whiney, prima-dona bitch to cross any quicksand.

11-15-2007, 10:53 PM
I've crossed quicksand in the American PS version and on the PC version with the gold chocobo and it worked fine. Also, it's actually the Ruby Weapon who gives you a gold chocobo (like you don't already have one when you beat it).

calamity from the sky
11-16-2007, 01:45 AM
Death Penalty is one of those weapons that needs you to do a bunch of diarhea bullshit coming out of a warthog's nose onto your face in order to make it a decent weapon because the damned game designers thought you hadn't gone though enough bullshit already getting the fucking gold chocobo, and finding that stupid bitches cave to begin with. There's no excuse, no FUCKING EXCUSE!!! It's THE ONE ULTIMATE WEAPON, that is harder to get than ANY OTHER SHITTING WEAPON IN THE FUCKING GAME, and its SHIT!!! Naw lets not make this guy's ultimate weapon kick ass, lets make the poor player really have to work hard for it 'cause he sure hasn't worked hard enough for it already. No! Not until his HAND IS BLEEDING, cause we haven't already made him feel like a enough of a bitch with all the bullshit we've already put him through, and oh HE'LL BE SORRY if he gives a power source to anyone other than Vincent. It's like looking for a miraculous, and legendary treasure, and after untold time and effort searching, finally finding yourself opening up the box, just to find that all that's in it is a sack of dog shit. I mean with all the bullshit finding the goddamed gold chocobo, and all the fucking flashbacks you have to have in obscure corners of the game, before you talk to the bitch in the cave, go back and have more goddamed flashbacks, then go and talk to the bitch again, in Disc 3, oh, and by the way, if you wait until Disc 3 to talk to her the first time, you never get past the first conversation. Yeah, and you know why it's called Death Penalty, cause after you find out what a shitty weapon it really is, you're gonna want to take it outside and execute that goddamned gold chocobo! You know what, fuck Death Penalty, and while your at it, fuck the shitty assed, gold chocobo... the bitch can't even go past the quicksand anyway. Yeah that's right, the stupid fucking bird can go over mountains and walk on water, but a little sand gets between the toes, and it fucking holds back on you. Yeah, and all you get from it is a bunch of shit that you don't even need that you have to build up for 20 hours before it's of any use. And what do you do once you've got all that crap, well you may as well just delete that shitty gold chocobo, or better yet, do yourself a favor, and delete your save codes, and while your at it, throw this shitty game in the trash. [/Angry VideoGame Nerd Impression]

I'm sorry I couldn't resist. (Okay maybe I'm not all that sorry.)

(I lol'd)
Actually, I got Death Penalty on Disc 3. Since i was terribly late with the Gold Chocobo, I did all my side quests on Disc 3. when I first talked to her, there was some flashbacks. You had to exit the cave and fight atleast 10 enemies and return, and you'd get his ultimate weapon. (Played on the PS1)

And, I have the same concern as whoever created this topic. I had Vincent as a permanent member of my party ever since I got him, and he is painfully weak ):. He hits, at most, 4000 with his DP. He's only like two levels away from Cloud, and I gave all my damn power sources to Vince. And I killed many many many enemies with the DP, why the FUCK is my Vince so weak?!

11-18-2007, 06:44 AM
Because Vincent is a total whimp, who is only worthwhile as a caster or when he's transformed. He'll do 9999 with it by level 80, but Everyone else will be doing 9999 by level 60. Stick around disc one and level Aeris? She'll do 9999 with her ultimate weapon, at a lower level than Vincent would do 9999 with his. lol. That's not because her weapon's any stronger though, but it's entirely to do with her stat growth being higher than the rest of the party, probably because she gets fewer level opportunities than other members. (Her limit breaks also grow faster.) I hear that if you're a big enough idiot to level Aeris to 99, then all of her stats would be Maxed out, but I can't substantiate said rumors.

I was pretty sure that it was possible to get Death Penalty even if you met Lucrecia after Disc 3 started, still there was the matter that the triggers were so complicated that duplicating them all was just not worth it, AFTER having beaten Emeral Weapon, then STILL having to make upgrades for you to have an ultimate weapon for him. What sucks is, even if you start the events that lead up to getting the Death Penalty in Disc 2, you can't get it until Disc 3, after the fucktard that Vincent wants to cap with it is already brown bread. In terms of story telling, placement, and designt, Death Penalty, is literally the WORST thing in all of FFVII. It's not a bad weapon, it's actually kinda kick ass, but it enters the story a day late and a dollar short. I personally think the Cave should have been accessible without a Chocobo, and the events should have been possible to complete before the battle with Hojo. But someone decided it would be more climatic if that shitty weapon entered his hands when he was ready to start shooting at Sephiroth. "Yay, I'll go shoot up Sephy right away... but first let me kill some goblins."

11-18-2007, 08:28 AM
It doesn't matter how strong your weapon is against Emerald Weapon anyway; you have no business doing anything other than spamming W-Summon KOTR and miming.

11-18-2007, 10:42 AM
That's why YouTube has a ton of No-Materia Emerald Weapon vids. One rather impressive one was Cloud-only, No-Materia. Granted, it was pretty much just Omnislash spammage, but my characters weren't able to do that sort of thing when I fought him.

11-18-2007, 10:56 AM
I put it down to the fact that Vincent was only an optional character, like Yuffie. Not everyone would know about Vincent on their first playthrough, and therefore there wasn't as much attention put into his story.

Probably why Dirge of Cerberus was created, maybe?

And yet, even Cait Sith get's a better Ultimate Weapon?! Ye canna be serious man!! >.<

11-18-2007, 11:32 AM
Dirge of Cerberus was created because Square wanted a larger income. And thats all!

11-18-2007, 11:36 AM
Dirge of Cerberus was created because Square wanted a larger income. And thats all!

To be fair, many wanted to know more about Vincent, myself included, and spin-off games aren't exactly unheard of, am I right? I think you'd be better off complaining about the poorly-designed game, rather than about the concept itself. I know I am.

11-22-2007, 10:39 PM
I put it down to the fact that Vincent was only an optional character, like Yuffie. Not everyone would know about Vincent on their first playthrough, and therefore there wasn't as much attention put into his story.

Probably why Dirge of Cerberus was created, maybe?

And yet, even Cait Sith get's a better Ultimate Weapon?! Ye canna be serious man!! >.<

Not as much coverage my ass, Vincent gets more spotlight time than Cid and Barret put together.

11-22-2007, 11:08 PM
If you're going to put it like that, most of the characters were very poorly developed anyway. Aeris was turning into a complex character, but then she died, and Cait Sith was a legitimately developed character, but too many people hate him just because he's a cat on a giant moogle.

11-22-2007, 11:43 PM
Square Enix is kinda acting like a drunk person trying to pin a tail on the proverbial donkey. They lack of focus because they're trying to hit several different targets at once. And failing.

Just look at the upcoming FF games for PSP.

11-23-2007, 06:17 AM
Cait Sith was a legitimately developed character

He was a traitor turned friend. While he was the only character in FFVII to show any kind of deviation from his original motives, that doesn't make him a legitimately developed character. I mean, all you learn about him is that his name is Reeve and that he's unhappy with the way Shinra has been running things.

That's hardly any development at all, even though that little tidbit alone puts him miles above the rest of the cast.

11-23-2007, 11:24 AM
Well, the whole sequence of posts after my most recent previous posts, do illustrate something about FFVII that people who play it, whether the love it or hate it, fail to recognize. The people who made FFVII didn't set out to make a wonderful storyline, they set out to make a wonderful RPG. And most people who dislike it's storyline are essentially judging it by the standards that FFVII inadvertantly set. People took the storyline more seriously than the creators did, and the result was, that just about every game made after FFVII came out was done around a story line of some sort, and some pretty awesome storylines arose. Other franchises, who already had wonderful storylines, found themselves getting more attention on account of their storylines, becasue storyline was actually seen as a factor again in the minds of the gamers. All because FFVII had a storyline that engadged those who read it. It was a good story... It wasn't a great story... So instead of making people say, "this is an awsome story," and leaving at that, it made people say, "this is an awesome story, but it could have done much MUCH better." FF games had always had pretty decent storylines, but if Pre FFVII rpg's epitomized the era where story line was not the emphasis, then FFVII is the proverbial monkey that typed Shakespear on the typewriter. (Sadly, said Shakespear was not Hamlet, Macbeth, or even Romeo and Julliet, it was "A Midsummer Night's Dream," or "Much Ado About Nothing.")

I mean Final Fantasy VII is not a good game at all if you judge it by the standards of what people have made it out to be... but if you instead judge it by the standards of what the game actually is, you might understand what actually makes it a great game(This is going out to the fanboys just as much as the bashers). It's not the storyline, or the graphics, or even the way it's presented... It's the gameplay and the ensemble. The gameplay is cohesive throughout, with very few points that lend themselves to you easily getting lost(Although the Wall Market outside Don Corneo's place is a pretty hefty part). The graphics were playable, the interface had very few bugs(and most of them worked to the player's advantage), the learning curve was always balanced level progression, so one had little need to just grind for the sake of grinding in the first half of the game, and most of all, the story, while not the best story in the world, interplayed well with the rest of the game(i.e. no contradictions between storyline segments and how the game actually worked), and even while there were a few confusing puzzles, the storyline ALWAYS gave you a tangible clue as to where to go next. (As opposed to just dropping you off in an open field and leaving you to find the next part of the quest by exhausting all of a fininte number of places to go.) And a mediocre storyline that gives you tangible clues is far better to have than an awesome storyline, that leaves you searching, cluelessly through the entire world for the next place to go, to which the previous part gave you absolutely no clue... Yes I'm talking about Final Fantasy V, and about half of all other RPG's for the SNES...

FFVII is a good game, if you accept it for what it is, instead of letting people's conception of it cloud your judgement.(pun not intended... would've made it all caps "CLOUD" if it was lol.)

01-04-2008, 05:20 PM
Death penalty is one of thos weapons that need to be stacked with decent materia to work properly. Get Vincent to a high level, doesnt hav to be 99, equip him with Death Penalty and fill it with high level, prefably masteres, attacking materia - summons and magic. This should increase his attack.

Is this true?!?! so THAT is why he just sucked in the sephiroth battle... *sigh* Or maybe all the evil energy i was channeling to him finally affected him...

01-04-2008, 09:49 PM
no that's not true. that guy is an idiot. he's mistaken with Barret's Missing Score. Each Ultimate Weapon has their special ability.

i remember ceeing this in a good and rare strategy guide my friend let me borrow a while back....

Cloud- The more current HP you have, the more damage this weapon inflicts.
Barret-This weapon gets stronger if you equip AP-heavy materia on it.
Tifa-When Tifa performs her Limit Break, but gets a 'MISS' for one or more of the spinning wheels, her weapon temporarily powers-up.
Aeris-This weapon powers-up when an ally is KOed or in critical condition.
Red XIII-The more current MP you have remaining, the stronger this weapon is.
Yuffie-If an enemy's experience level is higher than Yuffie's, this weapon will power-up and do added damage.
Cait Sith-The more current HP you have remaining, the stronger this weapon is.
Cid-The more current MP you have remaining, the stronger this weapon is.

Vincent-The more enemies that Vincent kills, the stronger this weapon becomes.

this was stated before anyway.


01-04-2008, 09:56 PM
My strategy guide said nothing on this... Thanks a bunch! I had no idea there was so much depth!

01-04-2008, 09:59 PM
I personally think the Cave should have been accessible without a Chocobo

it is. isn't it? submarine.

01-04-2008, 10:02 PM
No you can access it with a green, black, or gold chocobo.

01-04-2008, 10:06 PM
ya i had the crappy BradyGames guide and it said nothing of this also.

the one my friend had was with black cover, and it was a lot better. it was quite detailed and accurate. going off topic but i remember it stating something about fighting a black cat/panther in of the underground cellars of the prison only in the Japan version. does anyone know of this?

Final Fantasy Ultimate Guide

01-04-2008, 10:07 PM
No you can access it with a green, black, or gold chocobo.

i know you can, but you can also access with the submarine.