06-28-2015, 01:06 PM
Castlevania Soundtrack Collection

Heres is (nearly) every single Castlevania Soundtrack.

All Album art was taken from official castlevania artwork as high a quality I could find! All track names are the correct official names!

Dawn of Sorrow and Aria of Sorrow were ripped from the official CD soundtracks by me personally.
Aria of Sorrow's track names might be incorrect as they were translated myself.

Link to folder containing everything:


http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q719/furryshep2/Castlevania%20Aria%20of%20Sorrow%202_zps7zp7ej6l.j pg

Any newer Castlevania games past these I do not care to include, sorry those are not here as well.

Please enjoy the music! :)

06-28-2015, 01:42 PM
but.... there is like 2 or 3 already castlevania soundtrack collections in here. Why not post your rips there instead of making ANOTHER soundtrack collection of castlevania?
You know.. you gave me an idea...
I am going to make a thread collection of castlevania with my own way of organization with romaji tracklists and some scans. Good idea... spamming all the forum about it.

06-28-2015, 03:45 PM
Nice initiative, I was looking for some of theme :D

06-28-2015, 03:51 PM
I know. I am an asshole.

Thread 85572
Thread 135225
Thread 121829

06-28-2015, 07:55 PM
I know. I am an asshole.

Thread 85572
Thread 135225
Thread 121829

Oh no! Maybe I should think next time before considering to take the time and be nice enough to share my soundtrack collection, what was I thinking?

Is this your little corner of the internet? Am I stepping on your turf?

Well you said it yourself, you ARE an asshole, this is definitely solid fact.

06-28-2015, 08:23 PM
I don't know if you got what I meant. Think about it...
what about if everyone starts making sharing of their collection, as much kind as it is, for the same exact thing over and over again? it's basically spamming. Do you know what I am trying to say?
for example, that dragon ball VGM collection thread. when people ask a re-up of something.... I made a post of mine there, where I collect all the re-ups people ask, and not also there, I check if it was already shared by someone else in here, official or gamerips, and put there the mirror link I just uploaded.
People feel offended when this issue is asked, but they don't get the confusion and incredibly disorganization it gets in forum itself.

for example... there is 3 dragon ball collection threads in the anime section. and you know what? a user made ANOTHER thread collection saying if you want the soundtrack PM. it is stupid just by saying this as .... he has nothing new that is not on the collection threads, with working links and no pm bullshit. Therefore, it is a useless thread. It was then merged with another old thread collection of dragon ball that is still active till today.
Do you get my point?

06-28-2015, 09:37 PM
No, I'm sorry but your point here is lost. I happen to put a lot of work into my collections! I tag everything myself, include official quality artwork, just take a look at my Final Fantasy Soundtrack thread, I actually reworked all the official album artwork myself. I am offended you would compare my hours of work to simple spam on a forum! If it bothers you so much, and if you have the power, then take the thread down or merge it or do whatever you want because I'm done talking to you about it.

06-28-2015, 09:40 PM
talking to wall is like talking to wall.

Leon Scott Kennedy
06-29-2015, 12:41 AM
What I'm going to say is merely my take on the "issue", not that of the Staff:

- One side of me could technically close/merge this thread while bringing to FurryShep's attention that a forum-search would have likely brought the already existing threads, each serving pretty much the same purpose as his/hers, up.

- The other side of me has quite a few "reasons" to not give a crap about letting another thread open:

1) What do these three threads you've oh-so-diligently linked show, Orie? That there isn't really that big of an issue with having duplicate open threads around here. Well, that's the impression I've got, at least, otherwise, that threads would have been locked by now. I don't see the harm in leaving this open, too, it's nothing more than a mote in the amount of "dust" polluting the download links forums.

2) I'm of the opinion that there are conflicting rules about the subject: a thread states every link should get its own topic, another one says that what amount to be mirror-links of content already provided should be posted within the existing topic (if available), a third thread implies that one shouldn't bother sharing his/her links in the aforementioned threads, if the upload-service used is the same picked by the other "OP", but at the same time it isn't really tying users' hands about their own threads.

3) http://forums.ffshrine.org/f92/new-thread-policy-all-links-must-go-78302/ - Thread 98919. Read both these threads, now, can you honestly tell me that "we" (as in, Download Links' Staff) have efficiently applied/enforced such guidelines? It's a rhetorical question, I know the answer already, but I would like to hear it. Heck, just to take a small example out of this very section I happen to moderate; that lossless video game soundtrack thread, do you think it would have any reason to remain opened now? On its early days there were users who had complete disregard for the "rule" which required them to create a separate thread and by neglecting that rule they automatically neglected the one requiring them to "TAG" their shares for a more efficient forum-search… Yet, that thread still went on. Truth is the usefulness of that database-thread would have been "outlived", if every goddamn user bothered to follow the rules, sadly, that wasn't the case and according to some thread even got a "life" of its own, damn you if you take that away. *Snorts*

The point I'm trying to make is: I've been here a few years and I've yet to see rules being applied with the so-called "Iron Fist" (don't mean to reference TEKKEN, for once), good luck with giving this place some kind of "order"; this is just another thread adding to the pile of ones which should be either merged, or deleted (this "plague" affects every download-related area), so, what's another case of inaction going to cause? Yeah, right. Sigh, I guess my friend was right, I'm not fit to moderate on the Shrine.

06-29-2015, 01:41 AM

06-29-2015, 01:14 PM
@Orie Just Shut Up.

You see people doing reuploads of existing old shares as new threads. Why don't you tell them to post them on old post instead?

Not to mention it's good to have new ones since we can some new updates and maybe the poster wanted his own thread? If you don't like that much then go back to dead old posts then stay the fuck there.


Thanks for the share!! Don't mind the clown. Appreciate the work as always :)

07-02-2015, 04:06 PM
People are weird on what they take up arms over.

Anyways thanks for the share man!