06-24-2015, 02:05 PM
Surprisingly, there doesn't seem to be any links whatsoever with this. (unless the search is borked). Just one thread with the old A Realm Reborn WITHOUT expansions with ONLY broken links.

06-25-2015, 04:04 AM
I tried looking on Youtube in case there was any Heavensward music posted, but apart from a bonked version of the main title screen theme (which is crudely edited to repeat after it fades out), there doesn't seem to be any music rips yet available from the expansion. Which is a shame, as it's very good (although I suspect Masayoshi Soken is sharing composer responsibilities with Naoshi Mizuta this time, as the Sea of Clouds theme at the very least just has that Mizuta/FFXI feel to it). Either way, I'm sure there's been a rip done, so it's just a matter of time before it's posted. Just have patience.

06-26-2015, 01:25 AM
Would be interested in this myself the music in the game is very good

Static Veins
06-26-2015, 05:03 PM
Adding my request for a rip of this. The music in Heavensward is even better than the already great original score.

06-28-2015, 04:54 AM
Apparently, reading online it seems SE changed the encryption for Heavensward's music files, which explains why there's no direct rips up currently. No doubt this is only temporary though - it's usually cracked fairly quickly. So patience is key here I think.

07-01-2015, 04:57 AM
I found a rip from the BlueGartr people. Filenames are as they were when the files were extracted, so only minor spoilers. Not that it should take any effort to guess which one is the final boss track...


If you don't mind spoilers such as boss, area and dungeon names and want a tagged version of the OST, I have tagged it for my own use, and if anyone really wants me to I can upload that.

07-01-2015, 12:11 PM
I would love the tagged version of this.

Static Veins
07-01-2015, 06:24 PM
I found a rip from the BlueGartr people. Filenames are as they were when the files were extracted, so only minor spoilers. Not that it should take any effort to guess which one is the final boss track...


If you don't mind spoilers such as boss, area and dungeon names and want a tagged version of the OST, I have tagged it for my own use, and if anyone really wants me to I can upload that.

Thanks for this! The tagged version would be great, if you don't mind.

07-02-2015, 03:31 AM
Yeah, that would be great Jonah - I've already had what happens in the expansion spoiled for me as I've only just reached the Dravanian Forelands (thank you official Forum ><), so a tagged version will be appreciated. :D

That new remix of Matoya's Cave especially... mmmmmrrr... this is sex for the ears. :3

07-08-2015, 10:45 PM
Sorry I'm so late on this! I'd upload my tagged version, but it seems I've been beaten to the punch: http://forums.ffshrine.org/f72/ffxiv-heavensward-game-rip-191248/#post2994694