12-08-2004, 05:57 PM
We in the U.K have such a lack of good R.P.G's makes me wanna cry :sad: we either don't get the games themselves or we just get them about a year after they have been released in either Japan or the U.S (which means talking about them is out of date makes me wanna scream :notgood:)

Games not released in the U.K or Europe
Where to start...
*Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross*
*Tales of Destiny*
*Xenogears and the (new version Xenosaga)*
*Saga Frontier*
*legend of Mana*
*The Sukodien series*
*Grandia Xtreme (the third one)*
*Lunar Story and Lunar Silver Story Complete*
Know some of these are old BUT STILL we never got them in the U.K

Plus there have been many other which couldn't be bother listing (angry now)

Are there any other dedicated R.P.G fans from either Northern Ireland, the U.K or Europe...???

12-09-2004, 03:56 PM

12-12-2004, 09:46 PM
The story is What gets me hooked on the game but everything else on that list is important too. cept maybe Devoloper/publisher