12-08-2004, 04:54 AM
Yesterday, I was both bored and hankering for some new music, so I went on a free mp3 quest.

During said quest, I happened to go to I've seen that they offered free mp3s before, but I never really bothered with them. Seeing as I hadn't been having much luck finding stuff, I decided I'd try some stuff out.

I wound up discovering that they actually have a lot of cool stuff, which is the whole reason I made this thread. There was nothing mind blowingly spectacular, but I wound up putting together a pretty good mix cd with my findings. Some of the bands I found that I liked were The Harmonica Pocket and Say Hi to Your Mom.

So anyways, I know that I'm always on the lookout for places with good, free, and legal mp3 downloads, so I thought I'd give everyone else here a heads up.