06-14-2015, 01:26 PM
Madagascar 3 : Europe's Most Wanted (Recording Sessions, FLAC Lossless) - Hans Zimmer (2012)

Music by Hans Zimmer.
56 tracks, Quality : FLAC Lossless.

Like Crimson Tide, it's not new, but we can call it a "lossless upgrade". This is almost exactly the same set as the previous one (cues names and runtime)...but now in lossless (no, it's not a fake conversion, check the spectrum).

Enjoy !
And don't forget to leave some reputation :)

Tracklist :

1m01 Opening (1:22)
1m03 Bad Dream / New York City (3:11)
1m04 I Wish We Could Go Home (0:44)
1m05 Chimp Hotel Source (0:34)
1m05ALT Chimp Hotel Source (0:41)
1m06 Main Title / Clandestine Monte Carlo (1:28)
1m07 Everybody Dance (1:20)
1m08 I'm Gonna Lead (2:13)
1m09 Casino Escape (1:13)
1m10 If You Want To Be My Lover (0:18)
1m13 Meet Dubois / Escape Continues (1:22)
1m14 Luxury Assault Urban Recreational Vehicle (0:50)
1m15 Dubois on the Scene (1:05)
2m16 Monte Carlo Chase (Pt. 1) (1:27)
2m18 Monte Carlo Chase (Pt. 2) (1:00)
2m19 Monte Carlo Chase (Pt. 3) (2:35)
2m19A Julian is Saved (0:35)
2m22 We Gotta Get Home (0:51)
2m23 The Fuzz-Meet the Circus / Escape (2:19)
2m24-25 Knife Sting / We're Going to Africa (1:04)
2m26 Vitality (1:04)
2m29 Meet Sonja the Bear (1:11)
2m31 Dubois Tracks the Zoosters (1:31)
2m31ALT Dubois Tracks the Zoosters (1:35)
2m32 Rome (0:46)
2m32A Backstage Rome (1:13)
2m34 Con Te Partiro (1:37)
3m37 Gia (1:49)
3m38 Dubois / Where There is Smoke There is Lion (1:24)
3m40 Saber Dance (1:35)
3m40ALT Saber Dance (1:38)
3m41 Saber Dance Reprise (0:54)
3m41A Italian Police-Dubois Escapes (1:40)
3m42 Where Did Alex Go? (1:10)
3m43 Circus Zaragoza / Vitaly's Story (3:27)
3m44 Phase 4-7B (0:41)
3m45 Circus is in Here / Pomp and Circumstance (3:12)
3m54A Non, Je Ne Regrette Backing Track (1:27)
4m46 Cannonball (2:44)
4m47 Training Montage / Alex and Gia (0:53)
4m47MID Training Montage Mid (1:05)
4m47END Training Montage End (1:21)
4m47A Love Ballad (3:34)
4m47B Circus Train (2:05)
4m50 London (1:21)
4m51 Alex Encourages Vitaly (2:50)
4m52A-B Fireworks Sweetener #1 (0:33)
4m53 London Celebration / Dubois on the Hunt (3:17)
4m55 Julian And Sonja Breakup (1:43)
4m55A Back to NY (4:56)
5m56 Back in the Zoo (0:41)
5m57 Dubois and the Venon Ver. 1 (3:11)
5m57 Dubois and the Venon Ver. 2 (3:16)
5m58 Circus to the Rescue (0:38)
5m58A Rescue Stefano (2:34)
5m61 Afro Circus / Move It (2:56)

Link :

PM please.

By the way, you can find all the Madagascar Trilogy sessions in mp3 320/160kbps in this thread :
Thread 175821

06-14-2015, 01:36 PM
Thank you for sharing the sessions in FLAC!

06-14-2015, 01:52 PM
Ah, lossless upgrades are always nice! Thanks!

06-14-2015, 02:12 PM

06-14-2015, 02:17 PM
thank you very much for the lossless upgrade

06-14-2015, 02:17 PM
Ponyo - you can either edit the files in Audacity or something, or if you have iTunes, specify start and end times for each file.

06-14-2015, 02:22 PM
Drag/open each file you want to edit into Audacity, highlight the silence in the music, and hit "backspace" or "delete". Then go to File->Export->FLAC.

06-14-2015, 04:01 PM

06-14-2015, 04:36 PM
Thanks a ton!

06-14-2015, 04:43 PM
Drag/open each file you want to edit into Audacity, highlight the silence in the music, and hit "backspace" or "delete". Then go to File->Export->FLAC.

Audacity or bust. Doing the iTunes method will take up space. Physically removing the silences in Audition will make the files much smaller.

I did that for hack3rman's and my John Wick complete. Removing the silences took off an entire 5 minutes and 500MB

06-14-2015, 04:47 PM
I installed long ago Audacity for a silly thing. I never use it, but I knew someday it'd be useful, and it is now. :P

Audacity is a LOT more powerful that it seems at first, especially with the FFMPEG plugin. I can hardly imagine being able to do anything audio-related without it.

06-14-2015, 04:58 PM
I use Audacity nearly every single day. If not, then damn near close. It's how I make my film edits of scores and it's also how I convert my vinyls

06-14-2015, 04:59 PM
I had a feeling Audacity could be useful in the future, and how good it could be, the problem was that I don't know what to use it for! But now I see it can be, for example, to raise the volume in some songs, to edit them.. maybe even more than that!

Well... the Wallace and Gromit stuff, for example, I did in Audacity. And the Star Wars and Batman v. Superman trailers.

Send me a PM if you wanna know how to do that sort of stuff.

06-14-2015, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the upgrade!

06-14-2015, 05:09 PM
Thank hugely! :)

06-14-2015, 05:15 PM
Very thanks.

06-14-2015, 06:23 PM
Thanks a lot!!

06-14-2015, 07:14 PM
Thanks a lot

06-14-2015, 11:43 PM
Thank you very much!

James P.Sullivan
06-14-2015, 11:43 PM
Yay! Thanks for the upgrade! I will update my trilogy thread accordingly.

Re Audacity - I've had it for years. I generally use it for recording parts on top of one another for my quartet arrangements, but I sometimes use it for file editing. It's a mind blowingly crazy piece of free software. :D

And yes, Ponyo, if you could upload your versions of the Madagascar sessions (2+3) with the volume and silences corrected, I'd be extremely grateful. Great meme, Daupp!

06-15-2015, 12:36 AM

06-15-2015, 03:15 PM
Thanks !!

06-15-2015, 04:05 PM
…Raising the db, right? I'll put it in 5.0, seems fine like that…

Putting in random values would be unwise unless you know exactly how loud/quiet the track is. You should always normalise. But never to -0 dB but more like to -0.5/-1.0.
Audacity can be really powerful if you know what you want and how it works. It can also run batch (chain) scripts that will make everything for you. Like normalising audio in whole folder.

Go to File -> Edit Chains, make a chain and then go to File -> Apply chain -> Apply to files and you’re done.

06-17-2015, 05:01 AM

06-17-2015, 07:39 AM
Thanks :)

09-04-2015, 12:46 AM
Thank you share!

09-04-2015, 09:02 PM
Thank you!

09-05-2015, 10:05 PM
Thanks a lot :)