12-06-2004, 11:34 PM
Little unofficial place for discussion of heavy music here. Well, not exclusively heavy - doom, goth, death, extreme, grind, black, melodic, whatever, man.

A few bands that relaly do it for me are:

Children of Bodom
My Dying Bride

But then, there are a s***-load others = D

12-07-2004, 01:35 AM
CoF are heavier than CoB. Come on now.
Not that CoB aren't excellent, you're just wrong to say that :p
My Dying Bride are gloomy but good.

12-07-2004, 06:54 AM

Hahahahaha, if you're going to name drop about "heavy" bands, then leave Dragon Force out of it, you fool.

12-07-2004, 10:32 AM
I could never get into these bands..

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-07-2004, 11:35 AM
Dimmu Borgir are pretty heavy, but not as heavy as say.....Emperor, Vader or Napalm Death. I've been listening to some Doom Metal lately like Cathedral and Candlemass, I like the slowness of the music, just seems so steady yet quite heavy.

12-07-2004, 04:14 PM
I know, I know, just needed a title.

As I mentioned above, this isn't exclusive;y for chattin' about bands such as The Bezerker, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide etc., generally just to talk about good metal.

12-07-2004, 04:23 PM
I don't like any heavy metal. It scares me! I do however like Evanescence. They are my favorite band.

12-07-2004, 11:28 PM
kick ass

12-07-2004, 11:41 PM
We cant forget about Death, At the Gates, Nile, Cryptopsy, and my personal fav. Opeth

12-08-2004, 01:38 AM
We cant forget about Death, At the Gates, Nile, Cryptopsy, and my personal fav. Opeth

Excellent bands! Particularly Death and Opeth.

12-08-2004, 02:15 AM
why rot your brain with anything other than the good stuff

12-09-2004, 10:32 AM
CoB are kinda good. CoF suck! Dark Tranquillity are the best!

mr. patterson
12-09-2004, 01:49 PM
CoF are one of the shittest bands ever and not just cause of their fans, shower of eye-liner wearing fashionably angsty gobshites. but then again i've never seen the appeal of heavy metal.now i don't mean to sound like a parent or anything but heavy metal is just shouting and a complete pile of shite

12-09-2004, 01:59 PM
I love Cradle Of Filth; the only metal (besides slipknot and static-x) i'll listen to

12-10-2004, 12:01 AM
I like their older stuff, Midian is a quality album.

But there are many better Black Metal bands, naemly, Emperor, Darkthrone, Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Dimmu Borgir, Mayhem etc. But hey, CoF are pretty tongue in cheek, and sometimes you just wanna lose the seriousness.

12-10-2004, 12:02 AM
What the fuck is "heavy" supposed to mean?

Sounds like a non=specific term for music that's just loud and people who are louder. =/

Neo Xzhan
12-10-2004, 12:43 AM
I can't really get into CoF, I can listen to them for a while, but it gets really repetative and boring after a few songs.

12-10-2004, 01:26 AM
Amor E Morte <3

12-10-2004, 12:18 PM
Oh CoF are bloody boring!....same guitar sound in ever song, keyboards so quiet you can't even tell they're there....zzzZZZzzZZZzzzZZZZ....

12-11-2004, 02:46 PM
What the fuck is "heavy" supposed to mean?

Sounds like a non=specific term for music that's just loud and people who are louder. =/

True that, these days it's just a phrase that's thrown around, like here, for example.

Oh CoF are bloody boring!....same guitar sound in ever song, keyboards so quiet you can't even tell they're there....zzzZZZzzZZZzzzZZZZ....

Nah, you can hear the synths quite clearly.

Remy LeBeau
10-09-2008, 05:14 AM
First of all it is time for all of you to get a lesson in metal. The term heavy has been tossed around losing its meaning only to those who are not true metal fans. First of all try isolating the instrument if truly you are too tone deaf to tell the difference between the different guitar riffs and solos. The keyboard is very distinctive and unique in each song. Each song is a piece of art combining the poetic talents of Dani Filth mixed with each members individual, instrumental talents. Dani also has a very unique screaming voice which only seems to add to the uniqueness of the song. If you, yourself are a singer or screamer or even fond of attempting to duplicate the voice of a band, give Dani's voice a try. See how difficult it is to imatate or even to come very close to. I play a variety of instruments including the electric guitar, electric bass guitar, keyboard or piano, and have fronted a few upstart bands as a vocalist and songwriter. Even with all of my years of experience, I have yet to even consider myself close to Cradle of Filth. I am a fan of multiple bands of mutiple genres but nothing quite quences my thirst like metal whether it be Black, Progressive Power, Death, or Nu. Dimmu Borgir's Shagrath is another good example of prime metal along with Dimmu's bassist/pure vocalist, Vortex. Opeth, Vader, Children of Bodem, Fintroll, Amon Amarth, Trivium, Emperor, Disturbed, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Chimaira, Mudvayne, Seether, Metallica, Slayer, Drowning Pool, Pantara, Slipknot, Hatebreed, Godsmack, Megadeth, Mnemic, Dragonforce, System of a Down, and Evanescence are all good examples of the versitility of music I enjoy and you may very well find one of your favorite bands in the list above but before you judge music make sure not to give up so easily, listen to more than one song and don't just listen to them in order while leaving it on repeat. Anything no matter how good can and will get boring or annoying but only if you allow it to. God Bless.

10-09-2008, 07:00 AM
I sense the power of a powerful necromancer.

fastidious percolator
10-09-2008, 05:44 PM
Remy, I am in AWE that you didn't notice the posts originating from 2004.

10-15-2008, 05:42 PM
I don't like any heavy metal. It scares me! I do however like Evanescence. They are my favorite band.

I had to laugh at this post. HARD

COF has some ok Riffs on Damnation and a Day.

Are there any musicians in here, besides me and Remy LeBeau?
The reason I ask, is cause well opinions are a little more compitent than non-musicians. God Bless

10-23-2008, 01:28 AM
I sense the power of a powerful Scholomancer.

Fix'd :p

Remy LeBeau
11-03-2008, 09:01 AM
So, Trentington,am I to understand you are in awe that I have the expectation of some longevety among what I had hoped would be a group of true music fanatics and possibly talented musicians? It truly is sad that throughout this entire thread, Locke_FF36 is the only one of which I believe my point was properly conveyed and retained. (Thank You Locke_FF36.) This is a post for metal however, be the posts from 2004 or 1994 I mearly shared my opinion on a previously stated topic, and by all appearances I was correct in doing so because, after all, you amongst a few others replied anyway. God Bless.

11-04-2008, 12:21 AM
Are there any musicians in here, besides me and Remy LeBeau?
The reason I ask, is cause well opinions are a little more compitent than non-musicians. God Bless

Right here. I think that in order to settle the debate between definitions of heavy, we need to distinguish between production-heavy and instrumental-heavy. Anything can be production-heavy, but it takes certain chord progressions/riffs/ostinati/style to be instrumental-heavy. A song can be heavy without good production; also, songs can be produced to sound heavy, but it can still be argued that it's not heavy. Our differences on what we interpret as being heavy are determined by our different interpretations of where to draw the line for the latter.

Remy LeBeau
11-19-2008, 05:47 PM
This is true enough that differing opinions will still see their stubborn sides, but the chord progression is not what gives the heavy sound. A single guitar producing not more than one chord can be heavy. A sound that can almost feel solid to the listener and never progress beyond that single power chord. The best example is found on guitar.com, a site that I am not the biggest fan of but will accuratly illustrate my point. They had an interview with Daron Malakian, the guitarist for System of a Down. He had no other members of the band there to perform with him so the sound was mearly from his amplifier, no mixing or adjust the sound quality beyond the optimization of a home movie camera. He unsheathed his beautiful Ibanez Iceman strung 10 to 52 and played a few things. After a few minutes he released what was then one of the first Iceman 2s made to be a bass lead guitar and strung 12 to 60. The "heavy" sound was obvious even if you only heard a single note from each. The progressions of each "heavy" instrument only maintains this effect but does not create it. Of coarse with mixing and editing tools anything can be heavy. God Bless

12-21-2008, 08:18 PM
A selection of some of the heaviest bands I know:
Gruesome Stuff Relish
Last Days of Humanity
Ultra Vomit
Happy Face
Brain Drill
Iron Lung
Anal Cunt

A small handful of brutality for you, there.

01-08-2009, 06:14 AM
A selection of some of the heaviest bands I know:
Gruesome Stuff Relish
Last Days of Humanity
Ultra Vomit
Happy Face
Brain Drill
Iron Lung
Anal Cunt

A small handful of brutality for you, there.

Nice List...

Some of my favourite heavier bands for me are...

Vital Remains
Cryptopsy (minus the most recent album - I still enjoy it)
Amon Amarth

I have also been playing a lot of shit by:

Winds of Plague
Despised Icon
Suicide Silence
Eternal Lord

I know its Deathcore, but I still enjoy it, I still love the the "real" death metal..

For the record, I play guitar. I am nothing spectacular, but I do enjoy playing and learning stuff

fastidious percolator
01-08-2009, 11:32 AM
So, Trentington,am I to understand you are in awe that I have the expectation of some longevety among what I had hoped would be a group of true music fanatics and possibly talented musicians? It truly is sad that throughout this entire thread, Locke_FF36 is the only one of which I believe my point was properly conveyed and retained. (Thank You Locke_FF36.) This is a post for metal however, be the posts from 2004 or 1994 I mearly shared my opinion on a previously stated topic, and by all appearances I was correct in doing so because, after all, you amongst a few others replied anyway. God Bless.


Cradle of Filth are pretty crap. I listened to them when I was 11 or so.

And it's not like the heavyness of music matters at all, therefore I found it a bit silly for you to revive, but don't mind me!

And if you're using terms like "true metal", geez, then I consider you too silly for taking a single genre in music way too serious, just saying. :p

01-11-2009, 11:06 AM
Has anyone given "Godspeed on the Devils Thunder" a Chance?

It is probably Cradle's best/heaviest album in recent years. It is quite an interesting album telling the story of the legendary 15th Century murderer Gilles De Rais, a French nobleman who fought alongside Joan of Arc and accumulated great wealth before becoming a satanist, sexual deviant and serial killer.

I definitely recommend people who like, have liked Cradle to give it a listen.

My favourite track is "Shat out of Hell"

02-03-2009, 04:50 PM
Not into CoF.

more along the lines of Libido Airbag, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Godflesh, Halo, Dead World, disembowelment. Things I don't hear 90000000 other bands doing.

But nothing beats Swans' 'cop' album.

Remy LeBeau
10-02-2010, 05:08 PM
Definition of true metal fan: One who listens to metal and appreciates it for his sake and not that of the mainstream. It's not as in depth as you make it sound.

10-02-2010, 08:11 PM
Definition of true metal fan: One who listens to metal and appreciates it for his sake and not that of the mainstream. It's not as in depth as you make it sound.
-_- that meaning goes for all types of music. not only metal.

i used to be a fan of cradle when i was in high school.
they may not be as good as they used to be but that doesnt mean theyre not heavy.

they introduced me to black metal and for that i tip my hat to them.

but right now the albums i bought from them are collecting dust. i dont think i can ever go back.

the thing they had going for them, was how different they were

10-18-2010, 04:57 AM

11-01-2010, 09:46 PM
"Heavy" is a misleading term, and I think it applies best to stoner rock/metal.

I mean, I listen to black metal all the time, but none of it's as "heavy" as this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU4L6THYAbM).