12-06-2004, 09:27 PM
I'm new, so I'm sorry if this has been discussed. One thing I don't get in FFX is, if Jecht was warped into Spira and learned the Hymn of the Fayth there, when could Tidus have heard him sing it when Jecht supposedly never returned? I hope this makes sense.

The Sage
12-07-2004, 07:34 PM
Jecht was in Zanarkand. Zanarkand is in the dreams of the Fayth. The Fayth sign the hymn. So the dreams of the people who sing the damned hymn are bound to know the hymn.

12-07-2004, 09:17 PM
Makes sense

12-08-2004, 06:13 PM
I still don't understand it.

12-08-2004, 09:01 PM
What's not to understand? The Hymn is a connection between Spira and Zanarkand. Zanarkand is in Spira but the one Tidus lived in was a dream of the Fayth, and the Fayth sang the Hymn, so the people who were in the dream heard it.

EDIT- I thought of a question. If Jecht got to Spira and turned into Sin, would that mean the Sin before him would have carried him to Spira?

The Sage
12-09-2004, 09:33 PM
Could have been the Sin before Jecht being Sin, but that's not mentioned so it could have been any old way.

12-09-2004, 09:38 PM
That's another thing - how does Jecht get carried to Zanarkand by going out to sea?

The Sage
12-09-2004, 09:58 PM
Like I said it's not explained. FFS dreams are walking about like regular people. A dead guy is gardian to Yuna. There are big floating, spherical swimming pools. It doesn't make a lot of sense and it doesn't have to. IT'S JUST A FUCKING GAME

lone wolf
12-10-2004, 02:59 PM
lmao, i love it, and yes, this all has been fought over before to answer your question. personaly, i thought it would have been cool for them to either go more in-depth with Jecht's story, just to give us a window into his world. plus, it's easy, obviously jecht was attacked out at sea by sin and was warped to Zanarkand

Lone wolf

12-11-2004, 12:31 AM
I was thinking that, since he was a dream, the fayth willed him to come into their world, knowing the fate that would lie ahead. Maybe they just did the math on what would ultimately defeat sin: if Jecht=sin, then sin would=weak spot for Tidus, then Tidus=duke it out with dad. I just assumed this was the case.

12-14-2004, 05:27 PM
Jecht was in Zanarkand. Zanarkand is in the dreams of the Fayth. The Fayth sign the hymn. So the dreams of the people who sing the damned hymn are bound to know the hymn.

That's probably the best way to explain it.

12-14-2004, 05:41 PM
This is more confusing than the Who stays online..... thread....

The Sage
12-14-2004, 06:07 PM
This is more confusing than the Who stays online..... thread....
You have dreams, right? You know when you close your eyes and lay still for a few hours then your imagination runs away with you and it's as if you're in the real world but it's all weird?

Now that we've established what a dream is, lets move on to the next stage. Those people who are in your dream know exactly what you know because you can't know somthing that you don't already know, with me? and they know exactly what you define as what they should know because you control your dreams, right?

So the fayth's dreams know what they know, and they know the hymn. Jecht was/is (depends where you are in the story) a dream of the fayth. Happy now????

12-14-2004, 07:41 PM
Yes, but how do we know that what we percieve as the real world is real....? what if dreams are the real world....?

The Sage
12-15-2004, 11:21 AM
Tell me, would you consider that a crazy person's world is real??

If your answer is no you live in the real world and you realise that things that are "real" are made out of atoms, and they have a free will of their own when they are in some way animal.

If your answer is yes then you're crazy yourself. You would only define things in terms of the pretentious "The Matrix" style of thinking in which the world has somthing else there and you can't quite see it unless you're one of those people that can get the attention of those on the outside.