06-07-2015, 11:14 AM

The other day I was thinking on how it would be if Marvel decided to make a game based on the MCU..
I got the idea while watching this clip:

"GTA 4: Iron Man VS Hulk! - (Funny Moments w/ Mods) "

Now, the MCU is big (and is going to get bigger as they progress and releases the other movies), so how would you like the game to be?
An RPG? A GTA-ish game? Like The Witcher or Rocksteady's Batman?

Me, I would like a game in the RPG/GTA-mixed genre, but again, it has to be with large areas, and I can't imagine that a game like that would get made in the near future; perhaps in 20 years tops? It would have a lot of depth, not with superficial civilians repeating lines and walking randomly. And the possibilities to meet other characters from MCU has to be in place, like helping out Cap as Black Widow or Hulk. Like, one mission takes place in Paris where Cap is fighting Hydra foes, and the Hulk is in Argentina. Obviously, he would have to use one of the flying vehicles from S.H.I.E.L.D., but in the meantime he watches on screen (in the vehicle) how things go down in Paris, like building tension while he is flying to Paris. And when he gets there, a momentum has been build and is released when he wreaks havoc. (Cue "It Begins" from AoU soundtrack) You could have a few missions where all the Avengers meet up to destroy a great foe (Cue "Avengers Unite" from AoU) where you really get your hands dirty (but with great companions) and need to co-ordinate attacks with other Avengers to beat the enemy. Otherwise, you lose. Just like in the Avengers movie, there has to be co-operations between the users to fight evil.

For this to take place as an RPG, you could have one session where it is only allowed to pick one character in the session, so that you don't end up with 10 Hulks at the same time. It would be like a book unfolding for only a limited amount of users. One session for maximum 50 characters. That way, you could play with friends or with strangers (who could be your future friend-or-foe).

When you pick a character, then you start at the beginning of the story for the character; For Cap, you would start in the 40s just before you end up in the lab, where you eventually become Cap. Then you would go through military training, WW2, get frozen, and end up in the 20th century. Basically, you follow the storyline of the MCU. (with added storylines from the comics)

But if you're playing a character from, say, the Guardians, you could focuse on epic or small space adventures and exploring other realms "out there". I don't know how GotG 2 is going to be, but if they were to end up on Earth, maybe slip it in the game too?

How about you, guys? Any ideas? :)