06-06-2015, 03:08 PM
soooo, what is preference on buying music?

mine is retail cd, qobuz, itunes, because i like good quality

06-06-2015, 04:19 PM
I ended up picking Qobuz and likes because I buy a lot of stuff off Bandcamp which offer flac DLs, but it's mostly for non score/OST music. For the rest it's either retail or amazon.

although adding a "second hand stores/charity shop/garage sale" option would have made my day, because I buy tons of CDs that way.

06-06-2015, 04:34 PM
If it's an artist I support, I will buy the physical release. Vinyl comes first. If there's a vinyl release, I'll buy that. If not then maybe I'll buy the CD. If it's Zimmer, I always buy. With the exception of SH2. Not after I bought OST. What a waste of money that was. If there's a single or only one song I want, I'll go the iTunes route. And if money is tight or I'm hesitant about dropping any $ on a brand new artist, I'll just torrent. Guilty as charged. Last thing I bought was INTS on vinyl. I don't own the CD since I was holding out for the vinyl release.

06-06-2015, 04:37 PM
although adding a "second hand stores/charity shop/garage sale" option would have made my day, because I buy tons of CDs that way.

that would also be retail cds :)

06-06-2015, 04:53 PM
Buy? You mean an exchange of monies for musical products? On this forum? You jest.

Seriously, though, my latest purchases were two LPs from Mondo: Mad Max: Fury Road and Hannibal. Love the music and I'm a sucker for good album art.

06-06-2015, 06:20 PM
Seriously, though, my latest purchases were two LPs from Mondo: Mad Max: Fury Road and Hannibal.

I bought the Fury Road vinyl as well. Which one did you buy? I went the colored rought. I've become jaded by Black vinyl. It's so standard now. It's boring. No excitement anymore. That's also the last vinyl I bought, as well as Joan Jett & The Blackhearts' I Love Rock 'N' Roll 33⅓ Anniversary Remastered Edition.

No more music purchases for me though, saving for a trip in July/August. It's hard resisting temptation - especially for vinyl, but I'm putting my foot down.

06-06-2015, 08:08 PM
Bought the silver and white version.

06-09-2015, 09:29 AM
whats this buy you speak of?

but seriously, back when i bought music cds, i did so at a local anime shop. sometimes i was lucky and flea markets would have music cds from series/movies i liked.
thats how i bought the mask of zorro and air force one's OSTS

06-09-2015, 10:50 AM
Very seldom Loudr or Steam, 99% of the Time Bandcamp. They offer a great selection of different Formats(despite me really only needing Flac ^^),
also you can often find great free Music browsing the site. Nothing like discovering an Indie Gem filled with awesome Music.

I absolutely respect People with huge Physical Collections, it takes dedication and is to be admired, but it's not for me,
i am a clumsy mess when it comes to taking care of CDs/DVDs/Blu-Rays etc, so i am quite thankful for Steam/Bandcamp.

Also there is the Music i could never afford or have flat out never heard from, i am guilty to the crime of grabbing Music when i like the Cover ^^

And for that, the shrine is there for me, and i will forever be grateful for that. xoxo lololol