06-06-2015, 12:45 AM
This post has 52 of an awesomest (best) facts below:

SNES stands for Super Nintendo Entertainment System

All in this post about alphabet stuff is referring to The American Alphabet.

NES stands for Nintendo Entertainment System

Z does not come before X in the alphabet.

SMF stands for Super Mario Flash

Going faster than the speed of light is possible for all of space itself.

Owls can see the color blue.

Orange peels have the most vitamin c of an orange.

Going faster than the speed of light is possible for any of space itself.

Left has all the same letters as in the word felt.

East has all the same letters as in the word seat.

In Breath of Fire for SNES Gobi can be a merchant in some places when He is in front.

There are humans out there with such an excellent memory that they can say character for character what
an entire SMF 2 level editor level code is and be completely correct without at all looking at the code while saying it
character for character.

It is actually possible to beat a level editor SMF level without looking at the screen.

Air is spelled in alphabetical order.

Saturn will float in a big enough bathtub filled with water.

Know is spelled in alphabetical order.

I is the only letter in the alphabet that comes after H but before J.

In one second there are a billion billion billion billion billion plancktimes.

It is actually possible to beat a level in a Legend of Zelda quest made with Zelda Classic 2.5
without looking at the screen for the entire level.

Being moved faster than the speed of light is possible for any of space itself.

L is the twelfth letter of the alphabet.

Each human being has star material from space.

Knowledge is a nine letter word.

K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet.

Owls can see the color blue.

If you printed every single article from both eHow and also wikiHow once and stapled all of them end to end and layed them all flat, altogether they would
be more than 11 miles long.

Y is the only letter in the alphabet that comes after X but before Z.

Heat Man does speak in the original Mega Man cartoon series episode Bro Bots.

Being moved faster than the speed of light is possible for all of space itself.

I is the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Next rhymes with text.

Gills is spelled in alphabetical order.

Duck Duck Goose is a popular game people play.

I Fira777 can safely consume by itself spicy hot stuff that is in the millions of scoville units spicy hot.

Ice Man is in the intro of every original Mega Man series cartoon episode.

A is the first letter of the alphabet.

Of is spelled reverse alphabetically.

Lamp has all the same letters as in the word palm.

Final Fantasy III for SNES has been beaten in less than 37 altogether of time play before.

If you spell the word quiz as quyz instead of quiz then quyz will be spelled alphabetically.

It is possible to defeat Golem in Dragon Warrior for NES without using The Fairy's Flute.

Yummy means that which tastes good.

All is spelled in alphabetical order.

Host is spelled in alphabetical order.

Off is spelled in reverse alphabetical order.

On is spelled in reverse alphabetical order.

Napalm Man is the only Mega Man 5 for NES robot master to appear in the original Mega Man cartoon series episodes who does not talk at all.

Napalm Man appears in the intro of every single original Mega Man cartoon series episode.

Contrary to popular belief dreamt is not the only word that ends in mt, undreamt also ends in mt.

Counting in numeric order starting at 1 and ending at one trillion would take more time than it would take for me to walk non stop from the earth to the sun and when at the sun non stop walk back until at earth.

Wave Man speaks one time in the original Mega Man cartoon series episode 20,000 leaks under the sea
which is shortly after 12 minutes in the episode.

06-06-2015, 12:52 AM
Racecar is a palindrome. Spelled the same forwards and backwards.

Gentleman Ghost
06-19-2015, 02:37 AM
Giraffes sleep for less than 2 hours a day.

Dolphins have no brains.

06-19-2015, 09:04 PM
girls have a penis.
boys have a vagina.


06-20-2015, 06:52 AM
ROKUSHO secretly likes to put things in his butt.

I know everyone reading this will think I'm just saying it in an effort to piss him off, but I'm dead serious. Back before he decided he doesn't like me because I'm a lesbian we had a lot of really honest talks via PM, and I can absolutely, 100% guarantee this is true.

06-20-2015, 07:04 AM
Going faster than the speed of light is possible for all of space itself.

I feel like this could be reworded a little better

06-20-2015, 11:05 AM
headphonesgirl is not an unnatural.
she takes it in the vag with a man like any normal productive non-lineage-dooming/kindergarden-biology-abidding woman does.

shes also super into BDSM. her master forbade her to see other men so she says shes an unnatural so they wont bother her.
but the very same PMs we exchanged, revealed this truth. despite my real life nickname of keeper of secrets, if a secret is revealed regarding me, i give out a secret about that person. the law of equivalent exchange that i live by to the T demanded it.

i, the very definition of a godly gentleman that i aM, have no interest in her outside of acknowledging her beauty.
and tell him to use a chain whip next time, for maximum painful pleasure.

now if youll excuse me, its 3 15 AM and ive been payed to suicide a horrible person. fortunately he lives near the dam so this will be cake.

Gentleman Ghost
06-23-2015, 11:24 AM
TK made me come one time just by quoting me. Nobody believed it.

Had a crush on Mandi and Kat and then one of them growled me in chat like it was my mum telling me off wtf :-(

Had a crush on Sarah and then (holyshitwhatthefuckwhoahwhoahnonono) I didn't.

Still don't know if Neg is that guy from College Humor. (?)

Gara and Ebichu's funhouse can STILL be found wtf :D

Still don't know if Ebichu is Billy Zane. (?)


07-12-2015, 08:31 PM
TK made me come one time just by quoting me. Nobody believed it.

I... wait, what o_o....;;;;;;

07-13-2015, 09:33 AM
What the hell has this thread devolved into?

07-13-2015, 04:02 PM
What the hell has this thread devolved into?

I don't know, but I need some place to speculate on what will happen the day Miyamoto dies and ROKUSHO finds out about it, and people don't want me to use the Iwata thread.

The way I picture it, when he hears the news, he'll be in the middle of masturbating to some 3D renders he made for ten bucks of some ambiguously aged anime girls being molested by alien demon gorillas, and he'll start crying intensely almost instantaneously. I'm talking Sailor Moon level jetstreams of hot tears. But he won't stop masturbating, because he'll be so far into it he won't want to waste it. Then he'll also start throwing up. Tears and vomit will cascade down his shirt and over his enormous boner and onto his floor, intermingling in a torrential waterfall of pure sorrow. The floor will get slippery and his rolling office chair will keel over as he violently ejaculates, intensifying his wailing, and jizz will shoot into the air like a whale spout, splattering everywhere and mixing with the tears and vomit as he roles around in a hellish lake of his own bodily fluids.

But that's just how I imagine it.

07-13-2015, 04:17 PM
Well the mod closed my first thread for doing it. Then everyone complained about my second one. So now I used this one that was always silly from the start and now you're mad at me. I've got to post about ROKUSHO somewhere.

07-13-2015, 04:28 PM
Honey is neither bee poop or bee vomit.

Give it up for the bees.

P.S. Bumblebees are aerodynamically sound, in other words there is nothing in their form that prevents flight. (So much for the "Bumblebees can't fly" screed.) They are less aggressive than the European honeybees, don't produce much honey, don't lose their stinger and are excellent pollinators.

07-13-2015, 05:25 PM
Wait, was HeadphonesGirl harassed Rokusho in this thread? I missed it.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2015, 05:42 PM
The reason that thread and others closed is because of all the disgusting comments posted which is not sutible. Just grow up!

07-13-2015, 06:00 PM
god damn this forum is dead. :/

---------- Post added at 11:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

I hope Gentleman Ghost comes back in this thread, I want to hear more about this orgasm I initiated.

James (The Disney Guy)
07-13-2015, 06:04 PM
It is not nice at all people should not have to read it at all!

07-13-2015, 06:07 PM
Don't let me? Whoa there Mr. Balto Avatar, you're not the boss of me. However I think it's pretty rude to accuse me of shitposting, my posts about ROKUSHO are pretty high quality, and the most interesting discussion going on right now. I get not wanting to see them in the Iwata thread, that's legit, but nobody was doing anything with this thread anyway! I revived it yesterday after almost a month of inactivity, and it was useless in the first place.

Back in my day we used to copy/paste entire articles from wikipedia, not just brief facts, but we only did it to derail threads when someone was being a douchebag.

It's like I'm on a forum full of grandpas who want to tell me to go do my fucking math homework or something.

---------- Post added at 11:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 AM ----------

It is not nice at all people should not have to read it at all!

Your fragile psyche can be protected by means of the ignore button if it's really necessary.

07-13-2015, 06:13 PM
Why is this ending? Why is this ending? I wanted to know what happens after the strikingly muscular pizza delivery boy arrives.

07-13-2015, 06:14 PM
Also it's really funny how you guys keep posting off topic in that thread about me, and then being like "sorry darth revan." If it's really that important to you you'd think you'd just avoid it so the off topic discussion would die. I was done with it until Jessie came in to give me a good ol' talkin to and slap my hand with his ruler.

07-13-2015, 06:26 PM
I miss lots of fun things here.

07-13-2015, 06:34 PM
I correct you, it's a Lady and the Tramp - Bella Notte avatar, and you could have called me out by my username.

My bad, I just remember it was the one that had Cruella Deville in it.

I'm not the boss of you and I'm not telling you what to do - but my opinion on what you're doing. It's okay, I really like anything that goes against that asshole that is ROKUSHO, I didn't mind your posts, it's just when it's EVERY WHERE in EVERY POST out of nowhere disturbing posts just for the sake of attacking it's tiring, and annoying and disrespectful. You really could do that shit privately or anywhere else, if you really have fun messing with him, go ahead.

Also, Jessie did the god damn right thing. I don't know why'd you act against it. The thread was useless now, you just wanted it on so you could keep going with your shitposting.

Well here is the thing man. Aside from some older posts in places that weren't active any more, it was all in the gay marriage thread. However that thread was determined to be some kind of code red terrorist threat to the forums apparently because of a hilarious back and forth occurring within it. I think Jessie believes that "flame wars" involve actual fire and he was scared it would burn the forum down or something.

So the only reason why I started posting outside of that thread was because I wasn't done yet and I was no longer allowed to make fun of ROKUSHO in the discussion where it was actually relevant, but for no actual reason. Jessie apparently didn't have "time" to write the reason he closed the thread. But when he wrote the reason just now it was like two sentences long. How long did it take him to do that, anyway? Jessie, I have some software you might want to check out that could help you save a lot of time in life:

I mean, would you really say it was the right thing to do? Like, it was an issue of morals, or ethics? Personally I prefer the term ethics, but that is because I am admittedly something of a teleologist and a bit of a fanboy of Alasdair Macintyre's After Virtue.

In After Virtue, MacIntyre makes the case that the concept of morality we use as a standard today was a contrivance of the enlightenment era philosophers who were attempting to interpret ancient ethical philosophy for their time without a complete or accurate understanding of what it had actually meant.

In ancient Aristotelian ethics, the Greek word normally translated into "virtue" in modern English is arete, which actually had a meaning closer to "excellence." It could apply to any part of life, such as a craft or an art. To the ancient Greek and later Roman philosophers, "arete" in ethics was no different from "arete" in a craft like ship building or smithing.

By contrast, the enlightenment philosophers, in their frenzy to apply the new scientism to virtually all areas of life, came up with an interpretation of ethics as "morality," in which there had to be some kind of code out there which you could objectively discover and gave you rules and principles to follow. If you successfully uncovered the code and followed its rules, you were "moral," but if you didn't, you were "immoral." So you see what was once a careful study of how to best develop oneself into the most effective and excellent human being possible was slowly transformed into a quest to find the best set of rules to which you could subject those around you.

07-13-2015, 06:43 PM
I.. I'm not even gonna bother replying, you're really at the moment no better than ROKUSHO, you just don't really offend intentionally.

It was the Balto remark, right? Is that what did it? I just get it mixed up sometimes because I only saw Oliver & Company once as a kid.

07-13-2015, 06:45 PM
:facepalm: Get a ban and get the fuck out of this forum.

No. This is the most fun I've had on this forum since like 2012 at least.

07-13-2015, 06:46 PM
Oh cool I totally missed that thread turning into stick figure porn last night. Neat. But I thought only FF discussion threads get closed here. :???:

Back on topic: I have five cats.

07-13-2015, 06:48 PM
Oh cool I totally missed that thread turning into stick figure porn last night. Neat. But I thought only FF discussion threads get closed here. :????


I mean jesus, I leave for like two and a half years or whatever, and when I come back people close threads for -- get this -- "flame wars."

07-13-2015, 06:48 PM
Ponyo, you're not very good with handling shitposters, are you?

07-13-2015, 06:56 PM
Based on the "what's going around in your head" thread you guys don't seem to need me to get some good old fashioned bickering going on.

By the way, that thread's a prime example of the kind of triple A quality thread that gets made around here and which should definitely be kept safe in its original pristine form from anything that might be considered entertaining. I was thinking about ROKUSHOposting in it, but I didn't want Mr. Gold to post any more spoilered suicide gifs.

07-13-2015, 07:16 PM
Iron is the most stable of all elements. It is also the final element produced before a supermassive star goes supernova. That explosion creates the heavier elements such as uranium and plutonium.

All the matter and energy - including dark matter and energy - that is, was and will be was created by the Big Bang.

We are made of the stuff of stars . . .

Or, looked at another way, we are made of the waste materials of stellar explosions.

Glass half full or half empty . . .

07-13-2015, 07:18 PM
Glass is highly nutritional.

07-17-2015, 12:04 AM
Cheetahs are highly docile. Basically giant housecats with turbo boosters for legs.