06-01-2015, 11:42 PM
MJSA-01158~9 | TV ANIMATION Tokyo Ghoul Original Soundtrack - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/50263)

Title: TV ANIMATION Tokyo Ghoul Original Soundtrack
Type OST: Anime Soundtrack
Composers: Yutaka Yamada, TK, People In The Box, 高橋國光, Hiromu Akita
No. of tracks: 53
Format: MP3 and ALAC
Bitrate: 320kbs and Loseless
Release Date: Mar 25, 2015
Size: MP3 421mb/ ALAC 896mb
Host: Mega/MP3 Mega/ALAC


Disc 1

01 TG Symphony
02 The First Chapter
03 in the dark
04 thunderclap
05 Transplantation
06 Pigeon
07 Symptom
08 Centipede
09 Detective
10 Disorder
11 Blindfold
12 Grey
13 Butterfly
14 Reverberation
15 Moon
16 Distorted World
17 Creator
18 Rainbow
19 Bunny
20 Dance
21 War
22 With
23 Fledgling
24 Resurrection
25 Light and Shadow
26 The Second Chapter

Disc 2

02 Dawn
03 Sorrow
05 Plan A
06 Area
07 Scapegote
10 Wanderers
13 Mistake
14 Plan B
15 Orphan
16 Father
17 Gone
18 Alone
19 Dusk
20 Faded Light
21 With
22 Colour My World
24 unravel (TV edit)
25 The Saints (TV edit)
26 Munou (TV edit)
27 Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku (TV edit)

320kbs MP3

ALAC (Loseless)

Personal rip. Scans included as always. First disc was english translated by Liquidacid. As you can see the OP/ED's are there as well. They were only included with the physical release. The version that was shared across the web was from amazon mp3 which sadly didn't include them for some reason.

Also I know I'm super late on uploading this but honestly after listening to this soundtrack in it's entirety I felt it would be a crime for me not to own it. This is just my personal opinion but it's managed to be potentially my favorite OST of this year. That also has to do with the fact I love the show to pieces but I seriously could listen to it every day and not get sick of it. There are some stinkers for sure (looking at you "Orphan") but the journey it's take you on is surely worth it. From the chilling albeit John Williams sounding Symphony theme, the absolutely lovely vocal songs, and blood pumping battle themes (that sound like they belong in a batman trailer) this is one treat I don't see myself forgetting. I really hope Yutaka gets another project of this scale soon. He's one artist I think has some real potential to become something big in the future. http://i455.photobucket.com/albums/qq271/leatherhead93/kucing_wow_zps2f32351e.gif (http://s455.photobucket.com/user/leatherhead93/media/kucing_wow_zps2f32351e.gif.html).

06-02-2015, 10:56 AM
Thank you LeatherHead333 :)

06-02-2015, 12:34 PM
Thanks :D

La Grenouille
06-02-2015, 04:22 PM
A BIG thank you for this share !!!
I a great fan of the manga !!!

06-03-2015, 05:15 AM
Thank you!

06-03-2015, 06:59 PM

06-03-2015, 08:30 PM

06-05-2015, 07:19 PM
Also I know I'm super late on uploading this but honestly after listening to this soundtrack in it's entirety I felt it would be a crime for me not to own it. This is just my personal opinion but it's managed to be potentially my favorite OST of this year. That also has to do with the fact I love the show to pieces but I seriously could listen to it every day and not get sick of it. There are some stinkers for sure (looking at you "Orphan") but the journey it's take you on is surely worth it. From the chilling albeit John Williams sounding Symphony theme, the absolutely lovely vocal songs, and blood pumping battle themes (that sound like they belong in a batman trailer) this is one treat I don't see myself forgetting. I really hope Yutaka gets another project of this scale soon. He's one artist I think has some real potential to become something big in the future.

I kind of compare the TG Symphony track to James Horner more than John Williams. I hear quite a bit of James Horner's theme for The Amazing Spider-Man in TG Symphony. There no plagiarism, just a similar style.

Yutaka basically out-Sawanoed Hiroyuki Sawano with this OST. It'll be interesting to see where Yutaka's career goes from here. Tokyo Ghoul's OST is the closest anime has come to completely pulling off the Hollywood sound. That being said, the 2nd disc has quite a few clunkers (not just Orphan), and I am not an enamored with the vocal tracks as you are. XD Plan A and Plan B did not need the screamo parts, thank you very much.

06-05-2015, 09:56 PM
I didn't mean for it come off that way. I don't mind it when a composer has a clear inspiration form a certain source. That's fine by me. I think Yutaka incorporated enough of his own style in the Symphony part for it to stand on it's own. As for who the influence came from I always though it had a Harry Potter feel too it. Especially the whimsical part at 4:13. That's just what came to mind first for me.

It's true the second disc was the least satisfying of the two discs but yeah my bias for the vocal songs just let me block it out xP.

One thing that I already love about Yutaka is that he actually got singers who are fluent in the language they are singing. There are so many times where I'll be listening to a typical Sawano vocal song wondering what kind of gibberish I'm listening to only to notice that it's supposed to be in english. No disrespect to his singers as they do have beautiful voices I just wish they weren't forced to sing in German/English all the time when it's clear they aren't comfortable doing either. Glassy Sky is probably my favorite vocal song of all time just because of that. It's a real guilty pleasure that I think lyrically and structurally is perfect. One half of my bias comes from the fact I think it fits the series so well too.

08-15-2015, 12:39 PM
Thanks a bunch! I love this soundtrack! :)

12-22-2015, 05:43 PM
1000 - 7 ?

Thanks for sharing .

07-25-2016, 02:44 AM
Revisiting this, there seems to be clipping on the beginning of some of the tracks (mainly on the second disc). Does anyone know if the soundtrack was released that way?

07-25-2016, 03:35 PM
It wasn't, that's just how my CD ended up unfortunately. Better to download the version on hikariost.

07-25-2016, 08:59 PM
The strange thing is that I didn't notice any clipping until I heard On My Own in the anime. Either way...

Chaika, kanshan!

12-15-2016, 09:51 PM
thank you

08-14-2017, 11:15 PM
Don Davis Tokyo Ghoul album please uploads !

11-09-2018, 05:01 PM
I know I'm late to the party, but just wanted to say thank you for uploading this! I love Unravel song! :D

Monster Trucker 2.0
04-22-2019, 12:22 AM
Million Thanks